Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 210 Complete Evolto!

【Evolto! It was said that it cannot be absorbed. How did Killbus absorb it? You're really kidding me! ? 】

Lu Ziye's words were very heavy. Blood was absorbed by Killbus, and the difficulty skyrocketed. Just now he wanted to say that the difficulty was not that high, but now I'm afraid it's not the nightmare difficulty.

[How do I know that Blood has such an ability? Could it be that he taught it to Killbus?]

Evolto's words became less and less confident the more he spoke, and in the end even he didn't believe it.

After absorbing Blood, Killbus slowly floated into the air, and a dark red energy surged from his body. The dark red energy spread like a shock wave, and the first one to be hit was Evolto.

I saw Evolto put his arms in front of him, and even if he made a movement to resist, his body was pushed back a step.

"His power has become stronger again." Evolto said in a deep voice. At this moment, he could feel that Killbus was already stronger than EvolBuild.

Just as Killbus fell back to the ground, Kiryu Sento and others also came here.

"What is going on?" Kiryu Zhantu also felt the strong pressure from Killbus.

"Is he another alien life form?" Saruto Ichikai felt an even greater sense of oppression, and even felt a sense of powerlessness.

Himuro Gentoku did not speak, but what he felt was the same as the two of them.

Hearing this, Evolto explained: "He absorbed Blood and his power increased again."

"This voice. Are you Evolto?" Kiryu Zhantu was stunned for a moment after hearing the explanation, and then asked.

"Now is not the time to talk about this. Even if we are put together now, we will not be his opponent. We will retreat temporarily!" The moment he finished speaking, Evolto raised his right hand, and a glimmer of light bloomed in his hand.

In the dim light, the energy body composed of the eraser brushed against everyone's body, and their existence was immediately eliminated from here.

As everyone disappeared, Killbus twisted his body in weird postures and stopped after a moment.

"It's not enough. The current power is not enough!" Killbus glanced around, but did not find Evolto and others. "Evolto, you can't escape."

At this moment, everyone returned to Nasita Coffee Shop.

A group of people sat down in various places, but they all fell into silence.

Lu Ziye had already thrown Evolto's consciousness back into the "between everything", looked at the silent atmosphere and said, "Why are you still silent?"

"With our current strength, it will be difficult to defeat Killbus." Kiryu Zhantu said, pulling the small whiteboard from the side. "I have analyzed the information left by my father, and it contains the real way to deal with Evolto."

While saying this, Kiryu Zhantu turned to look at everyone after writing and drawing on the whiteboard.

"Although it is used to deal with Evolto, I think it should also be used to deal with Killbus. Use the power of ten thousand feet to refine a Pandora panel that can connect parallel worlds. We can connect parallel worlds through the panel."

Before Kiryu Zhantu could continue, Lu Ziye stood up and said, "No, it's not time to use that method yet."

Everyone who heard this looked at Lu Ziye.

"Killbus is very powerful, but I still have methods that won't work." Feeling everyone's gaze, Lu Ziye took out the EvolBuild bottle and placed it on the table.

"Its power has reached its limit, and it is difficult to improve it any further." Seeing Lu Ziye take out a full bottle, Kiryu Zhantu shook his head and rejected it.

"War Rabbit, do you still remember the Muscle Galaxy bottle I asked you to make before?" Lu Ziye said, then looked at Kiryu War Rabbit, "What we have to do now is to fuse this full bottle with the Muscle Galaxy bottle, and we also need to open it. Pandora's Tower"

"No, even your body can't withstand that kind of force!" Kiryu Zhantu frowned and objected again.

"...It can be done." After saying this, Lu Ziye's eyes fell on Wan Zhang Long Wo, who was still in a coma.

Judging from Kiryu Zhantu's data, he is indeed unable to withstand the power of the two full bottles after fusion, but as long as he absorbs the genetic factors from Wanzhang Ryuuga's body, coupled with the increase in Pandora's Magic Tower, there should be no problem!

"." Kiryu Zhantu knew the meaning of Lu Ziye's words, but it was just too risky to do so.

"Hey, hey, hey, what are you talking about?" Saruto Ichikai looked confused, completely unable to understand what the two were talking about.

"That's settled for now, Zhan Rabbit." Lu Ziye said, picking up the EvolBuild bottle on the table and handing it into his hand.

He really didn't want to use the method developed by Shinobi Katsuragi. In his opinion, that method was too cruel and the risk was far greater than his method, and it would undoubtedly sacrifice the entire planet.

Even if the fusion of two parallel worlds is the most suitable method, the ending is not what he wants. It is no different from a person who sacrifices one world.

"Ah Hai, did the Lost Slammer you defeated over there recover the bottle?" Seeing that Kiryu Zhantu had no intention of speaking, Lu Ziye immediately asked the other two.

"Recycled." Saruwatari Kazumi then groped around on his body and took out the Scissors Lost Bottle.

"I have some here too." Himuro Handoku took out the Zebra Lost Bottle.

"Now all we need is Cobra's Lost Bottles." Lu Ziye couldn't help but muttered after taking the two Lost Bottles.

Cobra's Lost Bottle is on Ino Kengo's body, but Ino Kengo has been absorbed by Killbus. It is not easy to get it back. It is easier to get the pirate and train bottles back from Killbus.

Then, Lu Ziye walked towards Wanzhang Ryuuga in the eyes of everyone. Just when he was about to touch Wanzhang Ryuuga, Kiryu Zhantu suddenly reached out and took his outstretched hand.

".Do you really want to do this?" Kiryu Zhantu stopped him because he didn't want Lu Ziye to bear all the pressure alone.

"This is the best way." After saying this, Lu Ziye took his hand out of Kiryu Zhantu's hand and placed it on Wanzhang Ryuuga.

[Evolto, work! 】

In his mind, Lu Ziye was calling Evolto to start work.

【You are really a good old man.】

Evolto's voice sounded, but then the red genetic factor surged out of his hand and entered Wanzhang Longga's body.

I saw strong genetic factors surging in Wanzhang Longwo's body. After only waiting for a few seconds, these genetic factors returned to Lu Ziye's body.

When these genetic factors were completely returned, Lu Ziye felt an unprecedented power, and even the image of Evolto fighting in Mars appeared in his mind!

[Okay, the genetic factors have been completely recovered, but Wan Zhang can no longer transform. 】

Evolto returned to "Between All Things", still imitating the posture of blood dive, but his power has been greatly improved compared to before.

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