Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 59 The best match!

With his arms hanging down, Lu Ziye stood there like a puppet, with his head slightly lowered and a substantial purple-black aura rising from his body.

"It doesn't feel good." Yang Dongchuan muttered, pulling out the long meteor storm pole from his belt.

Even if he was not close to Lu Ziye at this moment, he could detect a hint of danger.

But at this moment, Lu Ziye, who had his head lowered, suddenly looked up.

The moment he saw Lu Ziye making a move, Yang Dongchuan immediately swung the meteor storm pole in front of him.

However, Lu Ziye's figure shook and he was already approaching him after a few steps!


The swing of Meteor Storm's long pole stopped abruptly, and was suddenly held by Lu Ziye's left hand.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Ziye swung his right fist at an extremely fast speed. Yang Dongchuan couldn't even make a block move before he was punched in the lower abdomen by a right fist. A brutal force followed, causing his body to float upwards.

At the same time, Lu Ziye pressed the dangerous trigger and then turned the drive rocker.

"MaxReady Go! (Max. Ready to go!)"

The dangerous trigger sound effect didn't even sound before the drive was activated even faster.

In an instant, Lu Ziye's right fist landed on Yang Dongchuan's face. Purple-black energy erupted from the contact between the two. Terrifying sparks erupted on his face on the spot, and his body hit the ground uncontrollably.

"Over Flow! (overflow state)"

During the sound effect, the moment Yang Dongchuan touched the ground, countless rubbles collapsed under him, but he did not fall to the ground, but was pushed up from the ground by the force of the rebound.

On Lu Ziye's side, the right foot that had already been raised fell down mercilessly the moment it bounced to the highest point!

"YAEEBI! (Super dangerous)"

"Queen! (Queen)"

boom--! !

The ground where Lu Ziye was standing collapsed in the shape of a spider web, and there was an arc-shaped light golden shield beneath his feet.

Under the shield, Yang Dongchuan's body completely sank into the ground, and his only exposed right hand struggled to maintain the shield.

But at this moment, Lu Ziye suddenly raised his right foot and stepped on it


The light golden guard was hit hard and immediately dimmed a few points.

But Lu Ziye's movements did not stop there, he raised his foot and stepped on it again.

Bang-bang-bang! ! !

Under such a noise, Xia You, who was not far away, gradually woke up.

"Damn it. Is Lao Lu so fierce?"

The first time he opened his eyes, Xia You saw the scene of Lu Ziye stepping on Yang Dongchuan.

But he immediately discovered the problem. The action was not like what Lao Lu could do. The merciless attack was very similar to his violent appearance!

When will Lao Lu be able to go berserk?

Despite his doubts, Xia You decided to continue lying down. He knew the violence all too well. As long as he dared to stand up, he would be the next one lying there.

As a result, Xia You lay there peacefully, only tilting her head slightly to better see the battle situation.

Bang - Bang Bang! !

Under the dull bombardment, the pale golden shield shattered, turning into countless light spots and dissipating.

Yang Dongchuan, who was buried in the ground, suddenly flew out of the ground when his protective shield shattered, and punched Lu Ziye directly on the chin!

"Ready Go! Hazard Dragonic Finish! (Ready Go! Hazard Dragonic Finish!)"

The sound effect fell together with the fist, but Yang Dongchuan's fist landed in Lu Ziye's hands.

"This is impossible!" Yang Dongchuan's words were full of disbelief.

The power coming from his hands horrified him. The knight in front of him was still growing in strength.

At this moment, Lu Ziye suddenly shook off Yang Dongchuan's fist, raised his foot and kicked him directly on the chin!


This blow hit Yang Dongchuan directly on the chin, and the force of the explosion blew him into the air on the spot.

Lu Ziye took two steps forward, and when he stood still, Yang Dongchuan fell down. He swept out with a single blow and landed squarely on Yang Dongchuan's abdomen.

Yang Dongchuan was hit and flew upside down, but the direction he landed was exactly where Xia You was lying.

"Fuck...!" This scene made Xia You, who was lying on the ground, unable to watch the show anymore.

The moment he stood up, he punched Yang Dongchuan who was flying backwards!


Yang Dongchuan, who was flying upside down, paused slightly, but Xia You behind him took a few steps back.

After Yang Dongchuan landed on the ground, he rolled a few times before he could barely put down his strength and stop. The Meteor Storm switch on the drive fell off, and the body's condition returned to normal.

"Hey Amazons over there, let's work together to deal with him." Yang Dongchuan, lying on the ground, was out of breath.

Since Xia You woke up and did not help, it was not difficult to see that the knight was not in a normal state. Now only the two of them worked together to subdue him.

Otherwise, death will be the fate waiting for them.

"Tsk! This is the only way." Xia You tutted in disgust.

Even though he was reluctant, given the current situation, it was definitely best for Lu Ziye to stop first.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Ziye suddenly moved.

His figure was seen swaying as he approached the nearest Yangdong River at an extremely fast speed.

The moment he got close, Yang Dongchuan immediately kicked out a hollow kick, but Lu Ziye, who was getting closer, also kicked out with his left foot, directly kicking him back. At the same time, he hooked the back of his neck with his right hand, and at the moment of pulling, He kicked his calf with his right foot.


Yang Dongchuan didn't even react, and his face was already in close contact with the ground.

The next moment, Lu Ziye kicked out his right foot and hit Yang Dongchuan on the side.


The friction between the armor and the ground made a harsh sound, and Yang Dongchuan moved laterally and flew a distance of more than ten meters.

Yang Dongchuan, who flew out laterally, struggled to stand up, but fell down again after standing up several times.

Seeing that Yang Dongchuan had almost lost his ability to fight, Lu Ziye slowly turned his head and looked at Xia You.

"What kind of fighting ability is this!?" Xia You couldn't help but take a breath.

If you want to describe it, the Lao Lu in front of you is like a fighting machine. All his movements are crisp and neat, and he unleashes all his strength with every move.

Lu Ziye said nothing, and walked straight towards Xia You while locking eyes.

"Lao Lu didn't expect that our real fight would be under such circumstances."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xia You suddenly rushed towards Lu Ziye, and at the moment when he was about to approach, he raised his knees to hit his lower abdomen.

With such an action, Lu Ziye pressed down with his hands and resolved Xia You's knee.

Xia You immediately stabilized his posture and swung his left fist towards the side of his face. The left fist struck, Lu Ziye thrust his right hand forward, grasped the left fist and pulled it behind him.

Xia You fell forward due to inertia under the tug. Lu Ziye didn't even move his head, he waved his hand to the side and hit Xia You on the back of the head.


The purple-black energy burst out, directly pushing Xia You to the ground.

"Scissors! (Scissors)"

The sudden sound effect made Xia You subconsciously realize that something was wrong.

But before he could get up, a figure came to him even faster.

Lu Ziye was seen standing in front of him, with his raised right hand in the shape of a knife, wrapped with purple-black energy.

"Saturn! Ready? OK! Saturn! (Saturn! Ready? Complete! Saturn!)"

At the same time, the energy body of Saturn materialized on Yang Dongchuan's right hand behind Lu Ziye.

But Lu Ziye didn't care, and the knife in his right hand fell straight towards Xia You below him.

Phew! !

The hand knife penetrated Xia You's lower abdomen, and the energy body of Saturn flew from behind him at the same time.

"Lao Lu." Xia You endured the severe pain in her lower abdomen and kicked out her right foot with a groan.

His right foot and Saturn's energy body hit Lu Ziye's back at the same time, causing him to stumble forward.

Xia You also took this opportunity to roll up and distance himself after a jump.

The staggering Lu Ziye slowly turned around, and a dark gold full bottle suddenly appeared in his right hand.

"My prop." Seeing this, Xia You quickly looked at his abdomen, but with the power of Jiji's armband, the wound on his abdomen had long since recovered.

I saw Lu Ziye unplugging the Crozier Dragon and throwing the Crozier Dragon on the ground when he took out the bottle of Longman.

"Dragon! Lock! Super Best Match! (Dragon! Lock! Super Best Match!)"

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