Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 6 The mental loss is a bit big!

"Who are you?" Lin Xiao asked after a while.

Hearing this question filled with the aura of death, even Lu Ziye couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

Is it appropriate to do this ultimate act of seeking death here?

"You'll die if you keep asking." Lu Ziye kindly reminded him.

But such words completely changed the taste in Lin Xiao's ears.

From what he heard, Lu Ziye was blatantly threatening him!

"Hey, newcomer, your tone is not small!" Perhaps because the image and actions did not match, Lin Xiaoli's carp stood up straight.

The moment he stood up, Lu Ziye clearly saw Lin Xiao stiffen.

"Hey, I advise you to return the knight's belt to me." Lin Xiao coughed lightly to cover up his embarrassment.

But as soon as he finished speaking, the Scorpion suddenly appeared behind him.

Lin Xiao, who was unaware, even took a step towards Lu Ziye.

boom! ! !

Lin Xiao, who was completely defenseless, was hit on the back of the head by the scorpion bug.


Along with the screams, Lin Xiao kept his posture and flew out sideways.

"Look, what did I say? You can't say that kind of thing." However, Lu Ziye somehow felt that Lin Xiaofei's posture when he went out was very familiar, "Oh, there is someone to succeed Yache!"

Although he was complaining, he would not always keep his eyes on the Scorpion like Lin Xiao.

After the scorpion bug knocked Lin Xiao away, its eyes fell on Lu Ziye.

Compared to Lin Xiao, who had been beaten violently, he was more interested in Lu Ziye!

The moment their eyes met, the Vulcan cannons on their shoulders suddenly turned.

Boom boom! ! !

Plasma fireballs flew from the Vulcan cannon, flying straight towards the Scorpion.

Even though the distance between the two was very close, the scorpion reacted extremely quickly, taking half a step back and raising the shield on his left arm to block it in front of him.

The plasma fireball bombarded the shield, exploding into bursts of fireworks, and swallowed up the scorpion in an instant.

But Lu Ziye put his hand on the upper jaw of the insect instrument, ready to switch to knight form at any time.

When the fireworks dissipated, the Scorpion covered his head and kept retreating.

"Uh-huh." A cry-like voice sounded, and the scorpion looked very painful.

After a brief mournful cry, the scorpion worm left the place without stopping, swaying directly.

Seeing this, Lu Ziye did not pursue him. He knew exactly how much he weighed.

Even the pressure king in normal armor fighting would not be able to please him, let alone an ordinary person like him with no fighting skills.


At this moment, there was a sudden sound of breaking through the air behind him, causing Lu Ziye to immediately pull the upper jaw of the insect meter.

As the heavy armor on his body expanded and protruded, he also turned around and saw the situation behind him.

The person who made the sneak attack was Lin Xiao, who was stabbing him with a gazelle spike.

"Cast Off! (Explosive Armor)"

The high-pitched sound effects resounded, and the deployed heavy armor suddenly bounced away at a speed of two thousand meters per second.

"Change Stag Beetle! (Stag Beetle Transformation)"

Bang bang bang——!

Today seemed to be Lin Xiao's unlucky day. He was hit hard by three pieces of heavy armor!

The stabbing action was interrupted, a piece of heavy armor hit his head, another piece hit his shoulder, and the last piece hit his chest.

The strong impact knocked Lin Xiao over on the spot, and he even performed a three-and-a-half-turn backflip before landing.


The sound of Lin Xiao landing was very clear, even echoing in the factory area.

".Poof!" Lu Ziye couldn't hold it in in such a miserable situation.

The main reason is that this guy is too tragic and the contrast with the message when he first appeared is too big.

Who would have thought that the Antelope Emperor who fell to the ground was a high-level player who had cleared the level five times?

"Tell me, who are you from?" Lin Xiao, who was lying on the ground, gave up. "If you say you are a new player, I won't believe it."

Lu Ziye did not answer Lin Xiao's question immediately.

"Don't worry, I have no idea about you anymore."

Seeing that Lu Ziye didn't answer, Lin Xiao struggled to hold up his upper body and spread his hands to express friendship.

"I am indeed not a newbie. I have only cleared the level three times." Lu Ziye did not believe Lin Xiao's words.

After all, he saw with his own eyes that in order to obtain the knight's belt, Lin Xiao and Li Yuan killed a squad of ant soldiers.

"Humph, I knew you were from a "foreign land", right? "Speaking of this, Lin Xiao paused for a moment, and said again in annoyance: "I should have thought that you are also eyeing this knight system."

As soon as Lin Xiao finished speaking, a virtual screen popped up in front of both of them.

On the virtual screen, a lot of words were written in Yangshasa.

[Due to the wanton destruction of Zerg eggs by novice players, the plot line has shifted. In addition, novices in Knight's Realm are forced to match high-level players, which has destroyed the balance of this Knight's Realm, and the difficulty of this Knight's Realm has been increased]

[The zerg are angry at the destructive behavior of humans. The hatched zerg begins to molt, and the unhatched zerg will hatch in tens of seconds]

"." After reading the information on the virtual screen, both Lu Ziye and Lin Xiao fell silent.

Not to mention how many bugs have hatched, even if the bugs that haven't hatched hatched, they could be flooded!

To put it simply, they are about to face at least dozens of adults and hundreds of larvae.

Under the mask, Lu Ziye almost rolled his eyes!

He is just a newbie. How can he really survive in such a situation?

The next second, Lu Ziye turned to look at Lin Xiao, who was stunned.

After feeling the gaze, Lin Xiao looked at Lu Ziye and asked, "What are you looking at?"

"Mental compensation." After saying this, Lu Ziye extended his hand to Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao: "???"

"You were forced to get matched, why did you have the nerve to speak!" Lin Xiao was furious and added again, "I have never seen such a shameless person!"

"If you don't give it, I'll beat you up and then drive away in the Shengshihua."

Lu Ziye was not polite at all, or in other words, he had nothing to say to those who disrupted the balance of the game.

He hates those who destroy the balance of the game, and those who don't let him destroy the balance of the game!

"Bleach!" Even though his fists clenched, Lin Xiao still took out a car.

The car is translucent red, with the image of Cetron printed on the body. It is the gear-changing chariot owned by Lin Xiao - a bright advertisement.

"My mental loss is a bit big, not enough."

After accepting the bright advertisement, Lu Ziye extended his hand again.

"No!" Lin Xiao turned his head, intending to just pass by.

"Come on, I know you have another one." Lu Ziye hooked his hand and signaled the other party to take it out as soon as possible.

"You!" The moment he shouted, Lin Xiao suddenly stood up and threw a mirror out of his hand.

"Clock Up! (Time Up)"

The moment Lu Ziye tapped the side buckle of his belt, everything around him slowed down, and the slowly falling mirror was caught in his hand.

"Young man, you still want to enter the Mirror World!"

Then, under Lin Xiao's gaze, Lu Ziye walked away with the mirror and threw it out.

"Clock Over! (End of rising time)"

Slap the side buckle again and everything is back to normal.

"I must not have looked at the almanac when I went out." After a short silence, Lin Xiao silently took out the last copy of the advent card.

"You should have relaxed earlier." After accepting the copy, Lu Ziye whistled and left directly.

Lin Xiao was not given the belt to take off and walk away, which shows that he has a kind heart!

However, before he could take a few steps, a dark shadow passed by his side.

"What big black rat has passed by?" When Lu Ziye squinted his eyes, he saw that it was Lin Xiao.

"Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much."

At this time, there was a sudden chaotic noise behind him.

Hearing this sound, Lu Ziye's heart skipped a beat, wasn't it the sound of Zerg?

After a quick glance back, I immediately saw a mass of black insects with no end in sight.

Lu Ziye, who had not yet adapted to his mentality and identity, immediately ran away!

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