Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 230 Stop fighting!

"I can give up the "wheel war" directly. There is no need to fight between us. "In the noisy "Riding Arena", Lu Ziye looked at Ran Ge standing opposite and gave his thoughts.

As he said, he could give up and try again next time.

If he really goes to war with Ran Ge, one side will always fall. No matter who wins, the two of them will be more or less embarrassed afterwards. They are being exploited by "Riding Arena" and there is no way to get rid of it.

"No, if you give up, you need to wait for the cooling time. There is no need to do that." Ran Ge shook her head and refused. After she glanced at the audience around her, her eyes fell on Lu Ziye again and said, "Moreover, It would be nice for us to actually have a fight.”

She has a strong competitive spirit. If Lu Ziye's development is delayed for such reasons, she will feel sorry. Furthermore, she also wanted to know the gap between herself and Lu Ziye now.

In the room of "Terminal" before, she noticed the expression on Lu Ziye's face when he saw his sentiment value. Although he didn't say it out loud, it was definitely an astonishing value.

She knew that her strength had stagnated for too long, so why not take this opportunity to compete with Lu Ziye to hone her character and combat experience?

".But next, you also have a "matching battle", right? "Lu Ziye did not agree.

Ran Ge's level has not been promoted, so he can only sign up for the "matching battle" and plan to win some cell coins.

"You said this as if you were sure that I would lose to you."

Immediately afterwards, Ran Ge put his hands in front of him, and then suddenly slapped both sides of his belt.


Flames emerged from the ring of change, and the dragon's claws extended from it, and the flames gradually covered Ran Ge's body.

Under the cover of flames, the originally golden and silver armor floated, gradually turning into crimson armor. The power of the flames flowed in the cracks, rolling like magma. This is what Ran Ge Agito holds. The strongest form - Burning Form!

And with Ran Ge's actions, he was obviously determined to fight Lu Ziye!

"Huh, I understand." Seeing Ran Ge's resolute attitude, Lu Ziye didn't say anything more, "Since you proposed to fight, let's agree in advance that I won't give in!"

"Exactly what I want!" After saying this, Ran Ge assumed a fighting stance.

"It seems that the players are all ready, so the first "Wheel Battle" has officially begun! "

"Ready? Fight! (Ready? War!)"

A virtual screen for the start of the battle appeared on the battle stage in the central area, and the battle with Ran Ge started.


Ran Ge's feet moved, and the ground beneath his feet suddenly shattered, and his figure turned into a red shadow and attacked Lu Ziye.

But in Lu Ziye's compound eyes, every tiny movement of Ran Ge could be seen, and there was no speed at all.

Just as Ran Ge's figure was approaching, Lu Ziye suddenly took a step to the side, lowered his body and punched forward with his right fist!

boom--! !

Ran Ge, who had just arrived in front of Lu Ziye, immediately flew backwards, his body tumbling uncontrollably in mid-air.

Ran Ge urged the power of the flames in his hands to balance his tumbling body at the moment the flames were released, and then turned over and landed firmly on the ground.

".Cough." Although Ran Ge tried hard to suppress it, the severe pain in her abdomen made her moan softly.

After just one move, she understood the gap between her and Lu Ziye.

That kind of power is definitely not something she can compete with now. Whether it is an armored Hibiki or a burning form, the opponent can easily suppress her.

"Hey, hey, it seems like Boss Ran Ge can't beat that kid!"

"Really or not? Boss Ran Ge actually suffered a loss. My three views are about to be shattered."

"It's true that the waves in front push back the waves in the Yangtze River, and the waves in front die on the beach. There are no ships in the old world that can carry old things like us."

"I suspect you are going to start collecting sons."

The enthusiastic response from the audience was also heard by Xia You, who collected the cell coins.

"Get out of the way! I won't sell it!" Xia You pushed away the players in front of him, looked towards the central area, and saw the scene of Lu Ziye and Ran Ge standing in a stalemate, "Old boss Lu Range?"

As for the atmosphere between the two, he could see that both parties were very serious, and it was definitely not the kind of battle!

"Old Lu! Stop it! Don't fight anymore! Don't fight anymore!" At this time, Xia You couldn't care so much anymore, and his roar suddenly resounded throughout the "Riding Arena".


As soon as Xia You finished speaking, the sky in the buffer zone suddenly darkened, and little drops of rain began to fall.

In the central area, Lu Ziye and Ran Ge didn't care about the falling raindrops, they both stared at each other.

"I will use all my strength to defeat you." Ran Ge broke the stalemate between the two, held his right hand empty, and summoned the Shining King Sword.

The summoned Shining King Sword was held in the middle by Ran Ge. The Shining King Sword unfolded like a boomerang, blooming with little bits of cold light in the rain.

This was the first time Ran Ge summoned the Shining King Sword, and the corresponding message also appeared in Lu Ziye's eyes.

[Shining Calibur (Shining King Sword): It is a super weapon that has evolved to the ultimate level with the flame saber and storm halberd. It is made of the hardest material on earth and can cut through any material below B grade. With the "Power of Light" and "Power of Fire" maximized, it can even break through A-level substances. 】

When the information emerged, Lu Ziye was stunned. This weapon was enough to give Ran Ge the possibility of wrestling with him!

"Come here!" With such an example, Lu Ziye immediately turned the driver's handle.

"Cross-Z Side! Ready go! Muscle Finish! (Cross-Z Side! Ready to go! Muscle Finish!)"

As the sound effects sounded, a giant blue dragon appeared behind Lu Ziye, with blazing fire wrapped around its body.

The power alone made Ran Ge on the opposite side turn his right foot to steady his body, and the Shining King Sword in his hand also emitted light. The power of light and the power of fire gathered on the blade, accumulating the strength for the strongest blow. Prepare.

next moment--

The giant dragon behind Lu Ziye roared out under his fist and flew straight towards Ran Ge on the opposite side.

Seeing this, Ran Ge immediately waved the shining King Sword in her hand, but before she could release the energy on the King Sword, the giant dragon had already hit the King Sword!

Bang - boom! ! !

When the two energies collided, a strong light suddenly erupted from the ring in the central area, and the flames overflowed like a free money. The nearest player even had to retreat to the third step to feel the burning sensation. subside

"Damn it. Lao Lu is serious! Lao Gao Anyu, should we remind Lao Lu?" Xia You here came to Gao Junior Three and An Yu after seeing that the situation could not be stopped.

"No need, Ran Ge lost." An Yu shook her head. She had already seen the situation in the light.

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