Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 264 I am Kamen Rider!

As the wormhole unfolded, Joker standing above it instantly disappeared into it.

But just when the wormhole was about to close, Joker's hands suddenly stretched out and grabbed both sides of the wormhole, forcibly shrinking it and stopping its progress. As it continued to increase its strength, the wormhole is expanding little by little

"Damn it. Holding the wormhole with your hands is a bit exaggerated, isn't it?" Lu Ziye couldn't help but complain when he saw this scene.

At this time, the Joker's head slowly poked out of the wormhole, and its roar could even be vaguely heard.

"It has completely transformed into a fighting machine." Lu Ziye didn't hesitate anymore and immediately kicked Joker on the protruding head.


With a dull crashing sound, Joker was completely submerged in it, and Lu Ziye waved his hand to completely close the wormhole.

[Why don't you just defeat him? He should be at his weakest now, right? 】

Evolto's voice sounded, asking Lu Ziye to explain his doubts.

"If conditions allowed, I would have beaten him up and treated him slowly." Lu Ziye shook his head slightly, "Our theme this time is "The End of the World". If Joker was defeated in the past, then after that Nothing like that will happen again, and that will bring about the end of the people above. "

[It’s better if you come here, I really want to know how powerful your so-called official administrator is]

Hearing what Evolto said, Lu Ziye couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. He was indeed the ultimate happy person, and now he was thinking about fighting with the official people.

"Don't think about it, just the two of us may not be enough to fill the gaps in other people's teeth." Lu Ziye rolled his eyes and prepared to take Kenzaki Kazuma away.

At this moment, Kenzaki Kazuma struggled to stand up. The moment Lu Ziye turned around, he rushed forward and grabbed his shoulders, his expression even more excited.

"What did you do to Hajime!" How could Kenzaki Kazuma not be excited? He must have been worried after witnessing Lu Ziye sending Joker away.

"Don't worry, he was just sent to another place by me. I don't dare to touch him now." Lu Ziye pulled away Kenzaki Kazuma's hand and explained to Kenzaki Kazuma.

"That's good." After hearing this, Kenzaki Kazuma suddenly lost his strength and fell to the ground.

Kenzaki Kazuma believed him so easily, which surprised Lu Ziye a little: "You believe me so much...?"

"Well, I can feel that you have no ill intentions towards us, although I don't know what the reason is for you to do this." Kenzaki Kazuma panted slightly, he had not yet recovered from the battle just now.

"Let's go, now we are waiting for the world to be destroyed."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Ziye picked up Kenzaki Kazuma and put him on his shoulders.

"Hey, it hurts!" Kenzaki Kazuma immediately exclaimed in pain, "Wait a minute, what does the destruction of the world mean!?"

"Sorry, I forgot you can't put it on your shoulder." Lu Ziye then put it down from his shoulder and changed it to clamp it on his side. "'Joker' went completely berserk and only had the will to fight left. So who do you think can What about stopping him? "

"If the world is going to be destroyed, then I should protect other people. I can't just waste time with you here!" Kenzaki Kazuma then struggled, but with that weak strength, it was like joking in front of the black hole form.

Lu Ziye looked at Kenzaki Kazuma, and after he gradually calmed down, he said, "Even if you die, you have to go?"

"In order to protect others, I love humans so I want to fight. I am a Kamen Rider!" Kenzaki Kazuma said with firm eyes the most sincere words deep in his heart.

"Then keep your heart. The world will not be completely destroyed. We still have hope." Lu Ziye let go of Kenzaki Kazuma, "There is no difference between you going and dying now. That way you can truly protect everything." No."

As he finished speaking, Lu Ziye waved his hand and opened a wormhole in front of him. The wormhole led to the place where he appeared before.

After Kenzaki Kazuma understood Lu Ziye's words, he had no other emotions and walked into the wormhole with him.

Tick ​​tock -!

From the moment he passed through the wormhole, the ticking sound of a second hand sounded in Lu Ziye's ears.

"Kensaki, listen carefully. You have more important things to do next. First of all, you have to establish a place for human survival under this land. Don't let Tachibana Sakuya and Kamijo Mutsuki discover you for the time being. In addition, you have to Keep saving other people and never fight "Joker". Do you understand? "Lu Ziye said quickly, the ticking sound in his ears became more and more urgent, and there was not much time left for him.

"Yeah, I understand." Kenzaki Kazuma nodded blankly after hearing this.

"Remember! Never fight "Joker"."

As the words fell, Lu Ziye's ears buzzed, and all senses were lost at this moment.

"Lao Lu? Why are you still stunned?"

In the blurry scene, Xia You's familiar words rang in his ears.

With the sudden feeling of push, Lu Ziye suddenly came back to his senses, and his movements remained at the moment when the time came.

In front of him was Ju Shuoya's suspicious gaze, and even Xia You and others also looked at him strangely.

"Lao Lu, you didn't succeed, right?" Xia You lowered his voice and asked cautiously.

In the eyes of the people around him, Lu Ziye kept raising his right hand for a long time. Not only did nothing happen, even Lu Ziye's movements looked a bit dazed.

". I should have succeeded, right?" Facing Xia You's question, Lu Ziye was a little uncertain for a while.

When he came to his senses, he was in the current situation. He had no idea whether the ability of the "new timeline" was his fantasy or the official had reset everything.

"What do you mean by should?" Xia You stretched out his right hand to let everyone gather a little, "We saw that after you kept raising your right hand, there was no movement, nothing happened, are you sure the ability has been activated?"

"I did save Kenzaki Kazuma, and then suddenly returned here." Without hiding it, Lu Ziye told everyone what happened.

"I can see it, you are clearly lying to me, I believed you for a moment" Ju Shuo also said, his face was even gloomy to the extreme.

Everyone who heard this couldn't help but get nervous. The current situation is quite bad. If even Ju Shuo and other humans become enemies.

"No, he didn't lie to you."

Just when the atmosphere between the two sides was deadlocked, a voice broke the atmosphere.

A figure in a black robe came over and took off the hood covering his face under the gaze of everyone. The face revealed was none other than Kenzaki Kazuma!

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