Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 194 The full bottle of dragon lava is born! A risky bet!

The crimson flame energy swept through everyone in an instant, and then bombarded the dragon squeeze gel bottle at Wanzhang Longga's waist.


The moment it hit the Dragon Squeeze Gel bottle, the figure of Wanzhang Longga took a few steps back.

"Wanzhang." Even though Kiryu Zhantu was being carried by the strong clone slammer, his eyes were always on Wanzhang Ryuuga. Although he didn't understand why Lu Ziye did this, the current situation was obviously that Wanzhang's situation was more urgent. .

[Lu Ziye, who are you? 】

Evolto, who was "amongst everything", saw such a scene through the screen and couldn't help but question it.

The method used by Lu Ziye was obviously to help Wan Zhang Long Wo awaken, but burning the dragon squeeze gel bottle was part of his original plan, but now he has used it!

You know, he didn't tell anyone about this part of his plan. How did Lu Ziye know about it?

[Stop asking this kind of question, if you ask it a few more times, I won’t be able to protect you even if the devil comes]

At the same time as he was complaining about Evolto, Lu Ziye's figure swayed into high speed, and he was in front of the strong clone slammer in an instant. He raised his foot and kicked Killbus in the face with a whip kick.


The sudden attack caught the strong clone slammer off guard and he was kicked back a few steps. Lu Ziye also took action in time and hit his wrist with his hand, allowing Kiryu War Rabbit to escape from its restraints.

After catching the falling Kiryu War Rabbit, Lu Ziye saw that he had a lot to say and spoke first: "I will explain to you later."

"Wanzhang! Hold the burned dragon squeeze gel bottle!" Lu Ziye didn't waste any time and took out the black hole trigger in his hand.

"Over the Evolution! (Beyond Evolution)"

The black hole trigger sound effect sounded, and then Lu Ziye inserted it into the driver, and the tank evolution bottle was replaced with a cobra evolution bottle.

"Black Hole! Black Hole! Black Hole! Revolution! Fuhhahhahhahha!"

The black hole-shaped sound effect resounded throughout the entire floor, and Lu Ziye walked towards the strong clone slammer and the telescopic clone slammer step by step.

"Killbus, play time is over!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Ziye disappeared from the spot, and when he reappeared, he was already beside the strong clone slammer. A small black hole had already condensed in his right hand, and his backhand was covering his back.

Bang - boom! ! ! !

The strong clone slammer who was hit flew out of the building on the spot under the impact. The moment it reached the outside in mid-air, the energy of the small black hole was released, and the expanding black hole instantly swallowed the strong clone slammer's figure.

The explosions that followed were just like Lu Ziye's feeling of being released at this moment, which made him feel much more relaxed!

"Well this is just to say hello, we will see you soon!"

Killbus's face appeared on the remaining telescopic clone Slammer, and his body turned into blue genetic material under the gaze of everyone, and flew towards the hole in the ceiling.

"Leave? Who told you to leave!" Lu Ziye, who was traveling at high speed, reached the hole in the ceiling first and blocked the path of the blue genetic factor.

He may not be able to defeat Killbus's true form, but he still has no problem dealing with these few genetic factors!

Seeing that his way was blocked, the blue genetic factor didn't pause at all and immediately headed towards another window.

Naturally, Lu Ziye would not give him any chance. The high speed once again blocked the path of the blue genetic factor, and the small black hole condensed on his right hand swung out, heading straight for the blue genetic factor.


The small black hole collided with the blue genetic factor and instantly expanded into an adult-sized black hole, swallowing the blue genetic factor into it.

As the blue genetic factor was completely engulfed, the expanded black hole also turned into light points and dissipated in the air

"With the two groups of genetic factors eliminated, Killbus's combat power should be reduced a bit, right?" Lu Ziye deployed his compound eyes and confirmed that there was nothing left around him before falling back into the building.

And Lu Ziye, who was holding Pandora's Box in his arms, immediately walked toward Wan Zhang Long Wo.

When Lu Ziye was about to take action, Kiryu Zhantu suddenly said: "You didn't come to help us before, was it because you wanted to fully activate the genetic factors in Wan Zhang's body?"

The moment Wan Zhang Long Wo stood up, he saw the scarlet light flashing in his eyes.

"Yeah." Lu Ziye didn't hide anything, nodded and admitted.

"So what are your plans?" Kiryu Zhantu collapsed on the ground and looked at Wan Zhang Ryuuga.

"Evolto is in my body now. What I have to do is to completely absorb Wan Zhang's genetic factors so that he will not be targeted by Killbus." After saying this, Lu Ziye put his hand on Pandora's box.

Ding--! !

I saw red light blooming from Pandora's Box, and a burst of energy shot out from the red light. The target was naturally the giant dragon in front of him.

The red energy hit Wanzhang Longga, and his body was suddenly filled with gaseous Pandora's Box energy. The burned Dragon Squeeze Gel bottle in his hand shattered and turned into a black full bottle, and Pandora's Box energy also began. Pour into this full black bottle.


Along with a crisp sound, the black full-fill bottle was scattered into pieces. The black full-fill bottle had lost its black spots and turned into an orange translucent full-fill bottle. The bottle was covered with uneven cracks, just like solidified lava.

And this is the Dragon Magma FullBottle!

"What's this?" Catching the falling dragon lava bottle, Wanzhanglong couldn't help but look at this completely different full bottle.

"It's your exclusive full bottle, a prop made by combining the energy of Pandora's Box with the genetic factors in your body." Lu Ziye patted the Pandora's Box in his hand and explained to Wanzhang Longwo.

[Wanzhang’s genetic factors have been completely activated. Let me go out to recover the genetic factors. 】

Evolto's eager voice sounded in his mind, and there was no concealment of the excitement in his voice.

[There is no rush now. 】

Lu Ziye directly rejected Evolto's proposal. With the blessing of these two powers, the current Wanzhang Longme's danger level must have been greatly improved.

But if he absorbs his genetic factors now, it will be equivalent to losing a combat power in the future. Although it is not a threat to Killbus, it can at least prevent the attackers whose genetic factors mimic him.

The most important reason is that Lu Ziye hopes that Wan Zhang Long Wo can be stronger, so that the recycled genetic factors can also bring him stronger combat power. Let him use Wan Zhang Long Wo's power a little bit.

Although the process will be accompanied by dangers, the risks are proportional to the benefits, which is enough for him to take the risk and give it a try!

"Let us keep Pandora's Box." After saying this, Lu Ziye put Pandora's Box into the magician's ring.

If it's placed in a magician's ring, even Killbus can't open it.

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