Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 192 The Killbus Slammer is coming!

At an ever-increasing speed, Lu Ziye and his party soon arrived at the Dongdu Government.

When they got off the bus, they saw a group of people greeting them at the door.

The leader, the Prime Minister's Assistant, Lu Ziye, had never seen it or even had any impression of it, which made him a little strange.

But Kiryu Zhantu directly greeted him, shook hands with him and started talking.

The power of power in Lu Ziye's eyes was activated, and he began to check the information of the Prime Minister's Assistant.

[Bai Yulin, male, 28 years old, player]

[Grade judgment: C+ grade]

[Knight System: Sabaki (Cutting Ghost) - Hibiki (Sounding Ghost) System]

[Players who have cleared Knight’s Realm twenty-three times, tested Knight’s Realm three times, and challenged Knight’s Realm once. Through the solid accumulation of strength step by step, I firmly believe that I can survive in this game]

[Item held: Henshin Kigen (Transformation Ghost String) - It is similar to the transformation ghost string used by Todoroki Demon Slayer, but the colors of the strings are different. The clear sound is stimulated by the strings to transform]

【Ongekibou Shakubyoushi (sound stick·wat beat)】

【Ryoku Oozaru (Green Great Ape).】

【Kihada Gani (Yellow Barberry Crab).】

The moment the information was displayed, Lu Ziye immediately understood that the one hundred or so players must have been placed in various positions by the officials. It is no wonder that he had no impression of the Prime Minister's Assistant.

In addition, he noticed that the opponent's level judgment was only C+ level, which was somewhat insufficient in the realm of A+ level knights.

"Please come with me, I will take you to Prime Minister Himuro."

Then under Bai Yulin's guidance, they all walked towards the Dongdu Government.

Soon, they came to the office where Tarzan Himuro was, and Kiryu Zhantu walked towards the other party to negotiate with him.

Lu Ziye took this opportunity to get close to Bai Yulin, hoping to get some information from him.

But before Lu Ziye was completely close, Bai Yulin noticed him and whispered first, "Lu Ziye, right? I know you. Just say whatever you want to ask and I will assist you."

Hearing this, Lu Ziye couldn't help but be startled. He hadn't encountered such a friendly player in a long time, and he couldn't help but feel a little touched.

"You are the first player I met, but according to the information, there are 135 players. Where are they?" Lu Ziye asked his doubts.

As he said, with so many players participating in this Knight's Realm, they are bound to be involved in the plot. How can it be so rare?

"Most of the players are actually not very strong. They were forced to participate." As he said that, Bai Yulin glanced at Lu Ziye with a bit of resentment, and then continued: "Of course they will not be involved in the plot anymore, so All we can do is hide and wait for the outcome of being eliminated. If you are lucky, even if you are the top combatants, they will be able to escape with you."

After saying this, a bitter smile appeared at the corner of Bai Yulin's mouth. He was also among the players who were hiding in his mouth, but the identity given by the game forced him to stand here.

"Sorry. I will try my best to pass the knight's realm this time." After learning the reason, Lu Ziye said in a low voice.

He was the reason why other players were forced to participate. As the initiator, he was naturally responsible.

"Is there anything else you want to ask?" Bai Yulin exhaled softly and adjusted his mood.

"Killbus has arrived, and there is a high probability that he will attack here, you."


Before Lu Ziye could finish his words, an extremely violent explosion sounded from above, and the entire Dongdu Government Building was shaking slightly.

"What happened!?" Himuro Tarzan stood up from the Prime Minister's seat and asked the people beside him sternly.

"The Prime Minister is in trouble. The place where Pandora's Box is stored on the upper floor is under attack!" The staff on the side took out the tablet and quickly gave the source of the problem, "The ones attacking Pandora's Box's protective shield are... two Slammer!"

"What...?" Himuro Tarzan's pupils shrank suddenly, and then he looked at Kiryu Sento, "I'll leave Pandora's Box to you!"

Seeing this, Kiryu Zhantu nodded, then turned around and ran towards the upper level, while Wanzhang Ryuuga followed closely behind and went together.

"Take Prime Minister Himuro and leave, leave this place to us." Lu Ziye said to Bai Yulin and caught up with Kiryu Zhantu and Wanzhang Ryuuga.

When the three of them arrived at the upper floor where Pandora's Box was stored, they saw two black attackers attacking a light blue protective shield.

I saw two slammers raising their arms and slamming down on the protective shield!


With a crisp sound, the protective shield was as fragile as glass, shattering on the spot and dissipating into little bits of light.

And in the center of the protective shield is where Pandora's Box is placed.

"Why did the Smasher appear here?" Kiryu Zhantu frowned slightly, but he took out the Build drive and two full bottles in his hand.

I didn't hesitate when Wan Zhanglong came up behind me, and immediately took out the squeeze driver and put it on my waist.

"Rabbit! Tank! Best Match! Are you ready? (Rabbit! Tank! Best Match! Are you ready?)"

"DragonJelly! Crushed! Flowed! Overflowing! (Dragon Squeeze Jelly!)"

Two sound effects sounded, but Lu Ziye, who finally came up, did not move immediately.

These two slammers don't look that simple, and the slammers appearing here are really unusual!

Immediately, the power of power in his eyes was activated, and he began to check the information of the two slammers.

[Stretch Clone Smash (Stretch Clone Smash)]

[Grade judgment: B+ grade]

[The Slammer, which is mimicked by Killbus cells, possesses super strength that other Slammers do not have. Both attack power and defense power are at the highest level. No pain, able to continue fighting in any state】

[Strong Clone Smash (Strong Clone Smasher)]

[Grade judgment: B+ grade]

【Slammer mimicked by Killbus cells.】

With just two cell-mimetic slammers, their strength levels are among the top among players. This shows how terrifying the difficulty of this Knight's Realm is.

"War Rabbits, ten thousand feet! They are Killbus cell mimicry slammers. Their strength is different from before. It is difficult for you to deal with your current strength. I will deal with one, and you two will deal with one!" Lu Ziye shouted softly, and at the same time, his waist The time is right to put on an Evol drive.

"I see!"

After completing their transformations, Kiryu Sento and Tenjo Ryuuga charged towards the nearest strong clone Smasher.

Just when Lu Ziye was about to insert the black hole trigger, his hand suddenly paused and his eyes fell on the two slammers.

Isn't now the best time to activate the genetic factors in my body? !

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