Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 224 Your life! Take it from me! !

The genetic factors that had been trained by his companions regrouped on Lu Ziye, causing the silvery white flames on his body to rise suddenly, mixing with the dark blue energy of the infinite galaxy. The two different energies did not intersect, showing two extremely distinct colors.

"Lao Lu! Why don't you let me out! I want to fight with you!!"

In the protective space behind her, Xia You punched the barrier in front of her with her fists, but she couldn't break it.

Gao Junior Three and Himuro Huande, who had been cured by Lu Ziye, also stood up and joined Xia You's actions.

Even if they couldn't compete head-on with Killbus, as Lu Ziye's companions, they couldn't stay in the protective space with peace of mind.

However, Lu Ziye didn't seem to hear the voice behind him and rushed straight towards Killbus in front of him!

"Come on! Let me see your last struggle!!"

Killbus shouted softly and rushed towards Lu Ziye.

In an instant, the two met in the middle and punched each other with their right fists at the same time.

boom--! !

The right fists collided together, and an unprecedented surge of energy erupted. The surge of energy instantly enveloped the entire sixth floor of Pandora's Tower.

I saw the ground on the sixth floor shattered and cracked, and then repaired in the blink of an eye. The energy spread out again and shattered the ground. Countless gravels flew up, flying upwards and turning into powder.

"That's it! That's it! Let's improve it a little more!!"

At this moment, Killbus is getting more and more crazy, and his compound eyes are glowing crimson with excitement.

But Lu Ziye said nothing and punched out again, as if he could only see the opponent's face.

Bang bang bang bang——!

After several punches collided, each of Lu Ziye's blows was perfectly collided by Killbus, without giving him any chance to touch.

As their fists continued to collide, the speed of the two punches became faster and faster. From the beginning, after-images were left in the air, and then even the after-images no longer appeared. Only the explosions that kept ringing in the air made it difficult for them to do so. Everyone in the back knew that the two were still fighting.

However, at this moment, Killbus suddenly extended a spider leg from his back, resisting Lu Ziye's punch.

The freed right fist suddenly hit Lu Ziye's chest, and the people behind him exploded with majestic crimson energy. What was even more exaggerated was that the burst of crimson energy completely destroyed the clouds in the sky behind him in an instant. Scatter!

"It seems that the outcome has been decided!" The hit of this blow made Killbus confident.

But Lu Ziye didn't pause at all. He retracted his right fist that was blocked by the spider leg, and released several layers of stacked black holes in his hand.

The stacked black holes then bombarded the stunned Killbus, instantly sending him flying into the sky.

But Lu Ziye did not stop because of this. With a slight exertion on his feet, he pursued Killbus in the sky.

[Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing? You can obviously avoid that blow, why don't you avoid it? ! 】

In his mind was Evolto's voice, and he couldn't understand Lu Ziye's current actions at all.

"There is no need to avoid it." Lu Ziye's voice was low, and there was no longer the playful feeling in the past.


Evolto, who felt the change in Lu Ziye, seemed to be choked suddenly. He just uttered one word and there was no more words.

Looking back at Killbus in the air, seeing Lu Ziye chasing after him, he immediately put his hand on the driver handle and turned it.

"Ready go! Hazard Finish! Killbus Spider Finish! (Ready go! Hazard Finish! Killbus Spider Finish!)"


As the sound effects resounded, six black spider legs suddenly stretched out from behind Killbus, stabbing down at Lu Ziye who was flying below.

Seeing the black spider legs coming towards him, Lu Ziye did not make any other moves and continued to rush towards Killbus at his original speed.

Bang - sizzle! !

The six spider legs either penetrated or grazed the armor, sending sparks flying and not stopping Lu Ziye from moving forward at all.

Bang bang bang! ! !

The black spider legs were crushed to pieces under Lu Ziye's desperate move.

Before Killbus could react, Lu Ziye was already in front of him, and his raised right fist struck down directly.


I saw ferocious pale flames spurting out, knocking Killbus down from the sky in an instant, and falling towards Pandora's Tower below.

"Cross-Z Side! Evol Side! (Cross-Z Side! Evolve Power!)"

"Ready go! Galaxy Finish! Ciao! (Ready go! Galaxy Finish! Goodbye!)"

Lu Ziye waved his hand, and a black hole appeared behind him. Under the flash of dark red electric arc, the fallen Killbus was suddenly frozen in mid-air.

"Cross-Z Side! Evol Side! Double Side! (Cross-Z Power! Evolution Power! Double Side Power!)"

"Ready go! Mugen Galaxy Finish! (Ready to go! Mugen Galaxy Finish!)"

Dark blue and dark red energy intertwined and converged, forming a vortex on Lu Ziye's right foot, and the pale inflammation on his body was also involved, turning into the third destructive force in the energy vortex.

boom--! ! !

The sky was roaring, and brilliant stars like three-color comets were falling downwards.

The people of the entire city witnessed this scene at this moment, and the beautiful picture collided with a point in the air as they witnessed it.


As the sound effects resounded, a giant dragon appeared above Pandora's Tower. The dragon rushed into the sky, and then turned into a point of light at the highest point and dissipated.

Then, there was a white light coming from Pandora's Magic Tower. After the white light flashed, there were loud noises one after another.

And when everything returned to calm, Lu Ziye stood beside a hole on the sixth floor of Pandora's Tower. There were several gaps in the armor on his body, and his body under the gaps was a bloody mess.

But beneath the hole, there was Killbus lying on the bottom floor of Pandora's Tower. Arcs of armor flashed across his body. After several struggles, the armor erupted with bursts of sparks.

"Why. Why do mere humans have such power!?" Killbus' unwilling roar echoed in Pandora's Tower.

"Burn yourself and respond to everyone's wishes. This is my way of choosing to become a Kamen Rider!!" Enduring the pain in his body, Lu Ziye turned the handle of the driver again.

"Cross-Z Side! (Cross-Z Side!)"

"Ready go! Mugen Finish! (Ready to go! Infinite end!)"

A giant dragon appeared behind Lu Ziye. When he jumped down, the dragon turned into a final attack in front of Lu Ziye's right fist.

"Killbus!! Your life! I will take it!!!"

The roaring dragon penetrated Killbus completely as he stood up. The infinite energy penetrated his body and tore apart all the genetic elements in his body!

Boom——! !

Flames filled the bottom of Pandora's Tower, and Lu Ziye's figure also passed through the flames, sliding for a distance on the ground before stopping steadily.

When the flames gradually faded, Lu Ziye turned and looked behind him, scanning every part of the bottom floor to confirm that no genetic factors were left behind.

After he finished all this, the armor on his body turned into light spots and disappeared, and his bloody body could no longer support it and fell backward.

But at the moment he was about to fall, several hands stretched out and caught him before he fell to the ground.

"You are so handsome boy"

When his consciousness completely disappeared, Lu Ziye heard Xia You's voice.

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