Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 227 The genetic factor hidden by Evolto!

After briefly calming down, Lu Ziye and the others did not leave the room at the "Terminal" immediately.

"How's the sentiment level going over there?" Lu Ziye was the first to ask after everyone's expressions calmed down.

At the same time, he also called up the virtual screen to check his own heart value. He was still looking forward to the activation of this power.

But when the virtual screen appeared and his eyes fell on the desired value, he couldn't help but froze for a moment.

When did his favorability value reach 84%?

After everyone looked at it, some were happy and some were sad.

"I'm here at 72%!" Xia You was the first to respond to Lu Ziye. Such an improvement made him extremely happy.

"59%" The third-year high school student scratched his face in embarrassment. His improvement seemed to be a bit low.

"I've improved a little more than you, 40%." When An Yu heard the words of the third-year high school student, most of the slight sadness on his face disappeared in an instant.

Only Ran Ge frowned slightly, and after many attempts to speak, he still couldn't speak.

"Boss Ran Ge, how much have you improved over there?" Seeing that Ran Ge didn't speak, Xia You immediately asked, not noticing his frown at all.

But Lu Ziye noticed the look on Ran Ge's face, and immediately stopped the next conversation: "That's it, let's stop this topic, let's all go back and rest."

".55%." Ran Ge said directly.

As soon as these words came out, Xia You also understood: "What? I'm going to make something delicious tonight. Everyone has worked hard. If Mr. Ran Ge wants to eat anything, just tell him!"

"Then let me show off my skills. I can make West Lake vinegar fish." The third grade of high school students raised their hands.

"Is the West Lake vinegar fish you made edible?" This word seemed to bring back bad memories to An Yu, who asked with a very solemn expression.

When asked this question, the junior high school student was a little hesitant: "It should be edible, right?"

"It's hard for me to let you show off your words." Xia You said that the pressure was a bit high.

Seeing everyone trying to liven up the atmosphere, Ran Ge's lips curved slightly: "Xia You, I want to eat spicy chicken, can you do that?"

"Hey, Mr. Ran Ge, if you want to eat it, you have to be able to eat it if you can't!" Xia You immediately said, patting his chest.

"Let's go and buy ingredients." Under Xia You's action, the recent senior high school students An Yu and An Yu were directly pulled away by him, "Old Lu, hurry up and follow us!"

The three of them left first, and suddenly Lu Ziye and Ran Ge were the only ones left in the room.

"Let's go, let's follow." Lu Ziye stood up and prepared to follow the people in front.

"Yeah." Seeing Lu Ziye stand up, Ran Ge nodded, "I will catch up with you guys."

After hearing this, Lu Ziye stopped at the door and said, "Don't be in a hurry, just follow your own pace. You guys, there's no point in chasing after me."

After saying that, the two of them walked out of the room and caught up with Xia You and the other three who were waiting for them.

After the meal, everyone went back to their respective rooms.

Lu Ziye was lying on the bed, his mind and body immersed in the "Between All Things". He had previously agreed with Evolto to cooperate in dealing with Killbus. Now that Killbus was solved, an explanation was naturally needed.

But when Lu Ziye's image appeared in "Between All Things", he saw two groups of genetic factors suspended in the hands of Evolto sitting there.

But before he could see it clearly, Evolto put it away at an extremely fast speed, and immediately lay down and pretended that nothing happened.

"Slime! What are you hiding secretly!" Lu Ziye would not pretend that nothing happened, but he clearly saw two groups of genetic factors, one of which was the blue genetic factor.

And isn’t this blue genetic factor the genetic factor of Killbus?

As for the other group of genetic factors, he didn't have time to see clearly who it belonged to.

"What are you talking about? I'm not hiding anything!" Evolto stood up on the spot and argued, focusing on an absolute admission.

"You don't admit it, do you?"

Seeing that Evolto had no intention of speaking, Lu Ziye immediately activated the power in his eyes, and Evolto's message emerged.

The information was no different from what he had seen before, but there were two more pieces of information in the props he held.

[Killbus genetic factor (inactive state): a genetic factor from the King of Blood, with the ability to release special toxins and the ability to destroy planets to obtain its energy, containing huge energy]

[Blood genetic factor (inactive state): a genetic factor from the blood clan, which has the special characteristics of integrating with other blood clans and contains greater energy]

In addition, the hazard level has been changed from the original hazard level 7.0 to a hazard level of 7.0 or above, and there is no exact value.

Compared with changes in hazard levels, the additional information from the other two items is more important.

"Okay, okay, you Evolto, you have collected the genetic genes of Killbus and Blood, right?" The moment the information emerged, Lu Ziye directly revealed what Evolto had hidden.

And he probably guessed what Evolto was thinking. He probably figured out the characteristics of Blood, and wanted to use its characteristics to absorb the genetic factors of the two to gain stronger power, and then find an opportunity to completely escape from this "everything" that restrained him. between"!

"You" Evolto didn't understand, he hid quickly enough, how did Lu Ziye find out.

Could it be that this kid has a secret that he doesn't know about?

"You hid it secretly when I gave the last blow." After Lu Ziye thought about it, that was the only time Evolto had a chance.

In the Infinite Galaxy form, although he is still the main consciousness, Evolto can definitely still make some moves when he is finally weak.

"Now that you have discovered it, there is nothing to hide."

Immediately afterwards, two clusters of genetic factors appeared in Evolto's hands. The two clusters of genetic factors were blue and dark red, but they were not surging. They were suspended in his hands like water balloons.

But before Lu Ziye could say anything, Evolto directly threw out two balls of genetic factors and landed towards Lu Ziye.

Although it was an unexpected move, Lu Ziye still reached out and caught the two balls of genetic factors. The genetic factors felt soft to the touch, as if they were really like slimes.

"What do you mean?" Looking at the two groups of genetic factors in his hand, Lu Ziye was a little confused as to why Evolto did this.

Under normal circumstances, it shouldn't be a scenario where you negotiate terms with him and then have a fight with him.

Evolto spread his hands and stated his conditions: "You can handle these two genetic factors as you please. I only have one request. When you enter the realm of knights in the future, you must let me go out to play, or you can get me a body. also."

"It's impossible to have a body." Lu Ziye immediately rejected the other condition.

"That means you promise to let me go out to play...?"

At the moment of rejection, Evolto asked, fearing that Lu Ziye would regret it.

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