Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 231 Evolto: You don’t understand human nature!

The smoke and dust dispersed in the central area of ​​the "Riding Arena", and only Lu Ziye stood in it.

Ran Ge, who was opposite him, was already lying on the ground at this time. Although the transformation was not released, he could not stand up again after several struggles.

".That's it." Lu Ziye scratched his face a little embarrassed. He had indeed used all his strength just now.

He also didn't expect that even the Shining King Sword could not stop the full release of the muscle end, and Ran Ge was directly hit, which led to the current situation.

"It's not over now. It's not over yet. I can still do it!!"

After hearing Lu Ziye's words, Ran Ge stood up unsteadily without knowing where the strength came from.

Then the power of inflammation surged on the armor, and finally fell on his feet, as if it became the force that supported Ran Ge.

This scene really made Lu Ziye feel a bit at a loss: "No, sister, we are just having a friendly exchange, there is no need to go all out!"

"I know that it's because of you that I can risk my life more confidently." After saying this, Ran Ge's body and mind were immersed, and his whole body was wrapped in the power of flames. The power of flames that originally only floated in the chest armor was now spreading to whole body.

Ran Ge was actually very upset about her actions in the Build storyline. As a veteran player, she should have taken care of others, but when facing Killbus, the feeling of powerlessness made her even consider quitting.

Especially when she saw Lu Ziye standing in front of everyone, the feeling of shame almost overwhelmed her.

"Actually we can."

[I really can’t stand it anymore. As a human being, do you really understand human nature at all? 】

Evolto's words rang in his mind, interrupting what Lu Ziye was about to say, and these words made him even more stunned.

"What do you mean?" Lu Ziye was a little confused, how could this have anything to do with human nature.

[If you believe me, then let me do it]

Evolto's riddle-like words left Lu Ziye a little confused, but there was no malice in his words, and since he was switching consciousness, he could respond at any time, so there was no danger.

"Then come on, I'm curious about what you want to do."

As the words fell, Lu Zino's original silver-white compound eyes suddenly flashed red, and he had already switched to Evolto's consciousness.

"The plan was successful, I finally came out!" The moment his consciousness switched, Evolto's voice resounded throughout the "Riding Arena".

It's just that the audience in the "Riding Arena" had no idea what was going on. It could even be said that they thought Lu Ziye was going crazy.

But as an insider, Ran Ge was slightly stunned. He knew very well that Lu Ziye had Evolto in his body, and his words at this moment were like announcing that he was freed from Lu Ziye's control.

However, the next moment, Evolto stepped forward, and a black hole appeared in front of him. After entering the black hole, he appeared in front of Ran Ge.

"Then, let's start with you first, shall we?" After the words fell, Evolto suddenly took action, grabbed Ran Ge's neck on the spot, and held it up in the air.

"What did you do to Lu Ziye!?" Ran Ge, who was mentioned, immediately kicked out his right leg and hit Evolto, but the attack of the whip leg failed to shake him half a bit, and even the power of fire was not able to affect him. No trace left on its armor.

"Who knows. The power that suppressed me has disappeared, and I can erase his consciousness at any time." Evolto said, and the force holding his neck in his hand began to gradually increase. "But, it's better than I thought." Much weaker!"

At this time, Lu Ziye in "Between All Things" looked at the scene in front of him with a somewhat complicated mood.

"Is this Evolto trying to inspire Ran Ge's idealistic power?" Lu Ziye roughly saw Evolto's intention, but whether he should say it or not, it is indeed what Evolto can do. If he is asked to play such a role, he may be exposed immediately. .

"Then let me defeat you!" Evolto's words seemed to stimulate Ran Ge. His originally slowed-down attack movements suddenly sped up. Every time he whipped his legs, blazing flames erupted on Evolto's body. .

Bang bang bang bang—!

Facing Ran Ge's continuous attacks, Evolto hummed softly: "What a weak force. With your strength, no one can protect you!"

The moment he finished speaking, Evolto suddenly swung his right fist and hit Ran Ge's lower abdomen, causing him to freeze and let out a painful groan.

Then, Evolto's hand suddenly loosened, causing Ran Ge to fall directly to the ground.

Before Ran Ge could recover, Evolto kicked him up. The moment he hit his lower abdomen, he was stuck on the ground and slid out until he could barely stop at the edge of the ring in the central area.

In the audience, Xia You saw this scene and couldn't help but stand up: "Lao Lu, he went too far. Boss Ran Ge is a teammate!"

But then, the senior high school student pulled Xia You and sat down again: "That's not Lao Lu, that's Evolto."

"What do you mean by that?" Xia You couldn't help but be stunned after hearing this. Why did Lao Lu release Evolto at this time?

"I don't know, but Evolto didn't use stronger power. It obviously had some purpose." The third high school student stared at the central area intently and expressed his thoughts.

"I think so too. Evolto seems to be saying something to Ran Ge. No, I can't hear clearly even if I have the power to stop him." An Yu frowned slightly. All they can do now is wait here.

At this time, Evolto in the central area was seen walking slowly towards Ran Ge, stopped in front of him, and when he saw him struggling to get up, he raised his foot and kicked him in the abdomen again.


Under the dull feeling, Ran Ge was severely stepped on the ground, and Evolto also stepped on him: "Hey, hey, is your strength just like this? Or are you planning to use your mouth to protect your companions? How ridiculous!"


The moment he finished speaking, Evolto exerted force on his feet, instantly causing the ring in the center area to shatter into countless cracks.

Ran Ge, who was at his feet, was hit head-on by this force, and his skin and armor collapsed slightly.

"Shut up! I. I will definitely save him, even if I risk my life, I will do it!!" Ran Ge, who was stepped on the ground, clenched his fists and started to stand up with Evolto's strength.

"Huh?" Evolto couldn't help but be surprised by the sudden power.

He immediately took a step back and left, then gathered some energy in his right fist and blasted it out the moment he stood up.


Evolto's right fist was seen hitting a crystal, and all the energy in his fist was sucked into the crystal, bursting out with bursts of golden light.

Under the golden light, an inexplicable force surged out from it, forcibly pushing Evolto's body out.

""Ultimate Stone".? "

The crystal suspended in front of him is the "Ultimate Stone" that Ran Gecai obtained, and it was it that blocked Evolto's attack.

Looking at the "Ultimate Stone" that was emitting bursts of light, Ran Ge couldn't help but reach out his hand to touch it.


The moment Ran Ge came into contact with the "Ultimate Stone", the entire central area was suddenly immersed in golden light!

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