Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 222 Infinite Galaxy Form!

At this time, Killbus was hit by Pandora's Box ray, and a cube space was immediately constructed around him to trap him. The energy detonated from it instantly turned into countless flames and completely engulfed his body.

"Mugen! Fever! (Infinite! Overflowing!)"

"Mugen Galaxy! (Infinite Galaxy!)"

When the Killbus was attacked by Pandora's Box, Lu Ziye also inserted the Infinite Galaxy Bottle into the drive.

The moment the drive was inserted, the black hole trigger popped out, and countless red genetic factors poured out of Lu Ziye's body. The genetic factors then wrapped around the black hole trigger, and gradually condensed into the shape of a black hole.

"Let's go! Partner!" The current form of the black hole is dominated by Evolto's consciousness, and he also stretched out his left fist and placed it in front of Lu Ziye.

"You have to work hard." Looking at the fist in front of him, Lu Ziye immediately stretched out his right fist to collide with it.

At the moment of the collision, Evolto turned into a crimson light spot, and the crimson light spot turned into two silver-white apertures standing at the front and rear.

Seeing this, Lu Ziye also turned the driver's handle, and a high-speed factory also extended from the driver, building dark blue armor on the front and rear.

"Are You Ready? (Are you ready?)"


After he finished speaking, the high-speed factory shrank the front and rear armor and merged with Lu Ziye, completing the outfit on him.

"The Infinite Knight of the Brilliant Galaxy! Cross-ZEvol! Fuhahahahahaha! Ciao~ (Evolution Crozier! Huhahahaha! Goodbye~)"

The moment the transformation was completed, a bright Milky Way appeared in front of him, and an astrolabe transformed into the Milky Way was printed on his head.

The body is covered in armor made of black, blue and white. The chest is like a rotating galaxy. Dragon elements are reflected on the arms and shoulders. The double-layered gradient blue skirt is windless and automatic.

And in the infinite galaxy bottle on the drive, little bits of dazzling light are shining like the Milky Way!

"Is this your new power, Lao Lu?" Xia You, who was beside him, couldn't help but swallow his saliva. He could feel the pressure from Lao Lu's body now. This feeling was different from what he felt in Killbus. Not much.

"The protagonists have all appeared. You won't continue to lie down, right?" Lu Ziye turned to look at the people still lying on the ground and couldn't help but remind him.

At Lu Ziye's reminder, everyone quickly stood up and came to his side.

"We're lying down to give you a chance to show off." Kiryu Zhantu couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, but his tone was still solemn.


At this moment, the cube energy that trapped Killbus was torn apart, and no damage was caused by the attack of Pandora's Box energy.

"Even if you change your form, you still can't defeat me now." Killbus' eyes fell on Lu Ziye, and he raised his hand and swept across the crowd, "You will all become my energy to destroy this universe!"

"You shout about destroying the universe every day, you are really smart!" Lu Ziye complained on the spot and took the lead in running towards Killbus.

Seeing Lu Ziye leading the charge, everyone followed closely behind, and no one was left behind.

Lu Ziye, who was the first to charge out, was in front of Killbus in an instant, raised his foot and kicked him.

Killbus reacted very quickly. He stretched out his hands and pressed down at the same time. He stepped back slightly and used his hands to support the blow before kicking him.


Dark blue energy exploded in Lu Ziye's legs, instantly shaking Killbus's hands away.

Then, Kiryu War Rabbit behind Lu Ziye filled the gap, and the purple-black energy condensed in his right fist struck Killbus's chest.


The black hole energy exploded in Killbus's chest, but when he took half a step back, the rainbow light belonging to the genius form erupted again, triggering several energy bombardments on his armor.

Killbus was seen retreating continuously, and Ran Ge once again filled the gap after Kiryu Zhantu.

"Ghosts and gods awaken their voices!" After shouting lightly, Ran Singer swung the armored sound blade in his hand, and immediately turned into a slashing wave and flew out.

Killbus had just stabilized his body when he was hit by the next wave of ghostly and divine sounds, but this time the attack was slightly weaker and only shook his body.

"Blue! Yellow! Red! (Blue! Yellow! Red!)"

"Ready go! Castle Break! Gakin! (Ready go! Castle Break! Gakin!)"

Two red rays of light shot past Ran Ge's side, and then hit Killbus' body.

But under the continuous bombardment of these two red rays of light, Killbus only swayed and took a step forward despite the rays of light.

"Wild! (Wild)"

The green light cannon burst out, and the moment it bombarded Killbus, it stopped its progress.

"Don't underestimate us Kamen Riders! Bastards!!!"

"Ready go! Volcanic Attack! Acha! (Ready to go! Lava attack! Hot!)"

"Genkai Dai Kaigan! Deep Specter! Mega Omega Drive!"

Lava and the abyss walked side by side, and the knight kick of the two of them landed on Killbus' shoulders in an instant.

After suffering such continuous attacks, Killbus finally fell backwards, but stood up again with just a roll.

"Ready go! Glacial Finish! Bakibakibakibaki Bakin! (Ready to go! Blizzard ends! Gajin Gajin Gajin!)"

The blue figure passed by everyone, and when it came to Killbus, it passed by his body again, but his lower body was completely sealed by ice crystals.

Immediately afterwards, Xia You's figure appeared behind Killbus again, and the steel claws on his arms fell down. Under his continuous swinging, dozens of slashes fell on his back.

"Ready go! Prime Scrap Break!"

Himero Gento leaped up, passing by everyone until he reached Lu Ziye's side, his legs entangled in energy and transformed into golden crocodile jaws.

"Attack his dangerous trigger." Lu Ziye whispered.

This was the battle they had planned before coming here, ending with the never-defeatable crocodile bite of Himuro Gento, completely destroying the function of the dangerous trigger, thereby reducing Killbus's strength.

The next moment, the golden crocodile bite bit Killbus hard, and with a chewing sound, Killbus flew backwards in the shattering of countless ice crystals.

I saw the arc of armor and dangerous trigger flashing on Killbus' body, and after several rounds of rolling, he finally stopped rolling.

"It really worked!" Wanzhanglong shouted excitedly when I saw this scene.

But the next second, Killbus stood up under everyone's gaze.

"I have to say that your tactics are perfect, but... I already knew the weakness of the Hazard Trigger!" Killbus slowly raised his right hand, and in his right hand was the Hazard Trigger, and the Hazard Trigger on the driver turned into a blue genetic factor and sank into his body.

"You won't have another chance!"

Killbus inserted the Hazard Trigger and turned the driver grip.

"Ready go! Hazard Finish! Killbus Spider Finish!"

The sound effect echoed in this space, and six black spider legs extended from behind Killbus. The six black spider legs attacked from both sides in an instant, piercing through the front-most Bingshi Gende, Xia You and Gao Chusan.

The three of them all had two spider legs on their bodies, piercing through their armor from both sides, and light spots appeared at the penetration points.

All this happened so fast that even Lu Ziye couldn't touch any spider legs at high speed. This also proves that Killbus still has some hidden strength.

"Killbus!!!" Lu Ziye roared, and came in front of the three people. The black hole in his right hand turned into a slashing blade at this moment, instantly cutting the six spider legs that pierced the three people.


As the six spider legs were cut, the three people fell backwards.

Lu Ziye took the opportunity to catch Gao Chusan who was about to fall, and pressed his right hand on his wound: "It will be fine, it will be healed soon."

The right hand released the healing power of the golden fruit and began to repair the wound that was pierced. At the same time, the left hand waved, and the power of the black hole was used to pull the Ice Room Gentoku who was a little further away, and the left hand followed to release a light spot to treat it.

"You! You can do it yourself." Before Lu Ziye finished speaking, a black shadow enveloped him.

"That's why I said that humans are really weak. You really have too many weaknesses."

Killbus finished speaking, turned his head slightly and looked at Ran Ge.

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