Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 281 Phantom Liquid for All!

". Old Lu, I trusted you so much." Xia You said as he collapsed and sat down, looking even more distressed, "You so easily used me as an experimental subject, was it my fault after all?"

That look, as if Lu Ziye had done something unforgivable to him. If Xia You hadn't been squeezing his eyes for a long time without holding back tears, he would have really believed it.

Then, Lu Ziye pulled Xia You up: ". Stop squeezing, you really can't cry."

"Cough, give me another 30 seconds, I can do it!" I saw that Xia You's forehead veins burst, his whole body began to exert force, and his neck turned red. I knew he was squeezing tears, but I thought he was constipated.

"Come on, do you feel any changes in your body?" Lu Ziye's power was activated in his eyes, and he kept paying attention to the changes in Xia You's information.

Unfortunately, there was no change in the information, and even Xia You himself looked lively.

"Is it because the amount of phantom liquid is not enough?" Lu Ziye couldn't help but fall into deep thought. Xia You didn't show any obvious side effects, so it should be the problem of insufficient amount of phantom liquid.

"Hiss" At this moment, Xia You suddenly took a breath of cold air.

His body trembled involuntarily, and an inexplicable chill filled his body instantly.

Lu Ziye instantly discovered Xia You's condition: "How is it, do you feel any different?"

"My body is so cold." Xia You hugged his body with both hands, and the inexplicable chill made him tremble uncontrollably.

"That's right, it's the side effect of phantom liquid!" Such a reaction made Lu Ziye explain.

"Wrap it up first." Gao Chusan took a blanket and quickly wrapped Xia You up.

Lu Ziye did not give the phantom liquid to others, but sat opposite Xia You to continue observing the situation. After experiencing the coldness of his body, Xia You shook his head, and the high fever made him feel slightly dizzy.

"You, hold on, you'll get through it." Lu Ziye, who was watching, cheered Xia You up.

"Who do you think I am? It's just a high fever. I'll get through it in a minute." Although he said so, Xia You's voice was completely trembling, and he didn't sound as heroic as he said.

"Stop talking nonsense, take a rest."

During the several hours of taking care of Xia You, Lu Ziye didn't leave her alone, and always paid attention to her physical condition.

When Xia You slowly stretched her body, the blanket on her body was thrown away by her: "Fuck. What a great feeling!"

As Xia You stretched her body, there was a crisp sound of bones, and her face was extremely comfortable.

Seeing the other party in such a state, Lu Ziye immediately activated the power of power in his eyes and checked the other party's information.

[Danger level: above 7.0]

The only change was the danger level. When he checked Xia You's information before, the danger level was only 6.0, but after being strengthened by the phantom liquid, this value was directly increased by 1.0!

From a numerical point of view, the improvement of 1.0 does not seem to be much. But you should know that in the Build plot, Saruto Ikkai and Himuro Gentoku had a danger level of about 5.45 in the later stage. After the injection of nebula gas again, it was called a substantial improvement, but it still did not exceed the human limit.

It is conceivable how impressive this 1.0 improvement is!

[You kid, you really made something incredible. ]

Evolto, who was watching the whole process, also sighed in Lu Ziye's mind at this moment.

"It should be no problem for others to use it." Lu Ziye nodded, very satisfied with the result.

Then, Lu Ziye called the other three people to distribute the phantom liquid to everyone, and everyone had the same amount.

After waiting for a while, everyone had symptoms of cold and high fever like Xia You, and Xia You and Lu Ziye also started to get busy.

"Old Lu, Xia You, what do you think true freedom is?"

An Yu, who was under a high fever, showed a completely different expression from usual, which made the busy Lu Ziye and Xia You look at each other.

Is An Yu confused due to the fever?

The next day.

Lu Ziye yawned and walked out of the room. He and Xia You basically spent the day taking care of the three people.

When he arrived in the living room, he found that only Xia You was eating there, but he didn't see the other three people.

"Where are they?" Lu Ziye asked, and then sat down opposite Xia You.

"They have already set out to participate in the "DGP Competition". With the blessing of the phantom liquid, they are very excited." Xia You chewed slowly, with a little tired look on his face, "Why did An Yu change so much? "

Taking care of the three yesterday consumed a lot of their energy. Gao Chusan and Ran Ge were fine, they were the quiet type, but the key was An Yu, whose high fever had caused a drastic change in his personality, and he insisted on grabbing the two to have a heart-to-heart talk.

This talk lasted for several hours, and all kinds of life questions were extremely tricky, and they almost doubted their lives.

"I must never let An Yu get sick in the future." Lu Ziye thought of those questions yesterday, and now his head hurts.

"I agree." While agreeing, Xia You put down the bowl in his hand, "Old Lu, eat slowly, I'll go out for a walk."

After Xia You left, Lu Ziye was not in a hurry, and ate his meal slowly.

[You gave them all the phantom liquid and didn't keep any, don't you plan to use it? 】

Evolto's voice sounded in his mind.

"Why would I use that? With the genetic factors of three of you vampires, my upper limit is already very high. Even if I use the phantom liquid, it may not increase the danger level by much." Lu Ziye gave the answer.

As he said, the phantom liquid can certainly increase the danger level and remove the limit of human beings, but he has three vampire genetic factors in his body, and the danger level has long exceeded 7.0. If he uses the phantom liquid again, I am afraid that except for the side effects, his danger level will never increase by more than 0.1.

[Wow, it seems that you know a lot. The genetic factors of our vampires are the best. ]

Evolto chuckled, and it was rare for him to have some praise for Lu Ziye.

"Don't worry, I will let you out to play in the next Knight Realm." Lu Ziye knew the reason why Evolto appeared frequently recently. The Knight Realm did not let him out to play last time, and he probably had a lot of resentment in his heart.

[I didn't take the initiative to mention it, you said it yourself. 】

Evolto snorted as he spoke, as if it was none of his business.

"Yes, yes, I said that." Lu Ziye smiled and shook his head. After Evolto had a relationship, he felt much better than in the drama. Although he was bound by his relationship, at least he didn't have so many small thoughts.

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