Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 202 Evolto is the stinky younger brother in front of him!

Under Lu Ziye's explanation, Katsuragi Shinobu made no other moves, but locked his eyes on him: "How do you want to prove...?"

"It's simple about controlling Evolto." Seeing that the conversation could continue, Lu Ziye immediately raised his right hand.

Then, under the gaze of Shinobi Katsuragi, a red light surged in Lu Ziye's right hand, and then condensed into a ball of genetic factors.

As the genetic factor landed, it instantly began to condense and change its posture, and then it showed the posture of Blood Stalk.

"Oh, it feels so good when it comes out." Evolto showed himself in a blood diving posture, moving his body at the same time.

Hearing this familiar voice, Katsuragi Shinobu couldn't help but tense up, but he didn't show any physical signs.

"Hey, Mr. Katsuragi, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

However, the next moment, before Evolto could finish his words, he returned to the state of genetic factors and returned to Lu Ziye's body.

[Hey, hey, hey, you asked me to go out and do some activities. At least, let me finish talking to Mr. Katsuragi! ! 】

Evolto was quite resentful after being returned to "Between All Things", and his words were full of dissatisfaction with Lu Ziye.

"There should be no problem now, right?" Lu Ziye had already shown this, and doubting what he said was going too far.

Shinobu Katsuragi remained silent and did not speak. He pulled out the two full bottles from the drive and released the transformation.

"I never thought that Evolto would be controlled and used by humans." After looking at Lu Ziye up and down, Katsuragi Shinobi shook his head slightly and sighed.

Seeing that Katsuragi Shinobu had dispelled his doubts about him, Lu Ziye also said: "Now can we talk about the "Lost Full Bottle" thing? "

"Follow me." Shinobu Katsuragi nodded, turned and walked towards the center of various research equipment behind him.

Lu Ziye followed immediately and saw several familiar lost bottles placed on the pillar in the center.

"This is the "Lost Full Bottle" you want. What do you want me to help you with? Katsuragi Shinobi immediately looked at Lu Ziye and asked.

"As Evolto originally intended, purify these "Lost Full Bottles" and then gain greater power through the black Pandora panels. "Lu Ziye glanced at the lost bottle in front of him.

Through the information given by the power of the eyes, only four lost bottles were purified, and the rest were not purified.

There are still three lost full bottles. Lu Ziye remembers that they should still be in the hands of Beidu Sanyu. I guess they are not far away from purification, right?

"Killbus (Chirubas), what is it like?" Shinobi Katsuragi narrowed his eyes slightly after hearing this. Since the wormhole plan that Evolto originally planned to use was needed, Killbus's power must be unprecedentedly powerful.

"Evolto is just a stinky younger brother in front of him." Lu Ziye complained harshly at first, in order to retaliate against Evolto's mocking words before him, "As for how strong Killbus is, with the current strength, no one can be his opponent, not even... The complete Evolto”

"Killbus's purpose is far more terrifying than Evolto's. He plans to use the power of Pandora's Box to destroy the entire universe."

"Is it more powerful than Evolto?" After hearing what Lu Ziye said, Katsuragi Shinobu couldn't help but frown.

If the situation is really as described by Lu Ziye, then the current situation can be said to be worse than when Evolto was here, and even worse than he expected.

"I will help you purify the "Lost Full Bottle". "After a brief thought, Katsuragi Shinobi nodded and agreed.

As he finished speaking, a virtual screen popped up in front of Lu Ziye.

[Congratulations to the player for triggering the hidden side mission - "Lost Full of Bottles\

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