Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 29 What about trust between people?

As the sky grows dark, the noisy food scene will come to an end.

The people walking together had happy smiles on their faces.

But when they arrived at the camp and turned on the lights, someone immediately noticed the situation in front of the camp.

"W-what happened...?"

As soon as the first person spoke up, most people followed his voice.

"How come there are so many Leo cavalry in our camp!"

"The camp must have been attacked but it had nothing to do with us."

"Strange, who helped us deal with Aoife Enoch?"

"That's not the point! Look at the ground, it's full of craters!"

Under the light, there are countless craters in front of the camp, and in the craters are scattered parts of Leo's cavalry, all of which are filled with gray and white gravel.

The noisy noise made Zhi, who was about to return to the central station, curious.

When he saw the scene in front of the camp, his mouth opened wide in shock.

"Did Masato do it?" An idea flashed through Zhenri's mind, but was immediately rejected.

With Caojiaya's character, it is absolutely impossible to do things behind everyone's back like this, and she will definitely find ways to let everyone know.

Excluding the Caojiaya people, the only ones left are those special warriors born from experiments.

"So it turns out that he is really a good person." A smile appeared on the muttered truth's face.

She understood the reason. Only Lu Ziye and his companions who had never appeared at the food party could do such a thing.

The food party was proposed by Lu Ziye, presumably to prevent them from being harmed by Leo's cavalry.

"You must thank him properly when you have the opportunity."

After thinking about the truth clearly, I didn't stay any longer and returned to the central station.

Little did he know that Lu Ziye, who had been issued a good person card, was already lying in his residence.

"I just said, why are you so fast? It turns out that the white knight ran away." The smile on Xia You's face grew stronger.

He felt better knowing that the White Knight had not been defeated, but had run away.

Of course, he was not happy because he ran away, but more because he knew that Lu Ziye's solving efficiency was not improving quickly.

"Since you are so happy, take out the rest of the food. I'm in a bad mood!" Lu Ziye could see through Xia You's thoughts at a glance.

Boys sometimes have an inexplicable desire to win, and he knows this very well.

"That won't work! This is my next ration!" As he said that, Xia You hugged his belly tightly.

He looked as if Lu Ziye would pounce on him and cut open his stomach.

"Okay, okay, I won't eat shit." Lu Ziye clicked his tongue and silently took out a pack of steak from the quilt.

"...I knew you would definitely keep a little secret!" For some reason, Xia You had already gotten used to it.

If Lu Ziye really hadn't taken it out, he would have thought something was wrong!

"What does private storage mean? I call it just for emergencies!" Lu Ziye objected with all his strength.

"Hey, let's see if I believe it or not." Xia You squinted in disdain.

"There's nothing we can do about it. The trust between us has collapsed. I won't be able to play with you next time!" At the end of his words, Lu Ziye let out a long sigh, pretending to be a pity.

"Hey! Hey! Lao Lu! I believe it! I believe whatever you say! Really!" Xia You suddenly became anxious and expressed his position again and again.

".Pfft!" Xia You's appearance made Lu Ziye unable to hold back his laughter.

"Where's the trust between people?!" Hearing the laughter, Xia You knew that he had been fooled.

While the two were talking, the virtual screen appeared in front of them again.

[Congratulations on completing the second phase of the mission. Let’s start grading your second phase of the mission.]

[Rating completed, your rating result is - S-level]

[Because you have exceeded the task limit, you will be rewarded with the Club Jack Awakening Card]

[Club Jack Awakening Card: Carry it on your body and activate it through your thoughts. After the power of the awakened card is released, the owner will receive a bonus to monster power, and the bonus time is one minute]

“The reward is quite different.”

After reading the rewards, Lu Ziye clicked on the virtual screen to receive the rewards.

The reward is quite different from the previous S-level reward.

Nebula Gas Injection can be said to be an all-round bonus, but this Club Jack only has a bonus of strange strength.

Although for now, it can intuitively improve his combat power, it is definitely different from Nebula Gas.

After thinking for a moment, Lu Ziye took out the Plum Blossom Jack awakening card and tried to use the power of power to view more detailed information.

[Club Jack Awakening Card: Carry it on your body and activate it through your thoughts. After the power of the awakening card is released, the owner will receive a bonus to the monster power. The bonus time is one minute. Use it with the Awakening Fusion Device to continuously maintain the monster power. addition】

The information displayed under the power is slightly more than the explanation given by the game.

"Awakening fusion device." Lu Ziye muttered and frowned.

He couldn't get the Awakening Fusion Device at this stage, but the one-minute magical power blessing was still good.

"What a pity, this time I only got an A+ rating." Xia You sighed next to her.

"." Upon hearing this, Lu ZiZhi felt instantly relieved.

It was immediately clear that the second phase of the task was basically to let one person come out on top in order to get an S-level rating!

It’s really a dog coin game, Lu Zi Zhizhi complained harshly.

"Old Lu, the reward this time is not good." Xia You was seen playing with a red memory in his hand.

The information in the memory in Xia You's hand also appeared in Lu Ziye's eyes.

[Heat T2 Memory (Hot T2 Memory): brings high heat and strong fighting instinct. When activated, the user will be covered with flames, and all attacks will contain flame effects. Without driver activation, long-term use may cause damage to the user's body】

"This should be suitable for you, right?" Lu Ziye said after taking a look.

The side effects behind the information are completely different to Xia You from Amazon.

But it only comes with the flame effect, which really doesn't increase the actual combat power much.

"Yes, it's definitely better than those players." Xia You chuckled.

Just thinking about other players who may not even get rewards makes him feel good.

"You said this rating, could it be because there was too much movement in front of us, resulting in no more support from Aoife Enoch behind?" Xia You put away the memory and suddenly analyzed it carefully.

"It's really possible!" Lu Ziye slapped his thigh and stood up.

After being reminded by Xia You, he suddenly thought that there would be a sneak attack by Leo Cavalry on Ganqiao and another attack the next day. It was impossible to settle the rewards now!

And now that the rewards are settled, doesn't it mean that the plot line has been changed by them and there will no longer be attacks from Enoch of Orpheus?

I was infected with influenza A, and I wrote it intermittently. The quality may be a bit far-fetched. I will try my best to finish it. You can read it tomorrow morning.

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