Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 30 You have debilitating attributes!

"The situation is not good." Lu Ziye couldn't help but muttered after thinking about the reason.

"What's not good? Are you saying the rewards are not good? It's okay. There will definitely be a third phase of the mission later, and the final rating will definitely be a big reward!" Xia You heard the muttering and immediately comforted her.

As soon as Xia You finished speaking, the virtual screen popped up as if hearing a summons.

[The second phase of task rating has been fully completed, and the final phase of tasks is now announced]

[Final stage mission: Survive in Ofei Enoch Stadium (Note: Players who do not go there within a certain time will be forcibly teleported to Ofei Enoch Stadium)]

【Wish you a happy game】

"Just surviving.?"

The virtual screen suddenly popped up, making Lu Ziye subconsciously think that the difficulty had increased again.

When I saw that only the final phase of the mission was released, I felt a lot more relaxed.

"Fuck! Survival mission!" Xia You, who was originally calm, suddenly darkened.

"What happened to the survival mission?" Seeing Xia You's reaction, Lu Ziye asked in confusion.

Xia You then explained: "There are many types of tasks given by the game, but there are two types that are recognized as the most difficult. One of them is to kill a unique target. Because it is unique, there is no way to avoid multi-party competition. Every time It’s all bloody.”

"The other type is the survival type. The variables in the survival type are the largest. No one knows what will happen at the next moment. Even if you have information in hand, it may become useless in the next second. The survival rate of this type of mission is extremely low. Use It’s not an exaggeration to describe a narrow escape from death.”

"." After hearing the explanation, Lu Ziye had a strange expression.

Okay, okay, survival missions are the most difficult missions, so bad things have happened to him, right?

"Lao Lu, I'm afraid this situation won't be easy to solve." Xia You shook his head and sighed.

"I suspect that this dog game is aimed at me." Lu Ziye felt bad.

"Ah? Why do you say that?" After hearing this, Xia You's head was full of question marks.

"When I was a newbie in Knight's Realm, it was a survival mission. This is my second time participating in a survival mission." Lu Ziye's mood was a bit complicated.

"Fuck, tell the truth, you really are not a big boss?" Xia You was very excited, grabbing Lu Ziye's shoulders and shaking him hard.

"The boss of your family is going back to the hardest part!?" After saying this, Lu Ziye rolled his eyes at Xia You.

"It seems so. Lao Lu, you have a weak attribute." Xia You looked at Lu Ziye again.

Newcomers have participated in Knight's Realm twice, and both were survival missions. Although they had bad luck, their survival attributes seemed to be very high.

If it were up to him to do it by himself, let alone getting a high rating, he would be very happy if he survived!

"It seems to be a bit of bad luck." Lu Ziye did not refute.

After receiving such information from Xia You, he also felt that the game was full of malice towards him.

If previous experience is followed, there is a high probability that a melee will break out at the Enoch Stadium.

The worst case scenario is that Orpheus Enoch goes berserk throughout the stadium, and it shouldn't be a big problem to use Ascension Time to subdue them.

And Xia You's resilience is very strong, so as long as it's not too fragmented, it shouldn't be a big problem!

"Yeah, no matter what."

Boom! ! !

The sudden explosion made Lu Ziye realize that something was wrong.

"Let's go!" Lu Ziye ran towards the door and headed towards the central station.

"There are still attacks at night? Haven't they all been settled?" Xia You quickly caught up with Lu Ziye.

"It's not an attack, it should be the mission of the players over there." Regarding the current emergency, Lu Zi Zhizhi had a rough guess.

If the players from the Enoch camp have the same phase mission as them, I am afraid that what is happening now is the opponent’s second phase mission!

After running a few steps, the two of them saw the red-hot sky in the direction of the central station.


Upon seeing this, Lu Ziye directly summoned the steel insect instrument.


"Cast Off! (Explosive Armor)"

"Change Stag Beetle! (Stag Beetle Transformation)"


"SI·G·MA! (Sigma)"

The two of them completed the transformation one after another, but Xia You was almost thrown out by the armor.

"Lao Lu, be careful when you transform!"

Xia You jumped up to avoid the ejected armor and couldn't help but complain.

"You have the nerve to blame me. The last time you transformed, you almost got roasted by me!"

"I understand, you are here to take revenge."

"Stop talking nonsense, I'll go first, you come here quickly!"

"Clock Up! (Time Up)"

As the sound effects sounded, Lu Ziye turned into a blue light and disappeared from Xia You's field of vision.

With the blessing of Shengshi Hua, Lu Ziye arrived at the central station in the next moment.

I saw many people lying on the ground in the center of the garrison, and in the center a figure from behind was squeezing Zhi Zhi's neck.

In Lu Ziye's eyes, the power of authority showed the information from his back.

[Xu Yinong, male, 29 years old, player-Switcher]

[Level Judgment: E-Class Monster]

[Weird Power: Constellation Apostle Switch-Perseus Zodiarts (Perseus Constellation Apostle)]

[Players who have cleared Knight's Realm six times like to fight alone and chop enemies with a big sword]

[Huge power beyond common sense. Its great sword 'Oracle' can crush all enemies with the blessing of power. The power of Medusa, who was defeated by Perseus, is gathered in the left arm and can touch everything. things turn to stone]

[Props held: Himawari LockSeed (Sunflower Lock Seed) - You can use the Lock Seed to summon junior aliens to assist in the battle, and you can also use the nutritional supply of the 'War Extreme Drive']

[Luna T1 Memory (Replica) - After activation, each part of the body can be bent and extended, and the light beams fired can also be used to track and attack. It can only be used three times]


Before Lu Ziye could speak first, Xu Yinong threw the pinched truth to the ground.

"It's finally here. I've been waiting for a long time."

After saying this, Xu Yinong slowly turned around, revealing his whole face.

There are several circular energy points on the body, hands and feet, and the shape of the arrangement represents the constellation to which it belongs.

The Apostle of the Constellation Perseus is characterized by the image of Medusa's face on his left arm and the back of his hand. His entire left hand is entangled with snakes, and his body is wrapped in silver-black armor.

"Why are you the only one? Forget it, I'll take your points first."

After Xu Yinong finished speaking, he held his right hand in the air, and a silver-black sword suddenly appeared in his hand.

The sword was extremely exaggerated, with the exaggerated length of Xu Yinong's entire body, and a circular energy point in the center.

"Points." Xu Yinong's words made Lu Ziye understand that the players from the other camp might treat them as points in the second phase of the mission.

In this camp, there must be players from other camps.

The next second, Xu Yinong suddenly jumped up, and the big sword in his hand fell straight towards Lu Ziye's head.

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