Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 273 Welcome to join the Star Hunter Clan!

At this moment, Joker only felt that he was surrounded by strong wind pressure. It was not until his speed gradually slowed down that he suddenly realized that there was a blue planet in front of him.

He was actually hit outside the earth by a punch? !

At this moment, dark golden particles were emitted from the space in front of him. Lu Ziye's figure appeared in the dark golden particles.

"I don't care if you are a ruler or a "Knight Game". Just wait for me to knock you down! ! "

The armor constructed by the Evol driver is different from most knight systems. It is designed to move freely in the universe, so his voice can be clearly conveyed to the Joker on the opposite side.

"Ignorant. Everything you do is just a ripple in the course of history. "

When the heavy voice fell, Joker waved his hands.

Two light blades were released from the two hooks, and the two light blades showed different states. The left light blade seemed to have a strong chill, emitting a strong white mist even in the universe, while the right light blade was in the shape of a flame, and it could be seen that its temperature could distort the space.

"What a great... Ice and Fire!" Lu Ziye grumbled and spit out his left hand.

As his right hand waved, small black holes suddenly appeared at the two light blades. The appearance of the black hole instantly distorted the two light blades, decomposing and absorbing them directly into the black hole.

But Lu Ziye's actions did not stop there. The moment the dark golden particles surged, he appeared beside Joker and punched him in the side.

Joker, who was hit by this punch, rolled backwards and flew backwards. At the same time, dark golden particles surged again on Lu Ziye's body, and suddenly appeared Behind Joker.

When he punched the opponent again, Joker's body suddenly paused, and several vines burst out from behind him, interweaving into a shield. At the same time as the shield-shaped vines were generated, a metallic luster flashed on them, and it was metalized.

However, the next moment, Lu Ziye's right fist also hit it at this time. At the moment of the bombardment, the metalized vines shattered into slag as if they were vulnerable.

Such a scene made Joker, who was looking at him sideways, stunned.

But in the moment he was stunned, Lu Ziye suddenly launched a fierce attack. He stretched out his right hand, grabbing the tentacles on his head, and kicked with his right foot to hit his abdomen.

At the same time, dark golden particles surged out of his body, instantly sending Joker and him to a desolate planet outside the Milky Way.

When using the jump ability to teleport, Lu Ziye also released the tentacles in his hand. Joker, who was hit, naturally flew backwards and fell directly.

Bang--! !

With a loud bang, Joker fell to the ground of the desolate planet and was hit. The ground that was hit collapsed into a depression of several thousand meters in an instant.

Before Joker, who was in the center of the depression, could stand up, Lu Ziye appeared on him, and his well-prepared right fist slammed down mercilessly.

Bang--! ! !

With another loud noise, the already collapsed deep pit was hit again, turning into a wider collapse.

And Joker's body, which was hit again, was shattered into countless cracks, and continued to spread throughout the body.

But soon the spreading trend stopped, and even had a tendency to heal.

". You won't die, right?"

Lu Ziye's body flashed a faint light, and a stream of energy rippled out with him as the center, turning into an invisible domain covering thousands of meters. And this is exactly the "Demon Emperor Domain" brought by his new power.

Without giving Joker a chance to breathe, he clenched his fists and kept swinging his fists at the awakening device on his waist.

Bang bang bang bang bang.!

The dull sound of bombardment continued to sound, and each bombardment could shake the ground. Even with the bombardment, the collapse and noise became louder and louder. The Joker, who could not resist, was covered with cracks, and even the healing speed was gradually slowing down.

". Ruler, right!"

Bang bang bang bang bang!

At this moment, Lu Ziye seemed to have found a vent. Not only did he not stop swinging his fists, but he was also speeding up, even to the point where he could leave a residual image.


When Lu Ziye didn't even know how many punches he had thrown, the cracks on Joker's body were completely connected and finally shattered completely.

And at the moment of shattering, the sealing stone slab connecting the two Jokers suddenly broke out of it, leaving only the two Jokers lying in the same place.

Seeing the sealing stone slab suspended in the air, Lu Ziye raised his right hand and pointed at the other party: "Don't think it will end like this"

As he finished speaking, the handle of the driver was also turned by him.

"Ready go! Black Hole Break! Ciao! (Ready to go! Black hole smash! Goodbye!)"

As the sound effects rang out, Lu Ziye stretched out his hands, as if creating large black holes on both sides of the sealing stone slab.

Under his control, the large black hole began to squeeze towards the sealing stone slab in the middle. Even if the sealing stone slab wanted to break away from it, it could not escape the traction of the two black holes.

"Stupid. Do you know what you are doing!"

". You are strangling the evolution of creatures and depriving them of their desires.!"

The deep voice of the sealing slate sounded, but compared with the previous one, there were some ups and downs in it, and it was no longer the kind of emotionless voice.

"It is not me who kills the evolution and desire of creatures, but you." Lu Ziye looked coldly at the sealing slate that was still shaking and struggling, "All creatures have their own free choice, not determined by your hypocritical slate"

As Lu Ziye's last words fell, the two large black holes rotated at high speed while squeezing the sealing slate until they collided completely.

The moment the two large black holes collided, they suddenly burst out extremely terrifying energy. This energy only erupted, and everything around them was instantly turned into powder. Time and space were also completely distorted at this moment, and everything lost its color under this

The next moment, Lu Ziye appeared outside the planet with two Jokers, and the two black holes that collided, after releasing extremely strong energy, turned into a black hole with a larger mass. The original planet was completely shattered under its energy and then sucked into it.

"The double black hole system can only be used in space in the future." Lu Ziye muttered, and dispersed the black hole with a wave of his hand.

But when the black hole dispersed, a new force appeared in his body, and this force turned into golden lines on his arm armor.

[Yo yo yo, who said before that he would not absorb planets? Welcome to join the star hunting clan! Hahahaha! ]

"Tsk, that was just an accident." Lu Ziye curled his lips. Fortunately, there was no life on the planet he came to.

And he just wanted to use the energy of the collision of two black holes to destroy the sealing stone slab, but he didn't expect the destructive power of the double black hole system to be so terrifying.

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