Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 204 Is this a poor knight?

Chapter 204 Is this the poor knight?

Tick ​​tock -!

Lu Ziye was heading towards the Advanced Institute of Materials Science in Dongdu when he accidentally noticed raindrops falling on his compound eyes.

".Is it raining?" When Lu Ziye noticed it, the raindrops continued to fall, and in the blink of an eye it was already quite large.

The raindrops continued to fall. Although they did not enter the armor, his mood gradually became anxious.

In Kamen Rider, rain is not a good thing. Many stories that touch people's hearts take place in the rain.

boom--! !

Lu Ziye, who was already speeding up, suddenly accelerated again, whether because of his impatience or other reasons.

The white figure accelerated to the extreme in the rain curtain, instantly breaking through several layers of sound barriers and shattering the falling raindrops.

When Lu Ziye arrived thousands of meters away from the Dongdu Advanced Materials Research Institute, he saw several figures in the rain from a distance.

The most eye-catching thing is Kiryu Zhantu lying in the puddle. In front of him is a middle-aged man dressed in a black windbreaker. Next to the middle-aged man is the similarly dressed Ryuuga.

Not far away, the people headed by Ishidong Misora ​​moved their mouths slightly and repeated the words of annihilation.

"Max Hazard On!"

The Build driver was placed on the middle-aged man's waist, and he took the Cross-Z Dragon from Wanzhanglongga's hand.

Then in the eyes of everyone, crimson energy was stimulated in the hands of the middle-aged man. The originally blue and gold Crozier dragon emitted light, and the Crozier dragon in the light suddenly turned into a red state.

"Your mission is over."

The middle-aged man turned around and said something to Kiryu Zhantu.

It was precisely because of turning around that Lu Ziye in the distance could see the other party's face clearly. The middle-aged man was exactly the Yi Nengxian Gang he was looking for.

But at this moment, Yi Nengxian just turned the lost bottle in his hand. The lost bottle had a silver cobra printed on it, which made Lu Ziye stunned again.

Isn’t Cobra Lost Full Bottle in the hands of Shinobu Katsuragi?

But he quickly realized that Yi Nengxian must have been to Katsuragi Shinobu's place after that!

As Yi Nengxian turned the lost full bottle, its original silver-purple state turned into a black-gold state, and his eyes also looked at Lu Ziye, who was getting closer.

"Let me show you the true power of the Lost Bottle."

"Great Cross-Z Dragon! (Supreme Dragon!)"


As soon as Yi Nengxian turned the drive handle, the high-speed factory extending from the drive suddenly included the Wanzhang Longga and the two people behind him who became the Lost Slammer.

"Are you ready? Over Flow! Wake up CROSS-Z! Get GREAT DRAGON! Buraburaburabura Burah! YAEEBI!! (Are you ready? Overflow mode! Awaken! Croz! Get the power of the Supreme Dragon! Burah! Blah blah~! It’s so bad!”

As the final sound effects fell, the three of them were completely integrated into the transformation by Yi Nengxian in the form of energy.


In the sound like crystal shattering, Yi Nengxian's posture just after his transformation was revealed!

The armor on the body is very similar to that of Evol. The main body is bright gold, supplemented by dark red as the splicing color. A small amount of blue is used as embellishment. The black is the unique color brought by the dangerous trigger. Under the black compound eyes are compound eyes with a hollow design. The black cape behind his upper body has a unique style.

"Let me bring an end to your life."

boom--! !

As soon as Yi Nengxian waved his hand, ferocious flames suddenly erupted from the ground, shrouding Kiryu Sento who was lying on the ground.


But the next moment, the rainwater seemed to be pushed away and scattered in all directions, and a white figure appeared in front of the flames, blocking the flames that enveloped Kiryu War Rabbit.

"Is this a poor knight?" Lu Ziye held Kiryu Zhantu with his left hand, and blocked the embers of the flames with his right hand.

But he was secretly relieved in his heart. Fortunately, he caught up. It turned out that Evolto appeared in this scene and saved Kiryu Zhantu.

But Evolto was absorbed by him, and he didn't expect that he would be the one to save Kiryu Sento.

"Humph, I didn't expect you to come here anyway." Yi Nengxian didn't look surprised when he saw Lu Ziye appear.

"So you are plotting against me, right? You guys are so dirty with your plans!" From the other party's words, Lu Ziye finally understood that whether it was Katsuragi Shinobu or the warehouse, everything was under the control of the other party. With.

But how the other party knew it, he still had no idea.

"Just take him away. My ritual has been completed. The day of the earth's destruction is approaching." Yi Nengxian's voice was very low, as if he was announcing that he had won.

Lu Ziye's eyes fell on the Kiryu War Rabbit he was holding. His face was almost covered with wounds, and the condition after being exposed to the rain could be said to be very bad.

"I can tell you that you will not succeed." After saying this, a wormhole opened in front of Lu Ziye, and his figure was immediately covered by the wormhole and disappeared.


A wormhole opened up in Nasita Coffee Shop, and Lu Ziye returned here holding Kiryu Zhantu.

First go to the secret base below, and then put Kiryu Sentu on the bed to rest.

And he released the transformation and sat at the workbench that Kiryu Zhantu often used.

"How did the other party know about my actions?" Lu Ziye sat down and frowned tightly.

Whether it's Evolto, Killbus, or the newly-appeared Blood, each vampire is really more difficult to deal with!

If he had known this, he should have dealt with the hidden Yineng Xiangang when he entered the Build plot line for the first time.

[Hey, Evolto, how did Yi Nengxian just know about my actions? 】

Lu Ziye, who had no clue, set his sights on Evolto. Being from the same vampire clan, they must know their companions better.

[If you let me out for some activities, I can consider telling you. 】

Evolto's voice followed, but he directly made his request, as if he was sure that Lu Ziye could not find the answer.

[Okay, I promised you before anyway. 】

Then, Lu Ziye raised his right hand and released part of the genetic factors. Of course, he would not release all of Evolto's genetic factors.

The genetic factors that fell on the ground quickly condensed into a human shape and transformed into a blood-dive form.

"Sure enough, it's still comfortable in the familiar old place." As soon as he came out, Evolto sat directly in front of the computer next to him.

"Can we talk now?" Seeing Evolto's leisurely look, Lu Ziye asked directly.

"Don't be anxious, how about I go make you a cup of coffee?" Evolto said, standing up, "I haven't made coffee for a long time, my hands are really itchy, and I have a lot of new ideas I want to try. "

"You can drink it, but I won't drink it." Lu Ziye stood up and agreed to Evolto's small request.

Then the two of them left the secret base, and before walking out, Evolto glanced at Kiryu Zhantu: "It's really a misfortune. You completely fell into their plan, Zhantu."

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