Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 21 Look what you said!

"Are you going to use it?" With that, Lu Ziye returned the injection to Xia You.

According to what Ran Ge said before, armored knights are not popular, so Xia You's use of this injection is naturally a bit redundant.

Because Xia You himself is a new second-category Amazon, I don’t know if he is a biological knight.

If you really want to use it, unless you can get the explosive Faiz, the strength may not be as strong as the original Sigma.

"It shouldn't be useful. I don't want to be a strange hybrid species." After receiving the injection, Xia You put it directly into his trouser bag.

Lu Ziye nodded in agreement with Xia You's words.

But as he clicked on the virtual screen, the Nebula Gas Injection fell into his hands.

"Your injection looks different from mine.?" Xia You curiously looked at the injection in Lu Ziye's hand.

"Well, it's an injection of nebula gas." Lu Ziye said it directly without hiding anything.

Looking at the injection in his hand, to be honest, he was a little hesitant.

Nebula Gas Injection can bring many benefits, and the improvement of physical fitness is very tempting to him.

But the risks that come with it are the only thing you need to hesitate about

Needless to say, once you lose control and become a slugger, there is no need to say much about the consequences of losing control and becoming a slugger when there is no empty space to fill the bottle.

Maybe Xia You won't take action against him, but this is the realm of knights, and other players will definitely treat him as an elite monster!

"We can only wait until we get back." Lu Ziye, muttering, could only put away the injection.

After returning home, go to Tan Li Dou's place to see if there are any available props. It's not too late to make preparations before using them.


Suddenly, the door of the central garrison was pushed open so hard that it made a huge noise.

Several figures filed into the room, their expressions all gloomy.

Not only that, the clothes on several of them were in tatters, and even their faces were stained. The word "embarrassing" is very appropriate to describe their appearance.

"Suwon!" Zhi Zhi shouted softly, stepped forward, raised his fist, and swung it out.

Suwon didn't even react before he was punched in the face and fell to the ground.

"It's all because you made the decision without permission, causing our companions to sacrifice in vain!" Zhi Zhi's voice was full of anger.

As soon as he said this, Lu Ziye looked up at the crowd. Counting Suiyuan and Caojiaya, there were only seven people back.

There are three players on their side who have not returned. The person mentioned on TV as dead just now did not become Aoife Enoch.

"With three less players, the situation is not good for us."

Not paying attention to the quarrel, Lu Ziye fell into deep thought.

The three players who are not here must be dead, and the one who has the ability to keep the three players is most likely from the other player camp.

Otherwise, the Intellectual Brain Group used that Orpheus Enoch in advance.


Suddenly there was the sound of tearing the packaging, instantly stopping the quarrel in the room.

Everyone looked towards the place where the sound came from, but the initiator, Cao Jiaren, had no intention of stopping and even pulled the ring of the can in front of everyone.

"Hey, why do you touch our food so arbitrarily?!"

"You usually eat a lot, what do you mean now!"

"I obviously didn't bring any food back, but I still ate a lot."

"One can is enough food for us for several days!"

Cao Jiaren's unobtrusive behavior immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of many people.

"Shut up! The work I have done before is equivalent to that of several of you, including dealing with Aoife Enoch!"

Cao Jiaren, who was already unhappy, had a fierce look in his eyes at this moment.

The loss of the sidecar slammer caused him to waste a lot of time fighting, and in the end he lost the battle because of it, and was already on the verge of anger.

In the corner, Lu Ziye and Xia You were both holding back their smiles.

They clearly saw what the Caojiaya people were doing, and the way they looked so deflated now was so laughable.

"So, what's wrong with me eating more?"

Cao Gaya asked again and looked around everyone.

When his eyes glanced at Xia You, Xia You suddenly stood up.

"Why is there no problem!"

"Look at what you said. I don't know how much you have done. You have this injury on your face. If you ate the food you brought back, I would have no problem with it, but you didn't bring anything back this time. Well, is it difficult to control the amount you eat?”

Xia You didn't save any face for the Caojiaya people.

And on the way, Lu Ziye taught him a lot about the 'glorious deeds' of the Caojiaya people.

For example, Xia You had no good impression of this person due to his deeds such as killing his companions and raping girls.

"That's right! I haven't seen you helping us improve our lives!"

"He kept talking about dealing with Aoife Enoch, but in the end we almost ran out of food."

"At least bring some food back."

With Xia You taking the lead, several people stood up to express their opposition.

Amidst these murmurs, Caojiaya looked deeply at Xia You and left the central station with a gloomy face.

It wasn't until Caojiaya left completely that everyone stopped talking.

"Okay you." Lu Ziye couldn't help but give Xia You a thumbs up.

"That's right, I won't spoil him!" Xia You smiled, a little proud.

The episode came to an end, and the resistance forces such as Truth also dispersed, and no other players remained.

At this time, the virtual screen jumped out again and appeared in front of the players.

[The first phase of task rating has been fully completed, and the second phase of tasks is now announced]

[Second stage mission: Resist the invasion of Aoife Enoch, kill an invading Aoife Enoch and obtain one point. In the end, points will be used to grade the second stage mission]

【Wish you a happy game】

"Do you have any ideas?" Xia You asked immediately after reading the message.

"You're just treating this as a trick for me," Lu Ziye responded angrily.

Having said that, his mind was already starting to come alive.

On the other side, in the Intelligent Brain Group.

"The players in the human camp are a little stronger than I expected, but it's not a big deal."

The person who spoke crossed his legs and sat on the sofa very leisurely.

Opposite him, there was a small cart with various instruments on it. The instruments were connected to a jar of blue liquid, and a human head was soaked in the liquid.

This head is none other than the current president of the Intelligent Brain Group, the one who took away the Delta Drive.

"I hope we can have a happy cooperation." Murakami Kyoko said with a slight smile.

"Don't worry, your goal will be achieved soon. However, don't let your people continue to monitor you."

After saying this, the people on the sofa clapped their hands.


With a crisp cracking sound, the glass door was smashed by a gray figure, and then fell in front of Murakami Kia'er's cart.

Then, the broken glass door was violently pushed open again, and a blue monster walked in. The shadow of the burly body directly enveloped Murakami Kia'er, and in front of him, he lifted the fallen Aoife Enoch with one hand.

"He is just a temporary worker who went astray and has nothing to do with us." Murakami Gaya opened her mouth without intending to admit any problem.

"Then it's best. Let's go." The person sitting on the sofa got up and left.

The blue weirdo snorted coldly, waved his hand and threw Ao Fei Enoch out.

"Beast! (Beast)"

As the sound effect sounded, the blue weirdo disappeared and was replaced by a burly man.

And in his hand, there was a dark red Gaia memory.

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