Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 274 Players from the film world!

Chapter 274 Players from the "Negative World"!

[Yes, yes, I think it's quite exciting anyway. I hope more accidents like this can happen in the future. ]

Evolto's voice sounded again, and Lu Ziye clearly heard the excitement in his voice.

".There won't be such accidents again." Lu Ziye snorted lightly, and immediately activated the scanning function in his compound eyes, looking for the possibility that the sealing stone tablet might survive.

However, just as he was scanning, he suddenly saw that there were countless small black fragments gathering in the place where there was nothing originally, and the speed was extremely slow. He looked for a long time before a small corner was formed.

".There is no way to kill Him with this?" Under the mask, Lu Ziye frowned.

Even the double black hole system can't destroy it. Is it really necessary to create countless black holes and have a super collision?

But in that case, let alone this star field, it may affect far away places, which is not something he can control at all.

[.This kind of conceptual level existence is really hard to kill. 】

Even Evolto, who had countless back-ups, was sighing for it. You can imagine how difficult it is to kill this seal slab.

However, at this moment, a white slab appeared next to the seal slab that was slowly being repaired!

"White slab. I seem to have some impression of this thing."

Lu Ziye's eyes fell on the white slab that suddenly appeared. If he remembered correctly, in the novel three hundred years after Kamen Rider Sword, there was a description of the white slab, which sealed the seal slab and another slab called the destroyer together.

And the appearance of the white slab was just as Lu Ziye thought. I saw bursts of white light spots emitting from the white slab, and the seal slab was restored in an instant, but at the moment of its restoration, countless silver chains extended from the white slab.

Countless silver chains followed to bind the seal slab and drag it directly into the white slab.

When the image of the seal slab appeared on the white slab, the white slab disappeared in this space as if it melted.

".Black slate, red slate and white slate, the world of Blade is really full of pitfalls." Lu Ziye, who witnessed the whole process, couldn't help but sigh, and he also felt a lightness in his hand, and one of the Jokers disappeared in his hand.

Obviously, with the sealing slate sealed, the Joker that appeared with his power could no longer be maintained.

"The sealing slate is gone, and the Extreme War should not continue, right?"

Thinking of this, Lu Ziye immediately moved his mind, and dark golden particles surged from his body, and the surrounding scenery instantly changed to the earth.

When he returned to the original place, several figures came to meet him

"Fuck. Old Lu, you are finally back, you have been away for three days!"

"You defeated Joker, um, why do I feel that the Joker in your hand is different."

"Shishi. Are you okay?"

"What happened, it feels like a lot of things happened that we don't know about"

Seeing everyone gathered around, the chattering sound made him raise the corners of his mouth.

This feeling of being welcomed made him feel warm in his heart. Maybe this was the reason why he wanted to save her at all costs.?

"How should I put it? I used two black holes to collide. The energy burst was a bit large, which affected the time and space at that time, so the speed of time changed a bit. I don't have much experience with it for the first time, but it should be fine next time." Lu Ziye put his hands on his hips, looking very proud.

". I suddenly don't want to know the reason."

"I am also a little beyond my cognition."

"To be honest, I was a little shocked. Is his knight system a little too much?"

Seeing the complicated expressions of the three people, Lu Ziye's arrogant look was instantly retracted.

"What are you talking about! I am strong because you are strong!" But despite saying so, Lu Ziye couldn't help but feel a little bit worried. His growth rate was a little exaggerated, and he had to help his teammates grow up in the future.

After all, from the intelligence obtained, the official will continue to target them in the future, so everyone must have the minimum self-protection ability.

"What happened to me?"

At this moment, Joker, who was placed on the ground by Lu Ziye, woke up slowly and spoke normally.

"Don't worry, you're back. Welcome back." Kenzaki Kazuma, who was always beside him, smiled.

Seeing this scene, Lu Ziye also smiled. In the original ending, both of them became Jokers. They were obviously the best partners, but in the end they became people who could never see each other again.

Such an ending also shocked Lu Ziye a lot. Now that he can witness a good ending with his own eyes, he can't help but feel relieved.

And Lu Ziye did not intend to ruin the reunion of several people. He waved his hand and left here with Xia You and others.

Just as Lu Ziye and his group left, Kenzaki Kazuma looked back at the place where everyone was originally: "Thank you"

Lu Ziye and others who left are now sitting in a ruin, and An Yu is also taken back to the team by Lu Ziye.

"I'm so embarrassed to cling to Old Lu again this time." Xia You laughed strangely, not showing any embarrassment at all.

"I really feel the increase in strength, maybe it will be at this level in the future." Ran Ge paused for a moment, "I've decided, I'm going to play the "DGP Competition" when I get back!"

“Me too, I need to activate the “power” as soon as possible. "Gao Chusan also said it out loud.

And An Yu nodded frantically, expressing his agreement.

Seeing that everyone had such thoughts, Lu Ziye swallowed what he wanted to say. It seemed that he didn't need to say more about improving strength. His teammates worked harder than he thought.

Then, a familiar virtual screen popped up in front of everyone.

[Congratulations on completing this Knight's Realm. Rating and reward distribution will be completed after leaving]

[Players will be teleported out of this Knight's Realm in three minutes. Please take your belongings with you.]

When Lu Ziye and others left, the place where everyone was originally located suddenly appeared strangely distorted. In the distorted space, a black and white hand suddenly stretched out.

As the hand appeared, countless dark red swamps emerged. Words such as "evil", "hate", and "kill" could be clearly seen on the swamp. With the appearance of a large amount of dark red swamps, the distorted space was torn apart.

A figure jumped out of the torn space and fell into the ruins.

"The "Negative World" is really boring. Will this bring me more fun? "The black and white figure raised his head slightly, and half of his compound eyes, which seemed to be broken, lit up red.

As he waved his right hand, a blood-red virtual screen appeared in front of him, and on top of it there was a button to go to the buffer zone. When he pressed it, the figure disappeared in the ruins.

When he left, he left behind a thumb-sized dark red swamp, which dissolved the entire ruins in just a moment.

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