Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 45 She is both a boss and a rich woman!

"Xia You, I'm going to the junction area next, what do you say?" After Lu Ziye received all the rewards, his arms were already full of things, and he could only hold them in a hug.

"The junction area. I have to go to Eye Soul Street first, and I'll find you there when I'm done."

Xia You finally looked away from Lu Ziye's arms, her eyes full of envy.

"Okay, just come to Huanmeng Wushuang to see me when you're done."

After saying hello, Lu Ziye walked towards the exit and prepared to leave.

"Wait a minute. Are you talking about Huanmeng Wushuang?" Hearing this, Xia You's expression turned strange, "It is said that the boss has a very weird temper. Some players once made trouble there. I heard that he was turned into a prop in the end. You Are you sure it’s that scary place?”

"Is it scary? I think the boss is very easy to get along with."

Lu Ziye thought about his relationship with Tan Lidou, and it was not as bad-tempered as Xia You said.

Although Xiajiao's temperament is a bit crazy, he is quite considerate of this newcomer. After all, the scissors memory was provided to him free of charge.

However, the part of turning players into props is quite in line with Tan Lidou's character.

".Is this the world of the strong?" After a long time, Xia You came to a conclusion.

"I'll go over first. Remember to bring the Sidecar Slammer." After saying this, Lu Ziye opened the door and prepared to leave.

"Lao Lu, wait a minute, how can you go out like this!" Xia You stepped forward and pulled out a snakeskin bag from his bag, "If you go out like this, you will be noticed easily. Don't expose your wealth." Ah Lao Lu”

I saw the snakeskin bag in Xia You's hand unfolded, with bright 'urea'-like fonts on it.

"Isn't this special meow more conspicuous!" Lu Ziye's expression condensed, with rejection written all over his face.

It makes sense, but why do we need to use urea bags?

These are all genuine toys. How can he use this kind of urea bag?

A minute later, Lu Ziye walked out of the "terminal" with a urea bag in hand.

"Pity my genuine toy." Lu Ziye sighed and walked towards the junction area.

The road to the junction area was familiar once and twice. After entering the junction area, we went straight to "Huan Meng Wushuang".

"Boss, I'm here again!"

Before anyone arrived, Lu Ziye's voice entered the store first.

However, the store did not respond to his voice.

When he entered the store, he saw Tan Lidou still sitting in front of the computer, typing away.

On the computer screen were data and codes that Lu Ziye couldn't understand at all.

"Boss, what are you doing?" After stopping for a while, seeing that Tan Lidou had no intention of stopping, Lu Ziye couldn't help but ask.

"Playing games." After a long time, Tan Lidou stopped typing on the keyboard and turned around.

".What kind of game is it?"

As someone who knew Tan Lidou, Lu Ziye was naturally very curious.

You know, Tan Li's talent is so incredible that he created the EA Kamen Rider system. Invincible Players, God Extreme Players and other super powerful knights were all created by him. He is also an officially recognized god.

Is it true that there are people who are not curious about the games played by God?

"There is a better game than what you are playing now. It is a game that only a god like me can create! Hahahaha!"

Tan Lidou gradually became more and more beautiful, and his devilish laughter filled the whole shop.

".It still tastes the same as before." Lu Ziye is very familiar with this devilish laughter and facial expressions.

In the past, he could only watch it through the screen, but now that he saw it for real, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

It’s also a shrimp dumpling. Compared with a certain joke shrimp dumpling, the difference is not that big.

However, Lu Ziye probably figured out that the Tan Li Dou in front of him should be in the period after the end of EA.

To be precise, the Tan Li Dou in front of him is not the real Tan Li Dou, but his number one clone as a god!

At this time, the smile on Tan Lidou's face faded and he looked at the urea bag in Lu Ziye's hand.

"Let me see the materials you brought back." Tan Lidou waved.

Seeing that Tan Lidou took the initiative to get to the point, Lu Ziye did not hesitate and first took out the Emperor Drive from the urea bag.

"Orga driver, powered by golden photon blood."

While placing the Di Emperor drive on the counter, Lu Ziye gave a brief introduction.

"It has research value, but not much. Next." After saying this, Tan Lidou pushed the Earth Emperor Drive to the side of the counter.


Tan Lidou's answer was so unexpected that Lu Ziye was stunned for a moment.

But since the Earth Emperor's drives were invisible, he naturally didn't need to take out the Heavenly Emperor's and Caesar's drives. He could only take out the most valuable cards from his body.

".Native species Ofei Enoch, naturally born Ofei Enoch, a super rare weirdo!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Ziye's hand fell on the counter, and the contract card with the swordfish Aoife Enoch was immediately put down.

"The material of the naturally born Ofei Enoch is very interesting!" Tan Lidou's eyes flashed and he recognized the material this time.

"It's gone." As soon as the most valuable card came out, Lu Ziye showed his cards directly.

"What are you going to do with these two?" The light in Tan Li Dou's eyes faded, and he was obviously a little disappointed.

Such a look was noticed by Lu Ziye, but he was also helpless.

The Lost Paradise could only collect so much, but he wanted to get the Faiz Exploder.

But if he did that, it would undoubtedly kill Gan Qiao and others. He couldn't do such a thing.

"I need something that can help increase the success rate of this." As he said that, Lu Ziye took out the Nebula Gas Injection.

"Nebula gas. Isn't this good material?" Tan Lidou finished speaking and was about to reach out for it.

"This is what I want to use!" Lu Ziye suddenly retracted his hand and protected the Nebula Gas Injection in his arms.

"What a pity. No, I can exchange three props with you." Tan Lidou narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at the Nebula Gas Injection in Lu Ziye's hand.

".No, I wouldn't trade it."

Lu Ziye hesitated briefly. The three props were indeed very tempting.

But the props that interest Tan Li Dou so much must be quite valuable.

"I can ask Ran Ge to help you. This is her address." Tan Lidou said, writing down the address on a piece of paper and shaking it in his hand, "But I want your data after the injection, no problem, right?" ?”

"Deal." Lu Ziye agreed without thinking and took the note.

As for data, as long as Tan Lidou thought about it, he couldn't prevent it at all. It was too simple to add a data recording device to the props given.

Furthermore, he will continue to get stronger, but the data after the injection does not matter at all.

"By the way, those two materials are made into props."

Lu Ziye's voice floated as he left the shop and headed to Ran Ge's residence.

But Tan Lidou behind the counter showed a meaningful smile: "Finally, the new power has appeared."

After leaving Huanmeng Wushuang, Lu Ziye followed the address on the note.

"No. 66 Fengdu Street-Eternal Courtyard"

When Lu Ziye stopped, he had already arrived at the door of a luxurious courtyard.

"Not only is he a boss, but he is also a rich woman!"

The eternal courtyard that caught Lu Ziye's eyes was a three-story duplex small foreign-style building with a courtyard.

I thought I had timed it, but it didn’t happen at all! hateful!

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