Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 27 I am kind-hearted

Chapter 27 I am a kind person.

"Hahahahahaha. It's great!" As the last Leo cavalry fell, Xia You let out a hearty laugh.

"It will be nice for you later." Lu Ziye said and moved his body.

"And...?" After hearing this, Xia You's purple compound eyes flickered slightly, as if to express her high mood.

"Here, here we come."

As soon as he finished speaking, the roar of the aircraft came from far away.

Like a shooting star, the white figure came to the opposite side of the two people in an instant, hovering in the air relying on the aircraft behind it.

"Special warriors in the laboratory, nice to meet you."

The hovering white figure greeted Lu Ziye and Xia You calmly.

The white figure is constructed of white Luna metal, and is covered with blue photon blood metal tubes. The face has a 'ψ' pattern.

It is Psyga (Emperor of Heaven), one of the emperor's belts in the lost paradise!

Corresponding information appeared in Lu Ziye's eyes.

[Leo, the Lion of Enoch]

[Level determination: E+ level knight (blessed by flying attacker)]

[Knight System: Psyga-Faiz System]

[The enhanced knight system split from Delta Driver has improved defense. Photon blood and defense are twice those of Faiz's basic form]

[Good at aerial combat, as the Emperor of Heaven, he faithfully executes Murakami Kyōji's orders and eliminates any Aoife Enoch who disobeys the orders]

"Old Lu, this is him you are talking about, right?" Xia You stared at the Emperor of Heaven.

But his mind was running wildly. He had no anti-air means, so he was at a disadvantage against the knight in front of him.

Just when Lu Ziye was about to speak, there were bursts of rapid footsteps in his ears.

Immediately afterwards, several figures appeared not far away, coming towards this side.

The figure leading among them has an overall style similar to that of a Viking warrior. The chest and left shoulder are covered with bright red armor, with a small amount of green armor as decorative embellishments. The wrists and ankles are all covered with fluff, giving a sense of wildness.

It is Kamen Rider Sigurd transformed from Puffball!

"The time is right. Xia You, your opponent is here." Lu Ziye signaled.

"You are so despicable! You are plotting against us!!!" Puffball's furious voice arrived before anyone arrived.

"That's so appropriate. I've long been unhappy with them." When Xia You saw the arrival of Puffball and others, he jumped out of the sidecar and rushed towards Puffball and other players.

He was not 100% sure that the God of Heaven would keep it.

But if you face these players, sorry, they all have to fall for him!

"Xia You, be cruel!" Lu Ziye specially warned after hearing the abuse.

"Okay." Xia You was not polite at all. He was like a cheetah and instantly pounced into Puffball and other players.

"Interesting. It seems that you are very confident in dealing with me?" The Emperor's eyes fell back on Lu Ziye again and said with a sneer.

But the Emperor of Heaven was looking at Lu Ziye. This special warrior in front of him was a heavily armored warrior, but he had to face him alone, a knight with air superiority. It was a bit too contemptuous of him.

Seeing that Lu Ziye didn't speak, the Emperor of Heaven spoke again: "I advise you to call your companions back."

The implication was naked disdain for Lu Ziye.

"." Lu Ziye still said nothing.

I don’t know why, but whenever he hears the voice of the Emperor of Heaven, ‘Don’t come over here’ will automatically play in his mind! ’ picture.

"Tsk, then let the game begin."

When he finished speaking, the Emperor of Heaven suddenly rushed towards Lu Ziye.

When the Emperor of Heaven approached, Lu Ziye suddenly opened the upper jaw of the insect instrument!

"Cast Off! (Explosive Armor)"

"Change Stag Beetle! (Stag Beetle Transformation)"

As the high-pitched sound resounded, the thick armor flew out and fell directly towards the flying Emperor.

The Emperor of Heaven did not expect such a situation, and the speed of both parties was extremely fast, so there was no way to avoid it.

Bang bang bang——!

The scattered armor immediately hit the Emperor of Heaven, sending sparks flying and falling towards the ground.

The Emperor of Heaven stood up after falling on the ground, immediately grasped the grip of the flying attacker behind him, and switched to rifle mode.

"Huh?" When the gun was pointed at Lu Ziye's position, the Emperor did not see his figure.

"How does it feel to be hit?" Lu Ziye's voice sounded, and he suddenly reached the position behind the Emperor of Heaven.

"!!!" The surprised Emperor didn't have time to think about it, and immediately jumped forward, twisted his body in the air and pulled the trigger in his hand.

"Clock Up! (Time Up)"

Da da da! !

Blue flames spurted out and hit the air.

"What's going on?" The Emperor couldn't figure it out.

How did the other party avoid his sight without leaving even an afterimage?

"Clock Over! (End of rising time)"

A high-pitched sound suddenly sounded, and the Emperor of Heaven was frightened and turned his head to look to his side.

What greeted him immediately was the gradually enlarging fist in front of him.


Under the muffled sound, the Emperor felt a heavy blow on his face, and he took a few steps back with his center of gravity unsteady.

After he stabilized his body slightly, he immediately looked towards the source of the attack, and then he was able to see the full picture of Lu Ziye in front of him.

The extremely different appearance from the heavy armor posture before made the Emperor stunned for a while.

"I'm a kind-hearted person and I can't bear to see Aoife Enoch suffer so much, so I'll send you on your way."

After finishing his words, Lu Ziye pressed the full speed switch on the insect meter.

"One! (One)"

"Are you the legendary emperor's belt? You are really embarrassed!"

"Exceed Charge!"

Before Lu Ziye could press the full speed switch for the second time, a figure suddenly ran out from the side.

And the figure was Cao Gaya who turned into Caesar. When he saw the Emperor of Heaven fall, he couldn't wait to run out.

He even prepared the Caesar Blade in his hand, wanting to take off the head of the Emperor of Heaven first!

"Damn it! Steal someone's head."

The moment he saw Caesar, Lu Ziye pressed the full speed switch and ran towards the Emperor of Heaven.

"Two! Three! (Two! Three!)"

"Rider Kick! (Rider Kick!)"

On the Emperor's side, seeing Caesar rushing towards him, he pulled out the energy chip from his cell phone and put it into the sharp blade of the rotating stick.

"Exceed Charge!"

The sharp blade of the spinning stick was filled with energy and burst into blue light. He lowered his body and swung it at Caesar's lower abdomen.

Clang - zizizi! !

The sharp blade of the spinning stick passed by Caesar's sharp blade, and struck the Cao Gaya man's abdomen with precision.

But before the Emperor of Heaven could retract his movement, Lu Ziye's knight kick landed on the side of his face!

boom! ! !

In an instant, the Emperor of Heaven flew backwards to the side, with countless golden arcs beating on his body.

Stimulated by the crackling arc, the Emperor of Heaven exploded in mid-air and was engulfed in intense flames.

The Caojiaya who was frozen in place suddenly knelt down, and the Caesar driver around his waist fell off, automatically canceling the transformation.

"How could I." He spat out intermittently, and the Caojiaya's skin turned gray-white, and the sand was scattered on the ground.


As the Cao Gaya completely fell to the ground, sand covered the ground.

Thank you all for your tips and votes, thank you! ORZ

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