Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 205 The smell of the end of the world? Killbus' plan!

Returning to the counter of Nasita Coffee Shop, Evolto used various utensils with ease.

With a light hum, he brought two cups of coffee and placed them on the counter.

"This coffee is an idea that came out of nowhere. It's called The End of the World. What are you doing?" After saying this, Evolto pushed the coffee in front of Lu Ziye.

"The name is very good, don't choose it next time." Lu Ziye mercilessly pushed away the coffee in front of him.

Just kidding, he drank it last time and almost passed out on the spot. This time he couldn't take another sip no matter what.

"It's true that you just don't know how to taste." Evolto's genetic factors surged, and in an instant he mimicked Shi Dongsuyi's appearance, and he picked up the coffee under Lu Ziye's gaze.

Taking a sip of coffee, Evolto rolled his eyes on the spot: "It tastes really bad, just like the name, it tastes like the end of the world."

Lu Ziye was not surprised at all by the unpleasant result: "I've also made coffee, you should be satisfied, right?"

"Alas" Evolto sighed and put down his coffee, then looked at Lu Ziye: "The problem is with Zhan Rabbit. Have you really not noticed? Killbus's genetic factors have always been attached to him. Capture that paragraph When the tentacle comes."

When Lu Ziye heard this, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. He indeed trusted Kiryu Zhantu too much, and Killbus must have taken a fancy to this.

"But even if Killbus knows about my actions, etc., do you mean that Killbus is cooperating with Namba Heavy Industries and Blood?" Lu Ziye couldn't help but feel a headache after saying this.

If this is the case, Killbus knows exactly where they are. Shinobu Katsuragi has something to do with Namba Heavy Industries. It is possible that he knows that he has been there, but why Blood is allowed to come forward to deal with him is a bit intriguing.

It's just that it's possible for Killbus to cooperate with Blood, but it's impossible to cooperate with Namba Heavy Industries. Let's not talk about Killbus's raunchy character. Letting him cooperate with humans is probably even harder than killing him!

As if he understood what Lu Ziye was thinking at this moment, Evolto said, "Don't forget, Killbus copied Zhan Rabbit's memory, and he is wary of you."

"That makes sense." Lu Ziye figured it out instantly.

Killbus is afraid that he will absorb Evolto's mysterious power. He cooperates with Blood just to let him test whether he will use the same moves to deal with Blood. However, by cooperating with Namba Heavy Industries, he is most likely looking for the power to completely defeat him. .

After all, although the power in the form of a black hole could not defeat Killbus, Killbus could not turn him into energy. He could use the power of the wormhole to escape at any time. He thought the other party knew this very well.


At this moment, the refrigerator door was pushed open violently, and Kiryu Zhantu suddenly walked out of it.

After seeing Evolto behind the counter, his expression briefly became unnatural: "How could you."

"Don't get me wrong, he and I are now in a cooperative relationship. In the words of you people, we are partners. I am here to help you." After saying this, Evolto took another coffee and took a sip. His expression suddenly became ferocious, "Who puts it like this?" Convenient location”

Immediately, Kiryu Zhantu looked at Lu Ziye for answers.

Lu Ziye also nodded and said: "In a sense, he is right, but you, why didn't you take a rest?"

"Yineng Xian just called me and said that if you want to save Wan Zhang, let us bring Pandora's Box over." Kiryu Zhantu looked solemn. He knew very well the consequences of handing over Pandora's Box to the other party.

But even so, he can't leave me behind!

"Then go." Lu Ziye gave the answer directly without any hesitation.

Because he believed that Kiryu Zhantu had the same idea, but he just didn't know how to deal with Inoh Kengo.

"But." Hearing this, Kiryu Zhantu hesitated to speak. He really couldn't think of a way to save Wanzhang Ryuga.

"Leave it to me to rescue Wan Zhang. All you have to do is defeat Yi Neng Xian Gang." Lu Ziye has a way to separate Wan Zhang Long Wo. Although it is a little difficult, at least it is not impossible, "But before we start."

As he spoke, Lu Ziye turned his left hand and took out the Pandora panel device, which glowed crimson when activated.

Seeing such a scene, Kiryu Zhantu looked curious, especially the red Pandora panel device, which made him very curious.

Just the next moment, Lu Ziye walked towards Kiryu Zhantu, and with a confused look on his face, he put his hand into his body.

"Really, I didn't expect to be discovered." Kiryu Zhantu's eyes flashed with blue light, and a strange smile appeared on his face.

"Killbus, I didn't expect you to play such a little trick." The moment he finished speaking, Lu Ziye pulled out his hand from Kiryu Zhantu's body, and in his hand was a small piece of blue genetic factor, "Evolto! "

After drinking it lightly, Lu Ziye waved his right hand and threw the blue genetic factor towards Evolto behind him.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Evolto hurriedly took out the glass bottle and successfully caught the small piece of blue genetic factor in the bottle. "Next time, tell me in advance. I almost didn't catch it."

While closing the lid, Evolto released a burst of energy from his hand, wrapping the entire bottle to prevent the genetic factors from escaping.

"I believe you will catch it." Then, the light in Lu Ziye's hand dissipated.

On the other hand, Kiryu Sentu fell into a coma after taking out the Killbus genetic factor.

"To be honest, I don't think you have the power to defeat Inoh Kengo." Evolto glanced at Kiryu Zhantu, who had fainted. "With the dangerous trigger inspired by the power of the blood clan, coupled with the power of the Lost Bottle, your winning rate is very high. slim.”

"So, we need new power." After saying this, Lu Ziye activated the Pandora panel device in his hand and took out a full bottle from it.

The full bottle is engraved with diamonds, the same diamond full bottle he had embedded in it before.

After seeing this action, Evolto suddenly became curious: "The new power you are talking about is the new prop developed by Kiryu Sento, right?"

"Well, I don't know if it can work. Let's just take a gamble." Lu Ziye followed and re-embedded the full diamond bottle into the device. "Whether it works or not depends on Kiryu Zhantu."

His original idea was to use the Evolto genetic factor to allow Kiryu War Rabbit to exceed its own limits, thereby reaching a danger level 7.0 evolved rabbit bottle.

Judging from the current timeline, the Martian Princess can almost wake up, and there is every hope that she can achieve the Transcendence form, but just dealing with Blood is too wasteful, it is better to save it to deal with Killbus.

The transcendent form is the ceiling for Build knights. I think Killbus's expression will be quite exciting when the time comes!

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