Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 265 The worst situation! Joker is coming!

Chapter 265 The worst situation! "Joker" is coming!

When Kenzaki Kazuma appeared in front of everyone, everyone except Xia You confirmed it again and again.

In terms of appearance, it was indeed Kenzaki Kazuma, but compared to the Kenzaki they knew, he was much thinner.

"Are you really Kenzaki?" Tachibana Sakuya's voice was trembling, and the appearance of Kenzaki Kazuma made him walk towards him involuntarily.

"Tachibana senior, it's me." Kenzaki Kazuma took the initiative to greet him and stretched out his hand for Tachibana Sakuya to confirm.

Tachibana Sakuya stretched out his hand and held Kenzaki Kazuma's hand. The warm feeling made him believe that Kenzaki Kazuma in front of him was real.

". What have you been doing for so long?" Tachibana Sakuya's face suddenly turned cold and asked sternly.

"Well, it's a bit of a long story. Let's talk about the beginning first." Kenzaki Kazuma looked very serious. He endured hiding for a long time, all for now.

Hearing this, Ju Sakuya was stunned for a moment and then nodded to make way for him.

Jian Qi Yi Zhen came to Lu Ziye and stretched out his hand to him: "Long time no see."

He had not seen Lu Ziye's true face, but he had always remembered the driver on his waist. During the time he was hiding, he looked forward to Lu Ziye's appearance every day. He did not forget Lu Ziye's words, and finally waited for it today.

"Long time no see." Lu Ziye shook Jian Qi Yi Zhen's hand. The two of them only had a brief encounter in the past, but for both parties, it was a deep memory.

Xia You and others looked at the two people shaking hands, although they were a little confused, but they understood that Lu Ziye's plan was successful.

"Let's go in, I will tell you everything you want to know." Ju Sakuya passed the crowd, left a word and walked into the hall first.

Then, everyone followed Ju Sakuya and walked into this particularly different building.

Under the leadership of Ju Sakuya, after passing through layers of tedious certification, everyone came to a dim room.

"What do you want to know?" Ju Shuo also turned around and looked at everyone, his eyes fell on Lu Ziye. He could see that this person was the core of this small team.

"I want to know the awakening card that "Joker" is holding now. Forget about the seal, let's talk about "Joker". "Lu Ziye actually wanted to ask about the sealing slate, but the previous warning made him a little uneasy, so he didn't ask in the end.

"The awakening cards held by "Joker". The red heart deck is in his hand, and the diamonds are 3, 4, 7, 8, and g are in his hand, and the clubs are 2, 3, 7, 8, and g. "While speaking, Ju Shuo also used the screen behind him to release the corresponding awakening cards for Lu Ziye and others to understand their unique abilities and values.

After Ju Shuo finished speaking, Kenzaki Kazuma stood up and continued to add: "Except for the King of Spades, all are in my hand."

". In other words, the four Kings of categories are in the hands of "Joker". "Lu Ziye frowned slightly. This was not news to them.

Category King, as the strongest combat power of the Blade series except for "Joker", one of them can greatly improve the combat power, not to mention the situation where four category Kings are gathered together.

At the very least, it is probably the evil god XIV who appeared in the movie version. With the combat power increased by various other awakening cards, the combat power may be comparable to his level!

"Kenzaki, what do you think?" Lu Ziye looked at Kenzaki Kazuma beside him.

"I want Hajime to return to his original appearance. He is my friend." Kenzaki Kazuma said his answer directly without any hesitation.

Such an answer did not surprise Lu Ziye. Kenzaki Kazuma in the original play was such a person. He definitely could not give up Aikawa Hajime.

After a little thought, Lu Ziye said, "Okay, I have two ideas for now, let's see what you think."

"First, I want to try fighting with "Joker" first, and also get an understanding of the enemy's actual combat power. If I can restore it to its original state, it would be the best. The worst case is that he is still in a state of rampage."

"The other one is based on the situation that Aikawa Hajime recovers. We have to find the sealing stone tablet to create new undead beasts and maintain the ultimate war. I think Kerberos' awakening card should be in your custody, right?"

After saying the two ideas, Lu Ziye stopped and waited for everyone to put forward different opinions.

"Cerberus is in the hands of "Joker." "Tachibana Saku also spoke suddenly, and directly hit Lu Ziye on the spot.

". Then we can only try the first method first." At this point, Lu Ziye couldn't help but sighed.

From the current situation, it can be said to be extremely bad. It really deserves the theme of "The End of the World" and deserves the word "The End"!

Everyone else was silent. They all knew the current situation was terrible. The second method would fail in the womb. Only the first method was slightly feasible.

At this time, Xia You asked, "But, Lao Lu, are you sure?"

"It's hard to say for sure. I can only say that "Joker" can't kill me." To be honest, Lu Ziye didn't have much confidence. With four King cards and Cerberus' extraordinary combat power, a head-on battle is definitely the worst option.

"I'll go with you." In the silent atmosphere, Ran Ge said, "Although my ability is not of much help, there is absolutely no problem in self-protection."

"No. You have to stay with An Yu to prevent other accidents." Lu Ziye shook his head very straightforwardly and rejected Ran Ge's kindness.

An Yu has a King card on him. If An Yu has another accident, it means that "Joker" will be strengthened again.

Boom--! ! !

The sudden explosion made the room where everyone was shaking violently.

"What happened?" Ju Shuo also turned around and walked to the operating table behind him.

But then the door of the room was opened, and Kamijou Mutsuki rushed in: "Senior Tachibana, "Joker" is right above us now, he should have discovered us. Kenzaki?"

When Kamijou Mutsuki explained the situation, he saw Kenzaki Kazuma standing there from the corner of his eye, and a look of disbelief appeared on his face.

"There is no time to talk about this now, I will deal with him first, you guys transfer the others first, Anyu, you release more albino cockroaches to various places!" Lu Ziye was not surprised, "Joker" can sense other undead beasts, and Anyu, who is also an undead beast, is naturally within its sensing range.


Without waiting for other actions, Lu Ziye rushed out first, and he was rushing towards the ground at high speed

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