Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 211 Disgrace our players!

In Nasita Coffee Shop.

Lu Ziye was waiting for the junior high school students and Xia You to join up. The decisive battle with Killbus was not far away. Naturally, there was no need for the two of them to continue lurking there. Moreover, the senior high school students had already taken the panels and full bottles from Xidu. Come.

Even if Saito launches another war and loses Himuro Gentoku, it would be completely meaningless to have just the two Gear brothers.

As for Saruwatari Ichikai and Himuro Gentoku, after he gave them some genetic factors, the two met to increase the danger level. Ryuuga was also taken away by the two of them, while Kiryu Sento stayed in a secret base to develop props.

[Lao Lu, we are here! 】

At this moment, An Yu's voice sounded in Lu Ziye's mind.

Lu Ziye: "????"

[You are here, are you talking about reaching the realm of knights? 】

Lu Ziye would never admit to An Yu's familiar voice, but wasn't it a little too late?

The game official has reached this point, and they are still arranging players to enter the realm of knights. Are they going to win by lying down? !

Damn it, he is almost at the end of this fight!

[Otherwise, where will we meet? 】

An Yu's voice sounded again, asking about the meeting place.

[Nasita Coffee Shop, we are all here. 】

Lu Ziye responded immediately, although it was almost coming to an end, it would be a good thing to increase his combat power.

Otherwise, he would be really worried about the combat power of Kiryu Zhantu and others. After all, judging from previous events, there may be many players on Killbus's side, and they may have to deal with a large number of players.

In this case, with the joining of An Yu and Ran Ge, a lot of pressure can be shared!


As the door was pushed open, Xia You and Gao Chusan appeared at the door.

"Lao Lu, I'm so hot!" Xia You said this and slid directly to Lu Ziye's side.

"What do you think of the other players' information?" Lu Ziye asked, ignoring the cheerful Xia You.

"Let me explain, most of the players are now on the Beidu side, waiting for us to attack. A small number of players have completed the side missions and transferred to the Killbus camp. Among them, the highest combat power is equivalent to ours, and there are only three people in total. ." Gao Junior Three said, sliding Xia Youti away from him.

"That's not a big problem. You guys will stay here for the next two days and act as sparring partners for the characters in the plot." With the explanation from the third year of high school, Lu Ziye felt a lot more at ease.

"Lao Lu, I just heard that An Yu and the others came in. Why are they so slow?" Xia You saw that the two of them had finished talking and immediately jumped into the conversation.

"Who knows that increasing combat power is a good thing, I'm just worried that other unexpected situations will occur." Lu Ziye said his worries. Joining players at this time, it is difficult not to suspect that the official is stirring up trouble.

Xia You opened his mouth slightly when he heard this. There was someone above him, and Lao Lu was actually worried about an accident.

"I heard everything you said. The only thing I care about is the situation of the players in the Killbus camp. There is basically no movement from them. This is so strange." The third-year high school student said what he could understand about the situation.

"Yeah." After hearing this, Lu Ziye fell into thinking.

What Killbus wants most now is Pandora's Box, for players in his camp to snatch it?

Although it is possible, it is not realistic. Most of those players know their strength. Coming to them to snatch Pandora's Box is no different from direct failure.

"No, Katsuragi Ninja!" Lu Ziye stood up the moment he spoke.

The characters who really haven't appeared now are Shinobu Katsuragi and Nariaki Utsumi. Shinobu Katsuragi plays a very important role in developing props and as the father of Kiryu Sento. Killbus might use Shinobu Katsuragi to cause trouble!

Seeing Lu Ziye stand up, Xia You and Gao Junior Three also stood up and followed.

When Lu Ziye opened the door, two figures were standing at the door, raising their hands to open the door. It was An Yu and Ran Ge who had come here to meet.

"There's no time to explain now. Come with me first."

Lu Ziye didn't say anything else, and immediately took out the Evol drive and transformed.

"Black Hole! Black Hole! Black Hole! Revolution! Fuhhahhahhahha!"

The moment the transformation was completed, Lu Ziye opened a wormhole in front of him. The wormhole led to the basement where he first met Katsuragi Shinobi.

When a group of people passed through the wormhole, the scene in front of them changed accordingly, and the picture before everyone's eyes was a messy scene.

"Are you late?" The mess in front of him made Lu Ziye sigh.

At that time, he also reminded Katsuragi Shinobu to change places, why didn't he listen to him?

"It's really here."

At this moment, a voice sounded, and several figures walked out of the shadows. A dozen people surrounded Lu Ziye and others.

The first one to appear was Ji Bo, the player Lu Ziye had encountered before, the sneak attack tiger who attacked Wan Zhang Long Wo!

"Where did you take Shinobi Katsuragi?" Lu Ziye was not too surprised by Ji Bo's appearance. The news of being able to join the Killbus camp was learned from him. There was probably some mission for appearing here.

"I can't tell you this." Ji Bo shook his head, and then continued: "But now, I need the Pandora's Box in your hands. If you leave it to me, I can guarantee that Katsuragi will not be harmed."

"You are really honest." Lu Ziye thought that the other party waiting for him here must be for Pandora's Box, "But I will not give you Pandora's Box."

He knows very well that once Pandora's Box is handed over, the players who join Killbus will be made into the energy of the box. With this energy, Killbus will become stronger, and may even blow up the box on the spot. planet

"Then we don't have to talk." After Ji Bo finished speaking, a burst of dark red energy suddenly surged from his body.

Seeing this scene, Lu Ziye immediately activated the power in his eyes to check the other party's information.

[Ji Bo, male, 21 years old, player]

[Grade judgment: B+ grade (enhanced by Killbus genetic factor)]

[Knight System: Tiger (Big Tooth) - Ryuki (Dragon Rider) Series]

【Complete Knight's Realm nineteen times.】

Not only Ji Bo, but Lu Ziye used the power of power to sweep away other players. They were all enhanced by the Killbus genetic factor, and their strength level was completely upgraded to B+ level!

".They have all been enhanced by Killbus and have the same strength as us." Lu Ziye reminded Xia You and others.

The current strength of Ji Bo and others is enough to fight them, especially since Lu Ziye does not have an EvolBuild bottle in his hand. Considering the number of opponents, there is a high probability that it will become a protracted battle.

"Bah! How come they are so upset! They are obviously players, but they join Killbus's camp to survive. It is an embarrassment to us players!" Xia You was full of fighting spirit and immediately took out the squeeze drive in his hand.

"That's right." Senior high school student nodded and took out his stereo.

An Yu and Ran Ge also had no intention of retreating, and everyone's fighting spirit was extremely high! !

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