Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 203 I’ve never seen a Kamen Rider! ?

Lu Ziye, who was sitting on the next generation Cetron, was rushing back.

Regarding the three vampires lurking in the Sandu government, all three hold important government positions. It is relatively easy to find each other and control them in advance.

However, just as he was thinking about it, the next generation Cetron suddenly braked, and a crowd of people gathered on the road ahead. It was because of this that the next generation Cetron stopped.

"What are you all gathering for?" Because he was sitting in the next generation of Cetron, Lu Ziye couldn't see more of the field of vision. He could only see the huge number of people in front of him, "In the next generation, re-plan the route. "


After receiving the order again, the next generation Cetron immediately turned around and resumed driving on a new route.

"I'm a little concerned about the crowd gathering." Lu Ziye couldn't help but mumbled as he glanced at the crowd in the rearview mirror getting further and further away.

But now, he has more important things. First, let Kiryu Zhantu make the Muscle Galaxy Bottle, and let Himuro Kantoku return to the east capital to find Inoh Kengo hidden in the government, and use this to let the other two The Blood Tribe handed over the Lost Bottle.

However, Lu Ziye, who had a plan, was completely confused the moment he stepped into the warehouse.

Because the warehouse was completely overturned at this moment, and all kinds of things were scattered on the ground, as if there had just been a war here!

"What kind of situation is this? I've only been out for a few hours, so I won't be attacked, right?" Lu Ziye glanced at every place, hoping to find some useful information.

But today's warehouse is in shambles, and nothing of its original appearance can be found.

Not only that, the figures of Kiryu Sento and others also disappeared, and even the fainted Himuro Gentoku was no longer there.


At this moment, the warehouse door was pushed hard and made a noise, which naturally attracted Lu Ziye's attention.

When Lu Ziye turned around to look, he found that the two figures appearing at the door of the warehouse were none other than Ichikai Saruwatari and Hantoku Himuro.

"Someone has come out. By the way, what happened here?" Lu Ziye said while walking towards the two of them.

[Don't go and pay attention to their eyes, they are being controlled. 】

At this moment, Evolto reminded him loudly in his mind.

At Evolto's reminder, Lu Ziye immediately looked at the two people's eyes. As the reminder said, there was a slight red light in their eyes. If you didn't observe carefully, it would be difficult to spot this difference.

After noticing this, the power in my eyes immediately aroused.

In an instant, Lu Ziye scanned the information between the two. The two people in front of him were indeed Saruto Ichikai and Himuro Hantoku, but they were now controlled by the power of the blood clan.

As for the person who can use the power of vampires to control human beings, Lu Ziye can only think of one person, and that is Yi Nengxianggang!

"Did you do it after I left on purpose?" Lu Ziye took a deep breath and took out the Evol drive with his left hand.

He knew very well that whether the two people controlled by Yi Nengxian were used to delay him or defeat him, they must have some purpose next. What he has to do now is to defeat the two people and find Wanzhanglong Mecai OK!

Just when Lu Ziye took out the Evol drive, Saruwatari Kazumi and Himuro Handoku on the opposite side had already pressed the drive wrench.

"RobotJelly! Crushed! Flowed! Overflowing! Robot in Grease! Buraa!"

"Crocodile! Torn! Swallowed! Crushed! Crocodile in Rogue! Oraa!"

"Black Hole! Black Hole! Black Hole! Revolution! Fuhhahhahhahha!"

Three different sound effects echoed throughout the warehouse, and at the moment it ended, all three rushed towards each other at the same time.

"Ah Hai, honest man, don't blame me for being too harsh." The moment Lu Ziye finished speaking, he entered high speed.

I saw a series of afterimages left in the air. The first one came to the side of Sarutatari Ikkai. The moment he pressed his side face, it hit the ground.

Bang - boom! ! !

As the gravel splashed, Saruto Kakai was pinned to the ground by Lu Ziye. Although Saruwata Kakai did not lose his fighting power, his constant struggle could not escape his grasping hand.

Immediately afterwards, Himuro Hantoku on the side decisively pressed the drive wrench, and his compound eyes suddenly lit up, and he ran towards Lu Ziye at the same time.

"Hey, hey, hey, are you going to experience the bite of a crocodile that will never be eaten by you so soon?"

Just as Lu Ziye was complaining, Himuro Huandoku suddenly jumped up, his legs wrapped in purple energy, and transformed into a shape like a crocodile's jaw.

Then, Himuro Handoku spread his legs and made a flanking movement towards Lu Zino's waist.

"Sorry, I will definitely give it a try next time I have a chance. I don't have the time now." Just when the crocodile bite was about to fall, Lu Ziye swayed away from it and came to the position behind Himuro Hantoku.

However, Himuro Gentoku's attack failed, but his feet fell on Saruwatari Kazumi who was about to get up, causing him to lie down again.

But the energy that was not triggered in his feet seemed to have found a vent, causing an explosion on Saruwatari Ikkai's body!

Boom——! !

Along with the sound of explosions, brilliant flames burned in the warehouse.

"It hurts just looking at it." After looking at the flames that had not faded away, Lu Ziye left these words and sped away at high speed outside.

As Lu Ziye left, the remnants of the explosion in the warehouse slowly disappeared, leaving only Saruwatari Ichikai and Himuro Hantoku lying on the floor of the warehouse.

After leaving the warehouse, Lu Ziye looked left and right, but couldn't find where he was going.

"Where will I be at this time?" Lu Ziye muttered in a dilemma.

He currently has no means of contacting Kiryu Sento, nor does he have the exact location of Wanzhang Ryuuga.

Before he could think of any solution, several eyes fell on him.

Feeling the many gazes, Lu Ziye turned around and saw that the crowd not far away was focused on him.

"What are you looking at? You've never seen a Kamen Rider!?" Lu Ziye waved his hand to the crowd, indicating that they didn't need to pay attention to him.

"Annihilation! Annihilation!"



The crowd burst into a chorus of annihilation chants, and then suddenly rushed towards him.

Lu Ziye: "???"

Seeing the crowd gradually approaching, he immediately entered the high speed and rushed to other places, but soon stopped in a small alley.

"By the way, Dongdu Advanced Materials Research Institute!"

If Lu Ziye remembered correctly, Kiryu Zhantu would definitely go here to find information about Ineng Xianggang, and Ineng Xianggang had already laid an ambush at this place.

If he could arrive first, he might be able to end this sudden plot early. Thinking of this, after Lu Ziye found the direction, he immediately speeded up and headed towards the place he wanted.

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