Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 226 Emperor Stone! Another server-wide announcement!

As the virtual screen popped up in front of everyone, they couldn't help but look nervously at the screen in front of them.

Seeing everyone's nervous expressions, Lu Ziye couldn't help but become nervous himself. Who wouldn't look forward to the reward for clearing the A+ level Knight's Realm?

Not only that, he also has a hidden reward...!

[Start rating the completion of the Build plot line]

[Congratulations to the player for completing the Build plot line. The rating for this clearance is - S+ level]

The moment he saw the rating, Lu Ziye felt like his breath had stopped.

Although I have received many S+ ratings before, this is the S+ rating of A+ Knight's Realm, and the concept is completely different!

As his eyes moved downward, the reward also appeared in his eyes

[Emperor Stone - Sun Stone: A mysterious stone with mysterious power, containing infinite power and energy. The Century Kings who hold two different Emperor Stones are destined to fight. The one who wins and survives will gain greater power as the Creation King]

[Current special ability: Breaking Illusions - Emitting a strong flash of Imperial Stone to break all illusions in front of you]

[Unbinding-transmitting energy to the whole body and breaking the power that binds oneself]

[Gigantization - Release the power of the Emperor Stone and make yourself gigantic]

[Continuous life-can maintain basic vitality even if fatally injured]

[Destroy the spirit body - the flash of the Emperor Stone can materialize any spirit body]

[Absorb sunlight - Absorb the power of the sun to continuously restore vitality and physical strength]

[Mysterious Power - The connection between the Emperor Stone and the host will continue to deepen, and emotions will give it incredible power]

"Fuck...?" After the reward was given, Lu Ziye's thousands of words converged into one sentence, and even his breathing became heavier.

He knew very well what kind of terrifying power the Imperial Stone had. This was a super plug-in belonging to Black, and it was precisely because of the various powers of the Imperial Stone that he got the title of Wall Knight.

As long as he continues to use the power of the Emperor Stone and deepens the connection with it, he will surely evolve the infinite resurrection ability that will only appear later!

"This reward is really a bit perverted." Even if Lu Ziye has countless props, they feel that they are not as good as this emperor stone.

The Emperor Stone has too many abilities. As long as it is given enough time, it may be able to develop even more terrifying powers.

After sighing, Lu Ziye also looked at the reactions of others. He saw that everyone's expressions were more exciting than the others, and they must have received good rewards.

But he was not in a hurry to ask, but continued to flip the virtual screen. He also had a reward for a hidden mission.

[Start rating hidden tasks]

[The player holds ten "Lost Full Bottles" and obtains a rating - S+ level]

[It is detected that the player already holds Pandora Panel Black (black Pandora panel), and the reward is being changed again.]

[Pandora Panel White: A special white Pandora panel with the ability to connect to parallel worlds. It can be fused with the black Pandora panel. After the fusion, the Pandora panel is injected with the power of a full bottle, which will open the singular point and connect to the parallel world through the singular point.]

"Huh?" Lu Ziye was a little confused when he saw the reward.

It's really useless for him to ask for the white Pandora panels, otherwise I would have asked Wan Zhanglong to refine them for him during the Build plot line.

The main concern is that after integrating into the Pandora panel, it will turn into Evolto's weird state.

Think about the good-looking black hole form, and then think about Evolto's weirdo state. Although he sacrificed his good looks for strength, he, who is a little good-looking, simply can't accept the weirdo state! !

But the rewards were given, and he left them here whether he wanted them or not. After clicking to accept, two props suddenly appeared in his hands.

Looking at the white Pandora panel in his hand, Lu Ziye sighed heavily.

But at this moment, the information on the white Pandora panel appeared in his eyes, and there was an extra piece of information that was not displayed on the virtual screen!

[Note: After merging with the black Pandora panel, you can use the Evol driver to absorb it. The absorption will turn into a white Pandora panel, which has the special power to summon the past timeline itself]

"What does this mean?" Lu Ziye narrowed his eyes slightly through the description of the message.

Is it possible to summon the self from the past timeline and ask him to fight on his behalf?

If you could summon yourself from the Infinite Galaxy Bottle in the Build storyline, wouldn't it be a direct sign of invincibility! ?

But call yourself. It always feels a little weird.

Could it be that he was asked to contact the parallel world, operate like Kiryu Sento, squeeze out of this knight game, and complete the creation of a new world?

But it's impossible no matter how you think about it, how could the game official give him such a prop to destroy the game, unless this knight game doesn't want to continue!

"Well, maybe we can get the power of white snake skin?" Lu Ziye quickly gave up thinking, thinking too much, it would be better to experiment later.

After putting the two props into the magician's ring, he also looked at everyone. Everyone had smiles on their faces. When he was about to ask about the situation, the virtual screen popped up again!

[Full game announcement: Congratulations to the "Siberian Titanosaurus crushing an asteroid with bare hands" team for completing the A+ level knight realm! 】

[The Knight game has officially entered the third stage. The game will stop entering the Knight's Realm after all players leave the Knight's Realm. The stop time is three days]

[The update content of the third phase of the Knight game is to add SIC Knight’s Realm and Gaiden Knight’s Realm]

[Open new knight plot lines - Zero-One (01) plot line, Saber plot line, Revice (Levis) plot line and Geats (Extreme Fox) plot line]

[The opening conditions of the special knight plot line Decade (Emperor Cavalry) have not been met and will be opened after the conditions are met. 】

[A new special facility has been added to the buffer zone - DGP Grand Prix (note: please learn more after the facility opens)]

"Are we updating the Knight game?" Lu Ziye's mood was somewhat complicated after seeing the full server announcement.

He thought he was going to be at the top, but he never expected that the game official would throw out an update that would directly increase the difficulty of the game again.

The rest of the plot line of New Knight is easy to say, but the system of Saber (Sacred Blade) is almost the same as Build. Without the infinite galaxy bottle, he dare not say that he can pass the level.

Not to mention Decade, he just hopes to stay away. It’s not that it’s difficult, it’s that Kado Yaji is not an easy subject to deal with.

"Old Lu, it seems we still have a long way to go."

After Xia You finished speaking, everyone's originally a little excited hearts sank.

As Xia You said, there is still a long way to go, and they are far from relaxed.

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