Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 28 Master Xia, cut him in the middle!

Ignoring the sand covering the ground, Lu Ziye's eyes fell on the place where the Emperor of Heaven exploded.

When the flames of the explosion faded away, nothing was left.

"You didn't increase your points, so you ran away." Lu Ziye smacked his tongue and secretly sighed, which was a pity.

The Emperor should have escaped with the help of the explosion, but if he caught the knight's kick with his head, even if the armor's defense strength was twice that of Faiz, he would never be able to escape unscathed.

However, this battle is not without gain, at least there is a Caesar driver.

Silently picking up the Caesar drive on the ground, Lu Ziye was in trouble.

"It's embarrassing. There's no place to put it." He was not Xia You, so he couldn't hide it in his stomach.

Only now did he understand how useful the fourth-dimensional chrysanthemums shared by the knights were.

"It's such a big loophole, and the game doesn't even fix it. Damn it!" Lu Ziye had no place to put it, so he could only slip it in his hand.

Carrying the Caesar drive, Lu Ziye was about to walk towards Xia You when he saw Kiba and three people walking over.

"I didn't expect that you could even compete with the power of the Emperor's Belt." Kiba, the leader, smiled.

For them, this is a good thing. With the power of Lu Ziye and others, they have the possibility to negotiate with Zhinao Group.

Perhaps, a world in which humans and Orpheus can coexist peacefully can really be realized.

"I almost forgot. No matter what others say in the future, don't agree. Do you understand?" After thinking for a short time, Lu Ziye said seriously.

"What do you mean by that?" Kiba could naturally tell that Lu Ziye's words were for their own good.

"Just believe me." Lu Ziye did not explain.

After all, sometimes explaining too much can have the opposite effect.

As for the purpose of saying this, it was just to allow the trio in front of them to survive.

As for Enoch, the three of them are kind and gentle. Selfishly, he hopes that the three of them can have a good ending.

".I understand." Thinking of what happened before, Kiba nodded and agreed.

Hearing this, Lu Ziye waved goodbye and headed in the direction of Xia You.

"Kiba, do you think they will become the saviors that Truth calls them?" Haitang said something without any reason as she looked at Lu Ziye's retreating back.

"I don't know. But if that person is still here, we will definitely be able to realize our dream." Kiba's eyes were a little blurred, as if he was lost in memories.

As for Lu Ziye, he soon arrived at where Xia You was.

Not far away, four people fell unconscious on the ground, with countless shocking wounds on their bodies.

"Hiss" Lu Ziye couldn't help but take a breath when he saw these wounds.

Fortunately, he didn't transform and fight with Xia You at that time. Maybe the dense wounds would be on him. Of course, the premise is that Xia You can touch him under the transformation of Shengshi.

Bang bang——!

A dull crashing sound resounded, immediately attracting Lu Ziye's attention.

Following the source of the sound, he quickly found Xia You, but at this time Xia You was fighting with puffball.

I saw two people standing opposite each other, neither of them intending to take action first.

"Xia You, can you do this?" Seeing this, Lu Ziye shouted softly.

The loud sound echoed in the space, causing Xia You to stumble and almost fall to the ground.

"Lao Lu, are you done with your special meow?" Xia You turned her head and looked at Lu Ziye blankly, her tone full of disbelief.

But at this time, Ma Bo seized on Xia You's complaint and waved his hand to install a strawberry lock on the sonic arrow.

"Lock On! (Lock)"

The moment the locking sound effect sounded, the puffball pulled the bowstring of the sonic arrow.

"Ichigo Change! (Strawberry Charge)"

The red energy at the front end of the sonic arrow gathered in a whirlpool shape and converged at one point, which was full of power.

"Front, front, look ahead! You coward!" Seeing that Xia You was still in a daze, Lu Ziye raised his forehead and reminded.

"Ah?" When Xia You turned his head, he saw Puffball loosening his bowstring.

call out--!

The sonic arrow was released, and a red energy arrow flew out, splitting into countless arrows on the way, and fell towards Xia You.

Countless arrows fell and exploded, like a strawberry rain, flashing with the shadows of strawberries of different sizes.

"It hurts, it hurts!!" Xia You's scream suddenly sounded in the strawberry rain.

"What does it feel like to have teammates who are idiots?" Lu Ziye was not worried at all.

With Xia You's ridiculous resilience, there was no option for something to happen.

Just as Lu Ziye thought, after the strawberry rain, the flames faded away, and Xia You was completely fine.

Except for the slight blackening of the armor on his body, it doesn't look like he has been baptized by fire at all.

"You're done, even Jesus can't stop you, I said so!" Xia You was really angry now.

The anger infected the Amazons cells all over the body, and the whole person fell to the ground on all fours like a beast.

"Master Xia, cut him in the middle!" Lu Ziye suddenly shook up the Caesar driver and cheered for him.

But at the same time, he was also observing Xia You's state to see if he still had reason.

He didn't want Xia You to go berserk and have to wipe his ass.

After all, it is an old tradition for knights to go berserk.


Xia You's whole body's strength exploded, and the ground beneath her feet even cracked.

The speed was even more terrifying, and the moment the figure disappeared from the spot, it appeared in front of Puffball.

"Huh?" Puffball looked at Xia You who suddenly appeared, his head couldn't even start to work.

boom! ! !

With an unimaginable slapping sound, the puffballs shot out like cannonballs.

He then hit the wall behind him, but unfortunately the wall failed to stop the impact.

Boom boom boom.!

After breaking through three walls, the puffball stopped flying upside down and embedded itself into the fourth wall.

Lu Ziye's eyes also fell on Xia You, who was still on all fours.

Immediately, Lu Ziye put his right hand on the side button switch, ready to activate the uptime uniform Xia You at any time.

But the next moment, Xia You suddenly jumped up, looked at Lu Ziye and said, "How about it, Lao Lu, am I fierce or not?"

"Give me back my worries." Lu Ziye knew that he was worrying in vain.

"Don't worry, I'm going to touch the props." After saying this, Xia You jumped up and came to Puffball.

The puffball embedded in the wall had already fainted, and the transformation state was automatically released at some point.

"Let me touch it." Xia You's little hands roamed around the puffball's body.

After a while, Xia You stood up and threw two props at Lu Ziye.

"Good buddy!" After catching the two props, Lu Ziye looked at them immediately.

One is the energy badge of recovery, and the other is the awakening card of the Seven of Diamonds. Presumably, puffball was killed by Xia You before he could use it, so he was able to keep it.

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