Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 266 It’s time to pull out the heat flow form!

"EvolBuild! Are you ready? (Evolution Chuangqi! Are you ready?)"


"Black Hole! Black Hole! Rising Revolution! EvolBuild! Fuhhahhahhahha! (Black Hole! Black Hole! Sublimation Change! Evolution Creation Rider! Huhahahahaha!)"

Waves of sound effects sounded, and Lu Ziye's transformation was completed at high speed.

Boom——! !

As another explosion sounded, the entire surviving underground world of mankind was shaking. When Lu Ziye saw this, he turned into a stream of light and swept upward.

The moment Lu Ziye was about to hit the ceiling, a wormhole opened in front of him. The moment he passed through the wormhole, he came to the ground.

As they came to the ground, what came into view were densely packed black cockroaches. Countless black cockroaches were frantically clawing at the rubble of the ruins, apparently trying to dig out a passage to the underground.

"I'm almost suffering from trypophobia." The surge of countless black cockroaches made Lu Ziye feel a physical discomfort.

Without any hesitation, he immediately turned the handle of the driver to clean away all the black cockroaches in front of him.

"Evol Side! (The side of Soki!)"

"Ready go! Evol Black Hole Finish! Ciao~ (Ready to go! Evol Black Hole Finish! Goodbye~)"

As the sound effects resounded, a black hole condensed in Lu Ziye's hands, and the moment he ran toward the many black cockroaches, it expanded into a super-large black hole.

The appearance of the black hole swallowed up countless black cockroaches in an instant, and countless flames exploded in it, but no sound could be heard.

Just a moment passed, and the surging black cockroaches disappeared without a trace.

Immediately afterwards, the system in front of Lu Ziye flashed red light, reminding him that there was an attack coming from behind.

Without any unnecessary movement, the EvolBuild bottle on the drive lit up with a faint light, and a diamond barrier automatically unfolded behind it.

Bang - boom! !

The violent explosions and flames that rang out behind him instantly engulfed Lu Ziye's figure, and the diamond barrier was instantly shattered.

But the next moment, a figure swept out of the flames, and it was Lu Ziye.

"Did one blow destroy the diamond barrier constructed with full strength?" By responding to this blow, Lu Ziye knew without thinking that it was an attack from Joker.

Just as Lu Ziye was muttering, the black and green figure gradually walked out and appeared in his field of vision. It was Joker!

"It's you." The moment Joker saw Lu Ziye, he recognized the knight who had kicked him on the head.

But this time, the power in Lu Ziye's eyes was also activated to check the other party's information.

[Joker (Joker), category Joker, no race]

[Grade Judgment: Grade A]

[Knight system: Chalice - Blade system]

[Power: "End" - a new power inspired by the collection of four types of kings. Black cockroaches are continuously born from their shadows, destroying the entire world's creatures and civilization until they are completely reduced to dust. 】

[Power: "Struggle" - comes from his own strength. The instinct of struggle will allow him to continuously adapt to the battle with the enemy, and his strength will continue to increase with the battle]

[After Kurihara Amane's family was killed by an undead beast, he fell into self-blame. This self-blame made him no longer able to suppress Joker's power. When Joker's power was fully activated, he became a real fighting machine, retaining only the last About Kenzaki Kazuma’s sanity]

[Props held: Category King]

".Power." Although the message was brief, it was quite shocking to Lu Ziye.

You must know that the A+ level Killbus did not have the power of authority, but the A level "Joker" had this power. How could this not surprise Lu Ziye.

Although these two powers are not very powerful, they are indeed the information about powers he saw in the plot characters.

"What the hell, won't I suffer a big loss?" Lu Ziye couldn't help but muttered when he thought of this. None of his powers had an attack bonus.

Moreover, whether it is the EvolBuild bottle or the Muscle Galaxy bottle, the combat power is fixed at A-level. If you want to beat the opponent's A-level, it is somewhat insufficient.

Seeing Joker coming step by step, Lu Ziye's vigilance was raised to the highest level.

"Wow!" Joker roared and waved his right hand at Lu Ziye in the air.

Buzz - boom! !

Immediately afterwards, strong winds sprang up around Lu Ziye, and in an instant it turned into a tornado and swept towards him.

Facing the sweeping tornado, Lu Ziye did not dare to be careless. Rich golden energy immediately appeared on his body. The moment it stirred out, it turned into a heavy acceleration force field and enveloped the area.

The tornado shrouded in heavy acceleration slowed down instantly, and even Joker's waving movements slowed down.

But before Lu Ziye could make any move, the awakening device on Joker's waist emitted green light. The light turned into energy and surged out, completely canceling out the energy of the heavy acceleration field in an instant.

"It's useless to accelerate again." This scene surprised Lu Ziye.

The opponent actually used energy that exceeded the gravity acceleration field to completely offset it. This method of dealing with this kind of destruction was really unexpected.

Following the tornado that swept in, Lu Ziye immediately opened a wormhole behind him. The moment he entered, the original place was instantly torn apart by the tornado.

Then, with the appearance of the wormhole, Lu Ziye came to Joker's side. The energy wrapped around his right fist turned into a giant arm like an orangutan, bombarding his flank.

But before Lu Ziye's right fist fell, Joker grabbed his wrist with his left hand, preventing the attack from moving forward.

At the same time, Joker swung his right hand, and the hook on his right arm cut through the air and headed for Lu Ziye's neck.

However, just as the hook was about to fall, a crab shell appeared on Lu Ziye's neck.


The moment the golden sound sounded, the crab carapace also disappeared, but Lu Ziye seized this opportunity, wrapped his right foot with black hole energy, stepped on Joker, and broke free from his hand holding his wrist.


With a muffled sound, Lu Ziye's body leaped down in mid-air and landed, while Joker took two steps back.

". Really difficult to deal with." After a few short moves, Lu Ziye couldn't help but breathe slightly.

He felt that fighting with Joker was even more difficult than Killbus at the beginning. Although Killbus was stronger, Joker's ability was far beyond Killbus's comparison.

[Hey kid, do you really need me to remind you that you still have power? ]

Evolto's voice sounded in his mind, and Lu Ziye was suddenly startled by this reminder.

"Yes, I almost forgot about this. It's time to pull out the heat flow form!" Under the mask, Lu Ziye smiled, and his right hand was shrouded by an inexplicable energy.

Wrapped in energy, Lu Ziye's right hand penetrated directly into his lower abdomen!

This scene made Joker stop, obviously not understanding what Lu Ziye meant by this action.

The next moment, Lu Ziye pulled his hand out of his lower abdomen, and there was already a brand new full evolution bottle in his hand!

[Phoenix Evol-Bottle: An evolution bottle made from the player's body, with the characteristics of a phoenix. It can be transformed into EvolPhoenix (evolved phoenix) form by connecting to the Evol driver in the state of the 'Knight System Evolution Bottle']

"Eh? Why is it a phoenix?" The evolution bottle in his hand was dark red, and it had a floating structure like other evolution bottles, but Lu Ziye didn't understand why he could make a phoenix bottle in his body.

Is this a hint that he is an immortal birdman?

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