Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 60 Experience dying in the hands of one’s own people?

"Dragon! Lock! Super Best Match! (Dragon! Lock! Super Best Match!)"

After the sound effect ended, Lu Ziye put his right hand on the joystick and started to turn it.

"Are You Ready? (Are you ready?)"

The high-speed factory in the drive extends. What is different from the past is that the high-speed factory has been replaced by two thick steel doors. The yellow and black patterns on the steel doors are similar to the warning patterns.

"Uncontrol Switch! Black Hazard! YABEEI! (Uncontrolled switch! Black Hazard! Oops!)"

The two steel gates merged and pressed on Lu Ziye in the middle.

Soon the steel door opened, and thick black mist suddenly rose in the middle, revealing the figure inside.

At this time, Lu Ziye's armor had become completely new. The whole body is covered in jet black armor, except for the compound eyes, which are one blue and one gold. The shapes of dragons and locks form a completely new compound eye.

"No, Lao Lu has a new form?" Such a scene made Xia You's scalp numb.

He never expected that Lao Lu could use his props to form new forms.

"He's still improving." Yang Dongchuan suddenly felt physically and mentally exhausted.

Just such a battle, he felt more tired than going through a closed beta knight realm.

At least there won't be any changes in the realm of knights in the closed beta. The knight in front of me is improving all the time. How the hell is this going to work? !

"The only choice is to give it a try!" After a brief silence, Xia You said in a deep voice.

If the situation continues to develop, the rampaging Lao Lu is likely to physically kill them.

"Ah, I thought so too." Yang Dongchuan held Meteor Storm in his hand and inserted it into the drive again.


The meteor storm was inserted, and arcs of electricity suddenly flashed out from it.

The body has been close to the critical point after being hit many times, and using the meteor storm at this time will undoubtedly exceed the body's load.

"Meteor Storm! (Meteor Storm)"

Yang Dongchuan pressed the switch with trembling hands, arcs of electricity flashed continuously, and his body suffered unimaginable pain.

"Meteor On! Ready? (Meteor On! Ready?)"

Use all your strength to turn the spiral disk, and the blue-gold energy instantly envelopes Yang Dongchuan. Transforming into the meteor storm form again, he was already breathing heavily.

"Up!" Seeing this, Xia You shouted softly.

The two of them ran towards Lu Ziye almost at the same time, and swung their right fists in synchronization, both of which landed on his chest.

But before these two punches landed, Lu Ziye's right fist, which was filled with purple-black flames, landed between the two of them.


Purple-black flames exploded between the two, immediately knocking them to the ground.

Xia You rolled directly on the ground, lying on the ground and kicked out his right foot. But as soon as he kicked out his right foot, Lu Ziye kicked his right foot, causing Xia You on the ground to spin like a top.

boom! ! !

Lu Ziye clenched his right fist, and purple-black flames suddenly bloomed, falling straight towards Xia You on the ground.

Just when his fist was about to contact Xia You's head, Yang Dongchuan's feet suddenly caught Lu Ziye's right fist.

Lu Ziye turned his head and glanced at Yang Dongchuan. His right arm burst out with tyrannical strength and he lifted it up completely.

The moment he raised it, he aimed it at Xia You and smashed it down. Just when Yang Dongchuan was hit, Xia You rolled away underneath him.

Boom! ! !

Yang Dongchuan absorbed all the power, and the ground behind him shattered and cracked, forming a depression of more than ten meters in an instant.

Xia Youye turned the driver handle at this moment and launched a new attack on Lu Ziye

"Violent Slash! (violent cut off)"

The right arm blade swung sideways and landed on Lu Zino's arm.

Squeak—snap! !

The moment the arm blade touched the armor, Lu Ziye clamped Xia You's wrist with his other hand.

Tiny sparks splashed on the armor, but Xia You's arm blade couldn't move forward at all.

"Whoever gets on there, hurry up!" Xia You roared angrily. His left hand was not idle, he held the right handle of the drive with his backhand and pulled it out.


The right handle was pulled out with a sound, and a silver wire-like whip fell down immediately.

"Ahem, why don't you give me a cushion!" Yang Dongchuan, who was almost submerged in the ground, also roared angrily.

But he quickly pulled out the Meteor Storm from the driver and replaced it with the original Meteor Switch.

The center of the meteor driver suddenly bloomed with light, waiting to be activated to release energy.

"Stop talking nonsense!!"

Xia You threw out the whip of Amazons in his hand, obviously to restrain him.

Lu Ziye immediately stood up and took his hands out of Yang Dongchuan's legs.

While Keyang Dongchuan wrapped his left leg around him, he put his hands together and tightly hugged Lu Ziye's hand.

Lu Ziye, who was unable to pull out his hand immediately, was immediately restrained by the whip of Amazons.

“You’re really going to give me a hard time!!!!”

At this moment, Yang Dongchuan shouted out all the grievances he had felt before.

Gather all the energy on the only remaining right foot, turn it into a blue comet-like energy and kick it out!

"Violent Strike! (Violent Strike)"

Xia You on the other side turned the handle again, letting Lu Ziye clamp his right hand, twisting his body strangely, and kicked Lu Ziye's waist with extremely incredible movements.

At this moment, just when the two knights were about to land their kicks, Lu Ziye raised his head slightly, and his different compound eyes glowed.

Then, with himself as the center, an extremely strong purple-black flame suddenly spread and exploded!

boom--! ! !

In an instant, Xia You and Yang Dongchuan felt as if the whole world was shaking, and their bodies flew out uncontrollably.

The ground was shaking, and the space was covered in purple-black flames.

When everything returned to calm, the purple-black flames gradually faded away, but there were still patches of flames left on the ground without any burning objects.

"Where did this guy come from?" Yang Dongchuan was lying on the ground, unable to move at all.

"What is it like to die in the hands of one of your own?" Xia You was no better than Yang Dongchuan.

"You have a good attitude." Yang Dongchuan sneered and looked at the only standing figure.

Not far away, the only figure standing was Lu Ziye.

Da da da.

Lu Ziye took steps and walked towards Xia You and Yang Dongchuan step by step.

Soon, he arrived in front of the two of them, and his raised right fist was first aimed at Yang Dongchuan.


A strong sound of breaking through the air roared beside Yang Dongchuan's ears. He had already closed his eyes, waiting for the last moment.

But for a while, he didn't feel the fist falling. He opened his eyes and saw Lu Ziye frozen in place.


I saw the electric arc flashing on Lu Ziye's body, and it was getting stronger.

boom! ! !

Immediately afterwards, Lu Ziye fell to his knees, and both the Longman bottle and the Lockman bottle in the drive ejected to the ground.

"You guys, what are you doing?"

The scene reappeared in front of him, and Lu Ziye saw Xia You and Yang Dongchuan lying in front of him. He was really a little confused.

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