Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 46 You don’t charge for this, right?

Ding dong——!

Lu Ziye rang the doorbell of the courtyard and waited for the other party's response.

Not long after, Ran Ge's voice sounded from the video intercom on the side of the door.

"It's you. I opened the door. I'm on the ground floor."

With a click, the courtyard door opened automatically.

Pushing open the door, Lu Ziye entered, walked through the small garden in the front yard, and saw the stairs leading to the underground floor on the side.

But when he walked down the stairs, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

On the underground floor, the first thing that catches the eye is a neat row of motorcycles.

First of all, the first one is the Kaihuo in Hibiki. Its dark blue color is very eye-catching.

The second one is the Guard Chaser, which is the motorcycle of Kamen Rider G3. Next to it is the Rider Flyer, which is a full-face motorcycle that the Dragoon knights use to enter the Mirror World.

Later, Cyclone 1, Ride Vendor, Proto Tridoron, and DandeLiner.

These locomotives have received excellent maintenance and reflect a slight shine under the lights.

"Isn't this collection too big?" Even Lu Ziye couldn't help but sigh at the horror of this collection.

Especially the Pilot Flying Shooter. He really didn't know how Ran Ge got it.

After passing through these collections, you can see the display cabinets behind them, which are filled with various strange props.

Before Lu Ziye could take a closer look, he heard a heavy muffled sound in his ears.

Following the source of the sound, Lu Ziye walked into the depths and saw Ran Ge training among a pile of equipment.

During the workout, Ran Ge wore a sports vest and yoga pants to outline her figure.

The waistcoat line can be clearly seen on the exposed waist and abdomen, and the overall muscle lines are clear but not exaggerated. It is not an exaggeration to say that she has a perfect figure.


Seeing Lu Ziye arriving, Ran Ge put down the barbell in his hand.

"Come over here." Ran Ge walked to the sofa next to him.

Lu Ziye followed immediately, put down the urea bag in his hand and sat opposite him.

"The boss asked you to come here," Ran Ge said while wiping the sweat on his neck with a towel, "How can I help you?"

"I need props to increase the success rate of nebula gas." Lu Ziye didn't waste any time and directly took out the injection of nebula gas.

"Huh?" Ran Singing paused when he saw the Nebula Gas Injection, "Did you get it in the beta test of Knight's Realm?"

"It's the reward for the first phase of the mission." Lu Ziye didn't mean to hide it.

"Do you sell this injection?" Ran Ge pondered for a moment, then continued, "The Nebula Gas Injection you have is very rare. From the appearance, it is the official version of the game, and its value is very high."

"." Lu Ziye looked confused.

He didn't expect that the props would have the official version of the game, and who was the official version of the game?

And Ran Ge and Tan Li Dou are the same, why do they both want Nebula Gas Injection?

Seeing Lu Ziye's blank expression, Ran Ge immediately explained: "There are only two ways to obtain props, the Knight's Realm and rewards. Many of the props obtained in the Knight's Realm are more dangerous and often have many restrictions. But the rewards Different props, it will be improved by the game official and will have more stable performance and status. "

"Let's put it this way, the Nebula Gas Injection in your hand appears for the first time. The Build Knight Realm has been opened, and naturally many players have tried the Nebula Gas, but without exception, they all turned into Smash. ). And this one in your hand has a very high probability of becoming the first successful player.”

After listening to Ran Ge's explanation, Lu Ziye immediately understood why both Tan Lidou and Ran Ge wanted it.

And from what he said, it can be seen that there are no Build knights among the players here.

"I want to use it myself." After his thoughts settled, Lu Ziye's thoughts never changed.

"Then come with me." Ran Ge stood up and signaled.

Under the leadership of Ran Ge, the two of them went deeper into the room. In the room was a transparent culture tank that could accommodate the human body. The outside of the culture tank was connected to various instruments.

"It can help you relieve pain, enhance the integration between you and the nebula gas, and monitor your condition in real time." After saying this, Ran Ge opened the lid of the culture tank.

"You don't charge for this, do you?" Lu Ziye looked at the cultivation tank in front of him, and the message appeared in his eyes.

[Human Enhanced Culture Tank: A special prop suitable for most human body modifications. It not only effectively relieves pain, but also enhances the fit between the modified object and the human body (remaining number of uses is three times)]

Ran Ge was stunned for a moment when he heard this. Under normal circumstances, shouldn't he ask how to charge?

"Since the boss asked you to come to me, he will naturally pay for the expenses." Ran Ge explained with a smile.

"Then I'll be relieved!" Lu Ziye said, walking straight to the culture tank and getting into it.

"Why do you want to become a Kamen Rider?" Seeing Lu Ziye lying in the training tank, Ran Ge suddenly asked.

"Why do you ask that?" The sudden question made Lu Ziye a little confused.

"Even if the official version of the props and training tanks are enhanced, it is still dangerous to use it. If you simply need strength, it will be more suitable to take the path of a weirdo. For people without awareness, the knight route will not work. "

Ran Ge's expression was serious and serious when he spoke.

"It has never been a belt that determines a Kamen Rider. Whether he is a monster or a knight, the one who has the courage to carry it is the Kamen Rider, right?"

After finishing speaking, Lu Ziye raised the Nebula Gas Injection in his hand and pierced his arm without hesitation.


The Nebula gas injection was pushed down, and an indescribable pain spread throughout the body.

Ran Ge, who was watching, stepped forward to close the culture tank, and then started all the instruments.

The entire culture tank lit up with red light, and the pain all over Lu Ziye's body instantly subsided a little.

"You succeeded." Ran Ge, who was sitting on the sofa, raised his eyes and looked at Lu Ziye who was walking out of the room.

"Well, thank you for helping me." Lu Ziye's shirt was soaked with sweat.

After undergoing the transformation of the nebula gas, he felt that his mind was clearer than before, and his control over his body was significantly improved.

"He is the only one who has the Build series Sclash Driver. Because no one can use it, it is very cheap and you can afford it." Ran Ge said and handed Lu Ziye a note.

"No, I already have it."

After finishing speaking, Lu Ziye took a few steps to the urea bag, reached in and pulled it.

"." Ran Ge looked strange. She had noticed the strange urea bag from the beginning.

Now, after seeing Lu Ziye take out the Build drive with his own eyes, it was suddenly a bit hard to describe.

She didn't understand why the knight driver was put in a urea bag?

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