Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 41 Please, stop talking!


The cage carried by Leo's cavalry was put down and placed in front of Murakami Kia'er.

"What do you think would happen if the leader of the human resistance army became Aoife Enoch?"

Murakami Kia'er raised the corners of her mouth and looked down at the people in the center of the venue.

SMART LADY, who was beside Murakami Kiaji, stepped forward and opened the bag with sea cucumbers in her hands.

"Miss Truth, you should feel honored to be able to join us."

SMART LADY said as she handed the bag with sea cucumbers in her hand to the truth.

"I don't want this kind of thing!"

The truth in the cage knocked the sea cucumber off SMART LADY's hand with a wave of his hand.

"Control her." SMART LADY touched her hand and ordered the Leo cavalry beside her.

After receiving the order, Leo Cavalry immediately stepped forward and stretched out his hand to Truth in the cage. Truth resisted and backed away, but the cage only had so much space, only two steps away, and his back was leaning against the edge of the cage.


Under such circumstances, Gan Qiao drank softly and pulled the trigger of the blaster in his hand.

The blaster fired two red beams, and the beams hit the two Leo cavalry accurately.

Bang bang——!

Sparks flew from Leo's cavalry. They were hit by the beam and were knocked back to the ground on the spot.

"Truth, wait for me, I'll be here right away!" Gan Qiao finished his words and jumped directly towards the stands.

However, just as Qian Qiao approached the stands, a gray-white shadow crashed into him at an extremely fast speed.

Gan Qiao, who was in mid-air, was hit by the gray shadow before he had time to defend himself!

boom! !

There was a muffled sound, and Qian Qiao flew backwards from mid-air and fell back to his original position.

The gray shadow that hit him was none other than the enamelled rhinoceros Offei Enoch, who stood up again.


The enamelled rhinoceros Aoife Enoch stood up again, looked up to the sky and let out a roar.

The roar was like a bell exploding, causing everyone nearby to cover their ears to feel better.

"Old Lu, this Ao Fei Enoch is really tenacious." Xia You, who covered her ears, couldn't help but complain to Lu Ziye.

"It's best now."

As soon as Lu Ziye spoke, he heard an inexplicable sound breaking through the air above them.

"Clock Up! (Time Up!)"

Entering the rising time again, Lu Ziye instantly felt a strong sense of fatigue, which was a sign before his physical strength reached its limit.

Without enough time to look at the situation above, he kicked Xia You and used its reaction force to jump away to the other side.

"Clock Over! (End of rising time)"

The moment the two flew out to both sides, the sound effect announcing the end sounded.

Puff puff puff puff puff.!

The positions where the two of them were originally were suddenly covered by a field of sharp needles.

Lu Ziye, who was still in the air, took out the badge, held it in his hand and squeezed it tightly.

The pinched badge suddenly turned into stars and fell on Lu Ziye's body.

"Recover! (reply)"

After recovering the consumption of the energy badge, Lu Ziye suddenly felt that the fatigue all over his body disappeared, and strength continued to pour out.

When he landed smoothly, most of his physical strength, which had reached its limit, had recovered.

But Xia You walked over, holding her waist, and said with great resentment: "Old Lu, this kick hit my waist accurately."

"I'll try my best to kick ass next time." Lu Ziye's attention was not on Xia You, but on Enoch, the enamelled rhinoceros not far away.

The sharp needle was naturally the attack of Offei'enoch the Elastodon, but the point was that Offei'enoch's eyes seemed to have been on him.

"If nothing else, it's targeting you." Xia You also noticed this.

"It's no surprise, I can see it." Lu Ziye's mind was racing, thinking about ways to deal with the Elastodon Offei Enoch.


Elastodon Offei Enoch's head shook, and countless sharp needles struck at the two of them again.

Xia You was the first to react, grabbing Lu Ziye's arm, pulling him away and at the same time waving his hand to attack with his arm blade.

Lu Ziye was pulled away by him, and Xia You twisted the handle of the driver the moment he hit the sharp needle.

"Violent Slash! (violent cut off)"

Dang Dang Dang.!

Amidst the continuous sound of metal collisions, the sharp needle that flew first was immediately knocked away by Xia You's arm blade.

Although it was not cut off like Lu Ziye did before, the sharp needle attack was not effective for the time being.

"Damn it, you can stop this guy"


Before Lu Ziye could finish his words, a sharp needle penetrated Xia You's arm on the spot.

"Please, stop talking." Even though she was penetrated by a sharp needle, Xia You didn't even hum, and the movements of her hands didn't stop.

After a brief pause in the sharp needle's attack, the two immediately started running, making it impossible for Enoch, the enamelled rhinoceros, to lock on easily.

Xia You, who was running, grabbed the sharp needle and pulled it out and threw it away. The punctured area recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Yu, I might have to wrong you a little." Lu Ziye said suddenly while running.

"Ah? Are you trying to use me as a human shield?" Xia You suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Am I the kind of person who uses my teammates as human shields!?" Upon hearing this, Lu Ziye was not happy.

"To be honest, I think you are." After thinking about it seriously, Xia You nodded with certainty.

"Congratulations on your correct answer, I'll give you a reward right away!"

"Teleport! (Teleport)"

Lu Ziye quietly put on the magic ring on his hand. At this moment, the magic ring was exuding a little brilliance.

"You." As soon as Xia You opened her mouth, Lu Ziye patted her on the shoulder, and she disappeared from the venue in an instant.

"Kiba! Help me control it!" After sending Xia You away, Lu Ziye turned to shout to Kiba a little further away.

The first time Kiba heard this, he got away from Ofei Enoch around him. When he saw Lu Ziye pointing at Ofei Enoch, the enamelled rhinoceros, he immediately opened his phone and pressed the "Enter" key without any hesitation.

"Exceed Charge! (Charging completed)"

I saw golden light surrounding the Earth Breaker sword in Kiba's hand, forming an extremely long energy light blade with the Earth Breaker sword as the center.

Then, Kiba swung the earth-shattering sword in his hand and stabbed the enamelled rhinoceros Offei Enoch in the body.

The Elastooth Rhinoceros Aoife Enoch was so huge that he could not avoid such an attack. He was stabbed on the side by the energy light blade on the spot and pushed to the wall to resist it!

"That's it! Try to hold on!"

"Put On! (attire)"

The insect meter was turned on, and the heavy armor in the form of a mask was reassembled.

The Vulcan cannons on Lu Ziye's shoulders rotated, firing five thousand ion beam bullets per minute at full fire.

Countless beam bombs hit the Elastodon Offei Enoch, bursting out with brilliant sparks, but failed to break through its defense.


But the enamelled rhinoceros Aoife Enoch was howling like crazy, as if he was suffering from some pain.

"Qianqiao! Haitang! Help me!"

Elastodon Offei Enoch was howling and struggling violently, and Kiba felt that the earth-shattering sword in his hand was about to fall out.

Qianqiao and Haitang quickly came to Kiba's side. The three of them held the Earth-shattering sword together and suppressed the fiercely struggling Elastooth rhinoceros Offei Enoch little by little.


Suddenly, a small silver claw broke out from the side of the enamelled rhinoceros Offei Enoch.

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