Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 7 You are playing tricks on me, right?

In the factory, two figures were 'chasing' each other.

It's just that the blue knight behind is obviously slower, hanging behind the brown knight.

"Isn't the antelope amazing? It can run so fast!"

The one behind was naturally Lu Ziye, whose running speed was much slower than that of the Antelope Emperor.

"Sorry, running fast is great." Lin Xiao in front looked very relaxed.

There was no way, this was a race between the two, he didn't have to run very fast, he just had to outrun Lu Ziye!

"If you say that, I will use Shengshihua." As he said that, Lu Ziye had already touched the side buckle position.

"Why don't you respect martial ethics!!" Lin Xiao was anxious now.

If Lu Ziye used time-promoting transformation, then there would be nothing he could do against Lu Ziye.

On Lu Ziye's side, although his hand was on the side buckle, he did not press it.

When he used the time-promoting technique just now, he found that it was quite energy-consuming to use it.

If used continuously without restriction, he may not even have the strength to run in the end.

"You talk about martial ethics, then why don't you stop and fuck the Zerg?" Lu Ziye retorted.

"No, you are better than me, shouldn't you be the one to go?!"

"I lied to you, actually I am a newbie."

"Do you think I believe it or not?"

"My job is to install demolition bombs and detonate them."

"Fuck you, uncle! You are so cute!!"

Lin Xiao was so angry that his feet almost sprained, and his whole body suddenly felt bad.

Not paying attention to Lin Xiao's movements, Lu Ziye used his peripheral vision to check the situation behind him.

Looking at it this way, it’s quite remarkable.

There are nearly a hundred larvae in the field of vision alone.

Not only that, Lu Ziye even saw a lot of adult insects mixed in.

The adults in the insect tide are breaking away from the team little by little, and are approaching in the direction of the two.

"...I have a good proposal." Lu Ziye said after thinking for a while.

"Tell me." Lin Xiao naturally knew the situation at the rear.

There was definitely no way to keep running like this, so he decided to listen to Lu Ziye's suggestion.

Lu Ziye said very seriously: "You can run on my back."

"I'm so crawling!" Lin Xiao regretted his idea of ​​wanting to listen to suggestions.

He knew that the guy in front of him couldn't say anything good!

"Climb?" Lu Ziye was stunned when he heard this, then looked at Lin Xiao's back and said, "It's not easy to crawl on your back."

"Get out!" Lin Xiao said almost through gritted teeth.

If the other party hadn't had the ability to ascend to time, he would have been kicked into the insect tide.

At this moment, the virtual screen in front of the two people jumped out again.

[A wave of zerg broke out in the "Zerg Factory". The zerg turned their anger into power and launched a fierce attack on all humans and knights in the factory]

[The tasks for all players have been changed, and you can pass the level by surviving the worm outbreak for 30 minutes]

After reading the content on the virtual screen, Lu Ziye looked at Lin Xiao, and Lin Xiao also looked at Lu Ziye at this time.

Then, Lin Xiao suddenly increased his speed and instantly threw Lu Ziye a distance away!

The sudden change of mission made Lin Xiao realize that it would be okay even if Lu Ziye was not suspended.

As long as he can survive for thirty minutes, there is no need to consider other issues. His speed is enough to throw away Zerg and Lu Ziye.

As for Lu Ziye, if he was thrown away, he would have to face the zerg wave alone. When the time comes, he would circle back and get the Knight System back.

It’s simply a good way to kill two birds with one stone!

"Okay, okay, you want to play like this, right?"

Seeing Lin Xiao's actions, Lu Ziye's face darkened and he no longer considered the issue of immorality.

With a touch of his little hand, he immediately took out the bright advertisement, then waved vigorously and threw it in the direction of Lin Xiao.

I saw the bright advertisement fly out, then land firmly on the ground, and quickly catch up with Lin Xiao, keeping pace with Lin Xiao.

"???" Lin Xiao looked at the bright advertisement at his feet and felt confused.

Could it be that the other party's conscience found out and returned the bright advertisement to him?

It’s just that the idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

In Lin Xiao's eyes, a bright advertisement flashed, and Lu Ziye's figure was instantly projected.

"Grandma, you're playing dirty tricks on me, right?" Lin Xiao realized something instantly.

But when he looked at Lu Ziye's true location, there was no figure anywhere.

As for the swarm of insects behind, seeing the two people in front of them leaning together, their speed increased again. There was even an adult spider that directly swung out of the swarm of insects with its silk thread and rushed towards Lin Xiao.

After Lu Ziye threw out the bright advertisement, he immediately found a small passage to enter.

When he walked out of the small passage, there was an open space in front of him.

But it is not clear to say that there is an open space, because there are all kinds of sticky liquids in the open space.

In addition, you can vaguely see the film of insect eggs on the ground, and you immediately realize that you have arrived at the place where the zerg hatched!

"It seems like your luck is not good either." Lu Ziye muttered, wary of his surroundings.

He stepped back little by little and glanced at the time. There were still twenty-four minutes before he could successfully pass the knight's realm.


Before Lu Ziye could take two steps back, the familiar sound of insects sounded from the side.

Then, a figure was gradually coming out of the darkness.

At the same time, information about the figure appeared in Lu Ziye's eyes.

[Worm·White, adult stage]

[Level Judgment: E-Class Monster]

[It has the same ability as the wolf spider that lives on the earth. It can spit out strong digestive mucus and spider silk from its mouth, and can also extend its tentacles to pierce the enemy's body]

[Good at deceiving people and hating humans who destroy zerg eggs]

"What was supposed to come has come." After taking in all the information, Lu Ziye breathed out softly.

At this moment, he clenched his fists and truly focused on his identity as a Kamen Rider. Even though he had no combat experience, he knew that now was not the time to back down.

The next moment, the wolf spider insect figure burst out and rushed straight towards Lu Ziye.

The opponent was extremely fast and arrived in front of him almost in the blink of an eye. Lu Ziye only had time to dodge sideways.

Then he saw the Wolf Spider Bug flying into the air and landing on all fours behind him.

"You humans are so vicious, you won't even spare our children!"

A shadow appeared on the side of the Wolf Spider Zerg, speaking human words with the appearance of a child.

". Shouldn't I kill you and wait for you to kill us?" Lu Ziye was confused for a moment. The insect's rhetoric was too abstract.

"You humans are weak, so you should be ruled by the powerful us." The Wolf Spider Zerg looked like it was a matter of course.

"I'm too lazy to tell you, and you don't deserve to listen." Lu Ziye didn't say anything, and took off the Gatack double blades from his shoulders.

The Gatack Double Blade is a special weapon equipped with double swords. It looks like half of the upper jaw of a stag armor.

Lu Ziye's words angered the Wolf Spider Zerg, and it made a threatening sound.

The battle between the two is about to break out!

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