Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 8 Brother, I was wrong!

After a faint roar, the wolf spider suddenly flew out.

But Lu Ziye, who was on edge, reacted the moment the wolf spider moved.

Lu Ziye swung his sword with both hands and slashed at the head of the wolf spider.

But the wolf spider twisted its body in mid-air and shot out spider silk with its buttocks. The spider silk stuck to the ceiling and moved backwards to avoid the slash.

At the same time, the wolf spider retracted the spider silk and landed on the ground, and spit out two balls of mucus!

The mucus was extremely fast and arrived in front of Lu Ziye in almost the blink of an eye.

Facing the attacking mucus, Lu Ziye immediately moved the insect instrument upper jaw.

"Put On! (Dress)"

The heavy armor on the right arm was reassembled, and the moment of assembly blocked the attack of two balls of mucus.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Ziye rushed forward and swung the double blades in his hands.

The wolf spider retreated again and again, and the tentacles behind it immediately burst out and covered Lu Ziye.

"Cast Off!"

The left hand pulled the upper jaw of the insect instrument, and Lu Ziye raised his right hand.

The armor exploded again and collided with the attacking tentacles, causing the tentacles to pause briefly.

This short pause allowed Lu Ziye to immediately organize the offensive, and the double blades in both hands swung out to chop the tentacles!

Puff, puff--!

The blue light and shadow flowed, and each swing could accurately take off a section of the front end of the tentacles.

In just a blink of an eye, there were already five or six cut tentacles under Lu Ziye's feet.

The wolf spider insect, seeing such a scene, had already begun to retreat.

"The steel bucket is really delicious!" On the other hand, Lu Ziye has gradually become familiar with the battle, and can even do some small operations.


The wolf spider insect swayed and turned into a residual shadow and retreated backwards.

Such a fast speed, it seems to have used the state of time-up.

"Clock Up!" Lu Ziye immediately slapped the switch on the side buckle.

As the first battle of his, how could he let the wolf spider escape so easily?

And there is another most important reason, that is, Lu Ziye wants to take the spider to sacrifice to the heaven!

There is a saying in Kamen Rider, called the spider sacrifice to the heaven has boundless magic power.

The next moment, Lu Ziye, who entered the ascended time, instantly captured the fleeing figure of the wolf spider.

The moment he captured it, Lu Ziye kicked his right foot, and the whole person burst out like a cannonball.

The speed far exceeded the usual speed, shortening the distance between the two to within a few feet, and the double blades in his hands slashed down mercilessly!

Bang bang bang! ! !

The double blades slashed through the chest of the wolf spider, bursting with sparks.

Such an attack made the wolf spider shake, and even a little unstable.

But Lu Ziye did not stop, and the movements in his hands became faster and faster!

Whoosh whoosh——!

The double blades slashed through the air, accompanied by a sharp whistle, and all fell on the wolf spider.

Amidst the bursts of sparks, the wolf spider could no longer support itself and fell to the ground. Seeing that it was defeated, the wolf spider turned over and knelt on the ground, with the shadow of a child appearing beside it. "If you kill me, this child will not even have the last existence left." The shadow of the child continued to spit out words, "Please let me continue to live, I want to live" Such words made Lu Ziye frown: "You said that we humans are vicious, but didn't you also attack the child?" "One!" Along with it, the trigger sound of full-speed cheating sounded. The wolf spider also realized that Lu Ziye would not stop, and immediately stood up and swung out his right claw to attack. "Two!" Lu Ziye dodged the attack sideways, and the sound effect sounded again. "Gugu!!" The wolf spider suddenly became anxious and turned around to make a side kick. But such a move actually gave a lot of space. Lu Ziye immediately stepped forward and approached, using his right hand to relieve the force while elbowing back. Bang! The action was done in one go, and the elbow hit the back of the wolf spider, causing it to lose its center of gravity and fall forward.


After the sound effect, Lu Ziye continuously flipped the switch on the upper jaw of the insect instrument.

"Rider Kick!"

The superluminal particles were transmitted from the insect instrument, passing through the chest to the steel corner of the head and converted into waves.

At this moment, the wolf spider had just stabilized its body and turned around to prepare for another attack, but found that Lu Ziye had already jumped up.

Lu Ziye jumped up and made a low-altitude roundhouse kick, and the wave energy of the head was transmitted to the feet, landing firmly on the head of the wolf spider!

A blue stream of light was left in the air, and all the wave energy was integrated into the wolf spider.

Bang! !

The wolf spider knelt on the ground, with golden arcs flashing on its body.

Lu Ziye landed, leaving only the back of the wolf spider.


Accompanied by the explosion, white flames filled behind Lu Ziye.

"Clock Over!"

The moment the wolf spider was killed, the sound effect of the end of the time-up sounded.

"Huh" Lu Ziye stood up and let out a long breath.

To be honest, the wolf spider was easier to deal with than he thought.

But he still had many shortcomings in fighting and needed more battles to hone his skills.

At this moment, the thirty-minute countdown on the virtual screen had twenty-two minutes and forty seconds left.

The battle with the wolf spider was only a minute in.

"There are still more than twenty minutes."

To be honest, Lu Ziye felt that this battle was quite long.

"Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much."

Before Lu Ziye could take a rest, the complex sounds of insects sounded again around him.

"There's no intermission in this crappy game?" After complaining, dense numbers of figures appeared in Lu Ziye's field of vision.

And these figures all surrounded Lu Ziye.

Needless to say, the figures are all hatched larvae and zerg!

"Hahaha! I finally found you bitch!!"

A familiar voice sounded behind him, and Lu Ziye saw Lin Xiao squeezing out of the small passage, still followed by the black swarm of insects.

Of course, Mingming Advertising also survived and returned directly to Lu Ziye.

"Want to get rid of me? I tell you, no way!" Lin Xiao found Lu Ziye and was in a good mood.

".Do you want to look over here?" Lu Ziye was dumbfounded.

If Lin Xiao hadn't come over, he could have directly yo-yoed from the small passage.

Now, Lin Xiao has brought another swarm of insects. Isn't this appropriate to sandwich cheese between two breads? !

"." Lin Xiao fell silent instantly after being reminded by Lu Ziye.

Obviously he didn't expect that there were also a large number of Zerg on Lu Ziye's side.

"Brother, I was wrong! You must have other escape routes, right?" Lin Xiao felt terrified as he looked at the large number of zerg on both sides.

"I have recorded this grudge." Lu Ziye took off the double blades from his shoulders again.

They told Lin Xiao with their actions that there was no escape route and they could only contend with these insects head-on!


The insects on both sides were getting closer and closer, already sandwiching the two of them in the middle.

Several adult insects jumped not far away from the two of them, ready to attack at any time.

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