Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 40 Awesome! It’s really exciting!

But in Wan Haifei's eyes, Lu Ziye's retreat seemed like he was running away.

"Don't even think about running away!" Wan Haifei shouted angrily, and rushed out like a human tank.

Wan Haifei was so fast that he closed the distance with Lu Ziye in just a few leaps.

When he came in front of Lu Ziye, his right hand formed a claw and tore at his neck.

At the moment when his right claw approached, Lu Ziye pressed the switch on the side buckle of his belt.

"Clock Up!"

When the time-up was turned on, the movement of Wan Haifei's right claw suddenly slowed down, and the surrounding noise disappeared.

Lu Ziye took a step back and turned his head to look at the players behind Wan Haifei.

Apart from the spider monster killed by Wan Haifei, there were still four players in the opposing camp. If he defeated them all, the hidden side quest could at least get an A-level rating.

"Then I won't be polite!" Lu Ziye bypassed Wan Haifei and ran straight to the players behind him.

"Rider Cutting!"

A high-pitched sound effect sounded, and the steel double blades suddenly flashed blue and gold arcs.

The first thing Lu Ziye faced was the energy-doped body. He swung the double blades in his hands without hesitation and landed directly on its chest.

At the moment when sparks flew, Lu Ziye followed to the crab monster beside it and slashed down with the double blades from the shoulder to the lower abdomen.

Twisting his body and slashing horizontally, this blow landed on the bat alien mutant next to him.

The last saber-toothed tiger desperado, Lu Ziye certainly would not forget, and left the last attack on its chest with a cross-cutting blow!

"Clock Over!"

Boom boom boom boom——!

When the sound effect ended, it was the moment when the four players were engulfed by fireworks.

When the flames faded, the monster postures of the four players were all lifted.

The worst was the energy-doped player. The energy memory used for transformation had been shattered into slag and fell to the ground.

Lu Ziye was not surprised at all. With the help of the scissor memory, he had shown a lot of mercy.

[Hidden side quest - Knight's Glory]

[Real-time quest progress: Defeat six players from the opposing camp]

[Real-time quest progress rating: A-level]

The virtual screen suddenly popped up, and Lu Ziye's mouth was almost grinning to his ears under the mask.

".Old Lu, you are a real dog. Don't leave me any!" Xia You's extremely resentful voice sounded.

I don't know when, he has come to the side of Lu Ziye.

The purple compound eyes staring at Lu Ziye, although they can't see anything, have an inexplicable sense of grievance.

"What are you talking about, then don't leave one." Lu Ziye raised his head slightly, indicating that there was also Wan Haifei, the beast hybrid on the opposite side.

"With him, you should be able to get the highest rating, right?" Xia You changed the subject and took a fighting posture, "Then you should take him in, and I will assist you."

Before Lu Ziye could say anything, Xia You's body sank slightly, and his right foot stepped hard.

The ground shattered instantly, and Xia You shot out, turning into a shadow and swooping towards Wan Haifei.

".He's pretty good." Lu Ziye was stunned. He didn't expect Xia You to say that.


With the sudden collision, Xia You and Wan Haifei had already hit each other in the chest.

Xia You stepped back a few steps on the spot, but Wan Haifei's body was in the air, and his feet plowed two ten-meter-long gullies on the ground before he barely stopped.

At this time, Lu Ziye had already rushed forward and slashed at Wan Haifei with a knife!


Amid the sound of golden chimes, a very deep cut was left on Wan Haifei's chest.

Although the cut was deep, it was far less effective than the previous one that cut off the plate-toothed rhinoceros Orphino.

Lu Ziye immediately understood that as time went on, the cutting effect given by the scissors memory was constantly weakening.


Wan Haifei roared, and at the same time swung his right claw hard to counterattack.

Seeing this, Lu Ziye immediately crossed his double blades in front of him to block and buffer.

Bang! !

A powerful force came from the double blades, and Lu Ziye's body retreated rapidly without control.

At the moment of retreating, Xia You passed by Lu Ziye's side and filled in the position to launch a new round of attack.

Xia You's body swayed, and he twisted his body while swaying left and right, borrowing the twisting force to swing his arm blade from top to bottom!

Puff! !

The arm blade directly embedded in Wan Haifei's shoulder blade, and the downward force caused the ground where he stood to crack.

"Old Lu!!"

Xia You shouted softly, and at the same time, he turned over, pulled out his arm blade and passed over Wan Haifei's head, and followed up with a whip kick when he landed.

Wan Haifei, who was kicked in the back, completely lost his balance and flew forward uncontrollably, heading towards Lu Ziye!

Seeing this scene, Lu Ziye immediately understood what Xia You meant.

"One! Two! Three! Rider Kick!"

The full-speed switch was quickly pressed, and then the insect instrument's upper jaw was moved, and all of Lu Ziye's movements were done in one go.

"Violent Strike!"

In the back, Xia You turned the driver handle, and a low electronic wind sound effect suddenly sounded.

The next moment, Lu Ziye and Xia You moved at the same time, rushing towards Wan Haifei in the middle.

At the same moment, the two jumped into the air, one in front and one behind, and both of their knight kicks kicked Wan Haifei!

Bang--Puff! !

The cutting sound after the muffled sound was particularly clear, and the two people passed by each other and fell to the original position of each other.


In the air, the golden arc on Wan Haifei's body jumped, and suddenly cut off from the waist and fell down.

Boom! ! !

When it fell, a violent explosion rushed to the sky above the venue, and the fierce flames became the most dazzling point in the venue.

[Hidden side quest-Knight's Glory]

[Real-time task progress: Defeat seven players from the opposing camp]

[Real-time task progress rating: S-level]

The virtual screen popped up, as if announcing the end of Wan Haifei.

Lu Ziye and Xia You stood up and turned around, looking at each other.

"Old Lu, how do you evaluate my assistant!?" Xia You said, opening his hands, waiting for Lu Ziye's evaluation.

"Awesome! It's really awesome!" Lu Ziye gave a thumbs up and gave the highest evaluation.

That's it. The last cut-off scene is too much like a zongzi.

"It's a pity that your plan failed." The magnetic voice of an uncle echoed in the venue.

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice, and at the top of the stands, SMART LADY walked out with a cart full of instruments.

The person who spoke was the head soaked in blue liquid in the center of the device - Murakami Kyo.

"Those who fail must have a failed ending."

As Murakami Kyo finished speaking, a figure from the group of Orphinos swayed out.

They shot out tentacles or tongues, running towards the players of the opposing camp who fell to the ground.

These players had no ability to fight back, and could only watch the tentacles and tongues pierce through themselves.

The four players, without exception, turned into sand and scattered.

"Then, let's officially start now, the final celebration!"

At Murakami Kyo's announcement, several Leo cavalrymen emerged from the venue passage, carrying a huge cage, and the cage was where Mari Sonoda was taken away.

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