Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 223 This is my last strength!

Chapter 223 This is my last strength!

In Lu Ziye's eyes, Killbus was like a raging storm. The crimson storm swept over everyone present. The storm destroyed everything in sight, and nothing was intact anymore.

boom--! !

Ran Ge, who was the closest, was instantly lifted into the air. The armored ring ghost was transformed into light spots under the power of the vampire clan. When the light spots were flying in the air, the man had already fallen to the ground and could not even move. out.

Then came Kiryu Zhantu, who was thrown into the air in exactly the same way as Ran Ge. Two black spider legs intertwined and pierced through each other. The armor turned into light spots and dissipated. He fell to the ground covered in wounds, without any resistance.

Bang bang bang bang——!

The voices kept ringing, no one could stand on this land, like the ape crossing the sea, the ten thousand-foot-long dragon, and Anyu.

Lu Ziye was proud of his power, which allowed him to clearly see every move Killbus made when he tormented his companions, but he couldn't take his hands away from the high school students and Himuro Hantoku.

"One more time. Just one more time."

Under the mask, Lu Ziye bit the edge of his lip, causing blood to ooze from the force.

Snap, snap, snap—!

"It's such a pity that your power is not as strong as mine after all." As the words rang out, Killbus came to Lu Ziye, "The destruction of the earth is close at hand!"

As if announcing the defeat of Lu Ziye and others, Killbus put his hand on the driver's handle and turned it slowly.

"Ready go! Hazard Finish! Killbus Spider Finish! (Ready go! Hazard Finish! Killbus Spider Finish!)"

The sound of the sound reverberated in the air, and Killbus's right foot was wrapped with majestic and ferocious energy. The surging energy seemed to turn into a spider devouring the world at this moment, and it gradually became hideous and terrifying in Lu Ziye's eyes.

Without any more words, Killbus suddenly raised his right foot and kicked Lu Ziye in the chest.

At this moment, it seemed as if the whole world had quieted down, as if only Killbus was left roaring in with huge energy. Lu Ziye tensed his body, preparing for the coming attack.

"Stop joking!!!!"

A figure suddenly appeared in Lu Ziye's eyes. The figure seemed to flash in front of him, blocking Killbus's kick with his arms.

Bang - Bang Bang! ! !

But the moment his arms came into contact, the steel claws glowing with cold light instantly shattered into points of light.

Waves of crimson energy continued to impact the figure. The armor on his body shattered like tiles, flickering and turning into points of light under the continuous impact of the energy. His body even knelt down on one knee uncontrollably.

"Lao Lu is just helping his companions heal their injuries. A bastard like you will be beaten to the ground in no time!"

Familiar words echoed in Lu Ziye's ears, shocking him.

Xia You, who was kneeling on one knee after being hit by the impact, gradually stood up. The moment he stood up completely, he took out his right hand for blocking and blasted out.


I saw that Xia You's punch actually landed on Killbus's chest, but the opponent's body did not waver at all.

"It's useless. After all, you are all human beings, and you only have this ability." When he finished speaking, Killbus suddenly waved his hand, and his fist landed mercilessly on the side of Xia You's face.


With the sound of shattering, Xia You flew backwards, and the armor at the compound eyes was completely broken, exposing the eyes.

But Xia You, who had fallen behind, propped up his body again and stood up. Seeing this scene, Kiryu Zhantu and the others on the side also wanted to stand up, but the pain in their bodies and their stretched bodies made it impossible for them to exert any effort.

"With just your strength, you can't stop me at all." Killbus hummed softly and focused on Lu Ziye again.

"But I will open a path for everyone!" Xia You suddenly started running, took two steps and then bent down to grab the device on the ground into his hand.

"That's the evolution activation device." Kiryu Zhantu flashed a look of pain, but he clearly remembered that when the transformation was forcibly released, the black hole trigger fell there.

"Ready go! Fever Flow! Glacial Finish! Bakibakibaki Bakin! Ciao~ (Ready! Overflow mode! The end of the blizzard! Bakin, gold, gold! Goodbye~)"

Xia You, who rushed out, had already inserted the black hole trigger into the drive, and put the Jiji armband on his arm with his left hand.


Xia You roared, completely activating the power of Jiji's armband, and his whole body was covered with a layer of golden energy.

With the blessing of golden energy, his speed suddenly increased and he was in front of Killbus in an instant.

Although Killbus reacted very quickly, when he turned around, he was hit on the side of the face by a suddenly swung fist.


The moment it hit Killbus, bursts of golden energy burst out from Xia You's fist. Driven by this energy, Killbus's body was shaken and he took a step back.

"What's going on?" Killbus took a step back and immediately stopped. He only felt that Xia You's danger level was rising rapidly, and the inexplicable power could actually hurt him.

"Old Lu!!!" Xia You looked up to the sky and roared, "The next step is up to you."

boom--! !

When the words fell, Xia You's body once again erupted with stronger golden light. Under this golden light, the armor on his body actually began to dissolve.

At this moment, Lu Ziye still didn't understand that Xia You was completely liberating the power of the Jiji armband. Even if the body couldn't bear it, he was constantly squeezing out the power to improve it. If this continues, Xia You's body will be here Completely dissolved by energy!

"This is my last strength!!" Xia You glanced at Lu Ziye, and pictures of us getting along flashed before his eyes. Those good times made the golden light on his body skyrocket again.

Without any hesitation, I turned the handle of the driver. The driver even started to break under the crazy rotation!

"Ready go! Glacial Finish! Bakibakibakibaki Ciao~ (Ready go! The blizzard is over! Goodbye Gajingajingajin~)"

As the sound effect fell, Xia You jumped up suddenly, turned into a hot golden ball in mid-air, and fell towards Killbus.

However, just when Xia You's knight's kick was about to hit, Lu Ziye slowly raised his right hand, releasing circles of golden energy in his hand.


A clock appeared behind Lu Ziye. When the bell rang, everything in the world stopped here!

Lu Ziye stood up slowly and walked towards Xia You. Xia You, who was emitting golden light, stopped in mid-air. Killbus was close at hand, and the distance between them was only a few centimeters.

"Really, there is no reason for you to fight so hard." Lu Ziye stretched out his hand, pulled out the black hole trigger from Xia You's drive, took it off together with the Jiji armband, and put it in his hand.

By the way, he kicked Killbus, causing him to move away a little distance.


At this time, the arc of electricity flashed in the bottle of Infinite Galaxy, and it was obvious that the effect of stopping the entire time was about to end.

Bursts of golden light gradually dissipated, and the stopped time flowed again. Xia You, who released the knight kick, was pulled to the ground by Lu Ziye, while Killbus retreated continuously.

"Old Lu, what's wrong with you?" Xia You looked at Lu Ziye who suddenly appeared next to him and asked in confusion.

But the next moment, Lu Ziye stretched out his hand and suddenly pushed Xia You towards Kiryu Zhantu and others, leaving everyone to turn around slightly: "What are you doing? This is my battle."

The hand then released energy, shrouding the people behind it, and this was the protective space created by the heartbeat crisis and diamond components.


Silver flames bloomed on Lu Ziye's body, and golden blood-like lines appeared on the armor.

"Killbus, get ready for your defeat!" From the protective space, red genetic factors poured out. They were the genetic factors in the bodies of Kiryu Zhantu and others. At this moment, they all returned to Lu Ziye's body.

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