Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 280 Golden Phoenix! The time to unlock has come!

"I'm sorry that you have used up the number of times in today's "DGP Competition". Please come back tomorrow. "As Zimli said, she handed the reward box in her hand to Lu Ziye.

"What new rule is this?" Lu Ziye was dumbfounded. There was a limit to the number of times this special meow could be played.

"It's a new rule added by Master Calamity. He was worried that players would be too addicted to the "DGP Competition", resulting in no players participating in the Knight's Realm, so he added such a new rule. "Zimli leaned forward slightly with an apologetic look on her face.

"Okay." Taking the reward box from Zimli's hand, Lu Ziye turned around and walked towards the magic circle to leave.

After leaving, Lu Ziye looked up at the floating stage in the sky: "You are such a golden fox, you have broken the rules like this."

Then, he opened the reward box in his hand, and there was a contracted beast advent card lying in the reward box.

There is a golden phoenix drawn on the contract beast's advent card, and the name above it is 'Gold Phoenix'. This is exactly the wish item he wrote down in the rest hall.

He first tried to write down the Odin card, but it didn't work.

Then he started with the Advent Card. After experimenting with Advent Cards one by one, he finally locked in on the Contract Beast Advent Card.

"If Tan Lidou transforms it, the restriction of Time Falling should be gone, right?" Lu Ziye couldn't help but chuckle. Tan Lidou said at the beginning that if you want to fully use the power of Time Falling, you need the golden phoenix as energy. supply.

After such a long time, he finally got it!

[Xia You, if you run out of times with the big steel cannon, go back to Gaia Courtyard and wait for me. 】

While using the team voice to contact everyone, Lu Ziye was also moving in the direction of "Fantasy Unparalleled".

[Okay, Lao Gao and Ran Ge have come out. We will go back when Anyu comes out, okay? wrong! Lao Lu, why did you come out so quickly? ! 】

Xia You saw Lu Ziye coming in. A game of playing with a steel cannon would take hours at least. How could he come out after such a short time?

[It’s a bit hard to describe, but my experiment was successful. 】

To be honest, Lu Ziye didn't want to mention the story of growing grass at all, so he planned to go back and let Xia You try the effect of a small amount of phantom liquid.

If the effect is good, it depends on whether the phantom liquid is enough for everyone to share. But if the effect is not good, he will have to go to the "DGP Competition" to make more.

[Okay, then we will go back and wait for you. 】

After hearing what Lu Ziye said, Xia You didn't ask any more questions. And he was not surprised at all that the experiment was successful. In his opinion, there seemed to be nothing that could stump Lao Lu in the "Knight Game". If it failed, he would find it even more strange!

After a brief conversation with Xia You, Lu Ziye also came to "Huan Meng Wushuang".

"Boss, I got the golden phoenix!" Lu Ziye shouted as he stepped into the store.

I saw Tan Lidou at the workbench turning around and looking Lu Ziye up and down: "You went to the realm of knights?"

You know, Lu Ziye had just left him not long ago, and then suddenly told him that he had obtained the golden phoenix. It was a bit impossible no matter how you thought about it.

Feeling Tan Lidou's gaze, Lu Ziye couldn't help but explain: "No, I participated in a "DGP Competition" and the reward prop was the golden phoenix. "

The moment he said those words, Lu Ziye took out the Contract Beast Arrival Card and slapped it on the counter.

However, Lu Ziye did not wait for Tan Lidou's exaggerated laughter, but looked at him like an idiot.

"Just one advent card won't do." Tan Lidou picked up the photographed contracted beast's advent card, then stretched out his hand and placed it in front of Lu Ziye, "Give me Odin's card box as well."

"Do you still want Odin's card box?" Lu Ziye was confused for a moment. Tan Li Dou had never said that before.

"How is it possible not to do it? Have you seen this sign?" As he said, Tan Lidou put his finger on the upper left side of the advent card, where there is Odin's knight emblem. "This means that it is the opponent's exclusive advent card. The other knights are It cannot be used unless you contract it with a contract card."

"Well, I don't have it, but I believe that the great Tanli Fighting God can definitely do it, because the talent of a god will never be hindered by the word 'exclusive'!" Lu Ziye said with sonorous force, as if in What a wise saying.

"Hahahahahaha" Tan Lidou smiled so handsomely that he felt as if he was about to fall over, "Then let me show you the greatness of God's talent and give me the survival time bottle!"

When Lu Ziye heard this, he immediately took out the EvolBuild bottle. With Tan Lidou's words, it was probably stable!

It is much better to believe in Tan Li Dou than to believe in a certain fox.

Seeing Lu Ziye take out a different full bottle, Tan Li Dou accepted it directly: "Five days."

After receiving Tan Lidou's words, Lu Ziye suddenly felt refreshed. It should be said that Tan Lidou was really easy to coax.

After dealing with the golden phoenix, Lu Ziye also left "Dream Warriors" and returned to the Gaia Garden humming a tune.

When Lu Ziye returned to Gaia Courtyard, Xia You and others were already waiting for him in the hall.

"Lao Lu, let me see the experiment you mentioned." Xia You was the first to greet Lu Ziye, with a look of complete curiosity on his face.

"It takes too much effort to get this thing out, so be careful." As he said that, Lu Ziye flipped his left hand and took out the phantom liquid, which was suspended in mid-air under the power of the blood clan.

"Don't you mean to make the nebula gas more stable? What is this?" Staring at the suspended liquid, Xia You didn't see anything special for a long time.

"The props obtained by colliding and compressing the nebula gas with black holes, I call it phantom liquid. It has performance and strength several times that of the nebula gas. The most important thing is that its side effects are very low." Lu Ziye silently apologized in his heart. A sound.

Because the Build plot line has been changed and a new world will not appear, there is no possibility of the natural phantom liquid appearing. I can only apologize to Katsuragi for naming it.

".so smart?!"

"Far beyond nebula gas, the side effects are low. What kind of plug-in props!"

"Lao Lu, is this really the result of your experiment?"

"All I can say is, it's a pretty scary prop."

Not only Xia You, but also others reacted very violently. Nebula gas is a prop that countless people desire, but now Lu Ziye can take out a more powerful prop. It is still a low risk. If the players in the buffer zone know, I'm afraid everyone will go crazy for it! !

"It just feels like the amount is a bit small. What should we do?"

Before Xia You could finish speaking, Lu Ziye waved his left hand, separated a small droplet from the suspended phantom liquid, and shot it into Xia You's mouth.

"You have nebula gas in your body and your body strength is also high. You are the best test subject." Lu Ziye stared at Xia You, waiting for her possible reaction next. As long as there are side effects, it means that the phantom liquid is Usable.

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