Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 193 The Ten Thousand Zhang Long I awaken!

"Tank! Rider System! Evolution! Are you ready?"


"Tank! Tank! Evol Tank! Fuhhahhahhahhahha!"

Accompanied by the sexy sound effects of Ode to Joy, Lu Ziye transformed into the Evolution Tank form.

[Hey, hey, hey, are you going to? ]

Evolto's surprised voice sounded in his mind, as if he had guessed Lu Ziye's plan.

But Lu Ziye ignored Evolto's meaning and walked straight to the Telescopic Clone Smasher on the opposite side.

The Telescopic Clone Smasher picked up Pandora's Box at this time, but the next moment, Lu Ziye appeared in front of it, raised his right hand slightly from bottom to top, and threw Pandora's Box from his hand.

As Pandora's Box was thrown into the air, Lu Ziye hit the Telescopic Clone Smasher with his back elbow, causing it to step back, and then he threw a whip kick as he flew into the air.


The whip kick landed on the Telescopic Clone Smasher's shoulder, causing it to step back several steps.

When Lu Ziye fell back to the ground, he stretched out his right hand and caught the falling Pandora's Box.

"I can't give you the Pandora's Box." The moment the Pandora's Box was in his hand, Lu Ziye felt a sense of control.

It was a completely different feeling from holding the Pandora's Box before.

But at this time, the Telescopic Clone Smasher, who had stabilized his body, stepped forward again, and the two balls on his shoulders turned into blue whips, which swung towards Lu Ziye.

When the blue whip came back, Lu Ziye came to his senses, exchanged the Pandora's Box in his right hand to his left hand, and his body moved accordingly. He just moved one step to the left and dodged the first swing of the blue whip.

Then, he took two steps forward to avoid the blue whip's blow. When the opponent tried to retract the blue whip, Lu Ziye stretched out his free right hand, held the blue whip in his hand and pulled it violently, and ran towards the opponent.

Facing the opponent's body that was tilted by the pulling, Lu Ziye raised his hand and hit the jaw of the telescopic clone slammer.

The telescopic clone slammer only took two steps back to stabilize its body, and it didn't look like it was hit.

"It's a little harder than I thought." Looking at his hand, Lu Ziye probably knew where the limit of this mimic slammer was.

But at the same time, the strong clone slammer that Kiryu Sento and Manjo Ryuga were dealing with swung their fists and landed on the two of them. The strong force and impact instantly knocked them to the ground.

Not only that, the armor on the two people kept flashing arcs, and it was obvious that under this attack, the two people were already on the verge of their limits.

"A mere human being will never be able to defeat the Smasher I mimic!"

The moment the voice sounded, red energy appeared on the abdomen of the Strong Clone Smasher. The red energy was the head that condensed the state of Killbus Knight. The deep red head had a little spider appearance, but its compound eyes were more like the posture of a demon.

"." Hearing this, Lu Ziye did not have any intention of helping. Instead, he met the Telescopic Clone Smasher again and pretended to fight with it.

But in his peripheral vision, he was always paying attention to the actions of the two. If his life was really in danger, he would act immediately.

When Kiryu Battle Rabbit and Manzhang Longwo struggled to stand up, the Strong Clone Smasher walked towards the two step by step. When he arrived in front of the two, the two barely stood up and stabilized their bodies.


The Strong Smasher raised his right hand and lit up with purple light, and swung an uppercut at Manzhang Longwo's chin.

The hit Manjo Ryuuga flew upward like a cannonball, and even pierced through the ceiling on the spot, and flew out of the building, with the arcs of the armor on his body flashing more and more violently.


The Manjo Ryuuga fell from the sky in free fall, and hit Kiryu Sento not far away.

At the moment of falling, the armor on Manjo Ryuuga had been removed, and he covered his chest with his mouth and eyes, looking very painful.

"Manjo!" Seeing this, Kiryu Sento turned around and met the Strong Clone Smasher alone.

But the opponent that the two of them could not defeat together, Kiryu Sento's body on the verge of limit could not compete with it.

The moment Kiryu Sento stepped forward, the Strong Clone Smasher clasped his hands and smashed from the side. Although his arms were placed on the side to block, the power of the Strong Clone Smasher was not what he could withstand at the moment.


With a heavy blast, Kiryu Battle Rabbit fell backwards and rolled several times, panting heavily. The armor on his body stabilized in the flash of electric arcs, but it was not removed.

"Battle Rabbit." Manjo Ryuwo, who was lying on the ground, looked at the fallen Kiryu Battle Rabbit and struggled to stand up, but his body could not move.

On the other side, Lu Ziye, who was looking at such a miserable state, clenched his right fist and hit the telescopic clone slammer. He really wanted to help.

But at this point, if he took action, all his efforts would be destroyed. Not only would the genetic factor be unable to be activated, but even the danger level might be difficult to increase significantly. After that, the two might not even be able to participate in the decisive battle.

"Humans are only capable of this, so let me give you an ending that suits you!"

Killbus's face appeared in the belly of the strong clone slammer, taunting the two fallen men.

The moment the words fell, the strong clone slammer raised his right fist, and the purple light flashed on it and smashed it towards the unsuspecting Wanzhang Longga.

Seeing this huge dragon, I closed my eyes and waited for the final attack.

Bang - bang!

After a while, Wan Zhanglong, who didn't feel the attack, opened his eyes, and saw Kiryu Zhantu standing in front of him, blocking the attack. He was kneeling in front of me, and the armor on his body turned into light spots and was lifted. .

"War Rabbit." Watching Kiryu War Rabbit fall with his own eyes, Wanzhang Longga's pupils were trembling.

"It seems that you will be suitable as energy." Killbus' head did not disappear, allowing the strong clone slammer to lift Kiryu War Rabbit.

"Wanzhang!! What are you waiting for! War Rabbit needs your help, are you just lying on the ground like this!?"

Lu Ziye shouted angrily as his right hand resisted the advance of the Telescopic Clone Slammer. Now is the time for Wan Zhang Long Wo to awaken.

"Why. I can't move my body."

"Why. I can't stand up."

"It was War Rabbit who created the future for me, but I can't do anything?"

"How could you just lie on the ground like this!!!"

The roaring Wan Zhang Long Ga stood up slowly under the gaze of everyone, enduring the pain on his body. Not only that, his eyes were even glowing with scarlet light!

"It's now.!"

Seeing this scene, Lu Ziye's free right hand rose up with flame-like energy, and he even waved it out towards Wan Zhang Long Ga's abdomen.

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