Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 9 Defense is coming!

[Worm·Green, adult stage]

[Level Judgment: E-Class Monster]

[It has the same ability as the wolf spider that lives on the earth. It can spit out strong digestive mucus and spider silk from its mouth, and can also extend its tentacles to pierce the enemy's body]

[Burying Worm Worm, adult stage]

[Level Judgment: E-Class Monster]

[It has the same ability as the burial bug that lives on the earth. The hook on its right wrist can hook the enemy to attack, and its sharp teeth can bite everything. The left half of the body has a hard shell, and its defense and thrust capabilities are quite good]

[Flea Worm, adult stage]

[Level Judgment: E-Class Monster]

[Has the same ability as the fleas that live on the earth, with a powerful jumping ability that can jump fifty meters. The poison needle on the right arm has the function of injecting venom and can pierce the enemy's body]

[Fly Worm, adult stage.]

【Ladybug Worm, adult stage.】

Just in the direction of Lin Xiao, there were five adults looking at him eagerly.

Lu Ziye's place was a little better, with only three adult scarab beetles of different colors.

But the total number of larvae on both sides is at least a hundred!

Although the combat effectiveness of the larvae is very low, this number can completely consume them.

At this moment, a human figure appeared in Lu Ziye's field of vision.

When he stared at it, the other party's information also emerged.

[Li Yuan (mimicry), Mantis Worm, adult stage]

[Level Judgment: E-Class Monster]

[Has the same ability as a mantis that lives on the earth. It can spit out toxic foam from its mouth, and the sickle on its hand can cut off enemies]

"Mimic Li Yuan?" Lu Ziye couldn't help but frown slightly when he saw the other party's message.

Li Yuan was imitated by an adult insect, which is probably more dangerous than good.

"Brother, what did you say? I didn't hear clearly." Lin Xiao, who was next to him, heard some thoughts.

"It's nothing, I'm just wondering if you can deal with those adults." Under the mask, Lu Ziye's smile gradually became wicked.

"That's great, brother, I think so too, let's change it now!"

Before Lu Ziye could make any move, Lin Xiao changed positions first.

"It's okay. Those who can do more work." Lu Ziye said, pretending not to care.

"Lock On! (Lock)"


The low voice sounded from the insect swarm, causing Lin Xiao's body to freeze instantly.

As someone who has fought together for a long time, how could he not recognize who those low voices were?

"Soiya! Matsubokkuri Arms! One strike In The Shadow! (Wow! Shadow Pine Armor! One strike in the shadow!)"

As the sound effects echoed, the shadow guards wearing pine cone armor walked out of the zerg swarm.

"You are plotting against me!!" Lin Xiao immediately turned around and asked Lu Ziye.

But Lu Ziye had already rushed into the swarm of insects, and Lin Xiao's roar could still be heard.

When Lu Ziye entered the swarm of alien insects, the first thing he encountered were the larvae.

The double blades in his hands were swung, and each blow could kill the larvae.

The larvae have no resistance at all under the double blades, just like tigers entering a flock of sheep. There are only wisps of green flames that are constantly blooming, proving that the larvae have fought.

Boom boom boom——!

The explosions of larvae sounded continuously, and Lu Ziye killed more than ten of them with just a few turns.

The larvae were killed, and the adults immediately approached Lu Zino.

Looking around at the adult insects surrounding him, Lu Ziye raised his right hand and pointed at the flea insect in front of him: "Come here!"

Flea and Zerg: "???"

The adults looked at each other, they had never seen such arrogant humans before.

They are all surrounded like this, and yet they are so arrogant!

Before the flea worm could make a move, the burying worm worm on the side of Lu Ziye rushed out first.

I saw the Burial Bug Zerg lowering its body, with the shield-like hook of its right wrist in front, and the whole insect charged like a bull.

Facing the charge of the Buried Insect, Lu Ziye jumped on the spot. While dodging the charge, the two blades in his hands slashed from top to bottom!

Bang bang! !

Sparks flew everywhere, and the Burying Bug Zerg almost fell to the ground.

Seeing that his companion was suffering a loss, the flea and worm reacted first, jumped up, and stabbed straight with the poisonous needle on his right arm.

"I'm waiting for you!" Lu Ziye flipped the double blades with his hands and merged them, instantly forming a weapon shaped like the mandible of a stag beetle.

"Rider Cutting! (Rider Cutting)"

The double blades merged, a sound effect sounded, and blue-gold arcs danced between the double blades.

The flea bug jumped down, unable to make any other movements at all, and hit the double blades like scissors.

Click! !

The double blades clamped the Flea Zerg's waist and abdomen, and were lifted high by Lu Ziye.

"Goodbye." After Lu Ziye finished speaking, his double blades suddenly closed.

Boom! ! !

The moment the two blades closed together, the flea and insect exploded and died on the spot.

This made the remaining adults take a step back subconsciously.

"I'm going to fight ten!!" In contrast, Lu Ziye's momentum was unprecedentedly high.


The adults no longer rush to fight recklessly like fleas and zerg.

Instead, they made a low humming sound, seeming to be communicating something.

Seeing this, Lu Ziye opened the double blades in his hands and threw out the single blade in his left hand.

The single blade flew straight towards the Burial Bug Zerg on the side. The Burial Bug Zerg reacted quickly and raised the shield of its right arm to defend itself.

Clang! !

There was a sound like the collision of metal, and the single blade sliced ​​through the shield, leaving a deep slash on it.

"Goo!!!" The burial insect worm let out a loud insect chirp as it was in pain.

But this insect chirp is a signal sound to other adult insects.

Then, all the adults moved their heads forward and spit out mucus towards Lu Ziye.

Mucus, foam, body fluids, and all kinds of strange liquids are all falling towards Lu Ziye!

"Ugh!! You guys are so disgusting!" Lu Ziye didn't hesitate at all and directly took off the side buckle of his belt.

"Clock Up! (Time Up)"

Using the rising speed, it is very easy to avoid various strange liquids.

The main thing is that he really doesn't want to take this trick, so he automatically imagines a scene of multiple people spitting in his mind. It's not too disgusting!

But the next moment, the surrounding adults entered the ascending phase at the same time, and once again surrounded Lu Ziye.

After a little free time, Lu Ziye glanced in the direction of Lin Xiao with his peripheral vision.

The situation on Lin Xiao's side was not good. The armor on his body already had several deep slash marks, and there was even a little bit of white mist floating around the slash mark, indicating that the power of the slash was quite strong.

If this situation continues, Lin Xiao won't be able to survive for long.

I glanced at the countdown on the virtual screen and saw that there were still eleven minutes left before I could pass the level!

Suddenly, flies and insects flew into the air, and the remaining three adults grabbed Lu Ziye at the same time.

The flies and insects in the air were not idle either, stretching their heads and spitting out several balls of foam.

"Guard Vent!" Lu Ziye turned around to avoid Ladybug Zerg's grasp, clamped his neck with his backhand, and blocked it in front of him.

Sizzle! ! !

The foam fell on the ladybugs, making a sizzling sound unique to corrosion.

Ladybug Zerg's face and chest were corroded with scattered holes on the spot.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you can do anything to your companions." Lu Ziye clicked his tongue and pushed Ladybug Zerg away.

Uncle Snake's defense has to come, and the bird food is easy to use!

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