Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 64: Fusion is coming! Gene exterminator!


With an extremely dull impact, Lu Ziye ducked from behind Asakura Wei and missed, while Asakura Wei flew out upside down.

Even though the Metal Horn Rhino made a move to stop, its inertia always caused it to hit Asakura Wei.

As Asakura Wei flew upside down, the stopped metal horned rhinoceros immediately changed its direction and rushed towards Lu Ziye again.

"That guy actually used Asakura as a shield?"

"That knight is so powerful, he can suppress that Asakura!"

After finishing speaking, Akiyama Ren and Kido Shinji looked at each other, their focus was completely different.

"That's good, this way the battle can continue." Ren Akiyama's eyes fell on Kitaoka Shuichi not far away.

"Len! Why don't you understand? There is no need for us to kill each other!" Seeing Ren Akiyama's gaze, Shinji Kido stood directly in front of Ren Akiyama, trying to block him.

"Shinji, get out of the way." The winged spear in Ren Akiyama's hand pointed at Shinji Kido.

But Shinji Kido had no intention of avoiding it, and the atmosphere between the two suddenly reached a deadlock.

At this time, a different sound effect cut through the air, breaking the deadlock between the two.

"Ready Go! Dragonic Finish! (Ready Go! Dragonic Finish!)"

As the sound effects sounded, the blue dragon passed between the two people and came behind Lu Ziye.

Flames rose from the blue dragon's body. The moment Lu Ziye jumped up, the flames spurted out from the blue dragon pushed him forward and kicked him directly towards the metal rhinoceros.

The blue energy smear that cut through most of the sky fell on the metal horned rhinoceros.


The metal rhinoceros flew out and landed straight in the direction of Shinji Kido and Ren Akiyama.

Just as Kido Shinji and Akiyama Ren were about to dodge, they were struck by poisonous swords on their chests.

"In the way! Get out of the way!!"

Bang bang! !

While the two of them were forced to retreat by the slashing attack, they just happened to avoid the falling metal rhinoceros.

The one who attacked the two of them was Asakura Wei who had readjusted his condition.

Then, Asakura Wei jumped up, stepped on the falling metal horned rhinoceros, and used it as a pedal to rush towards Lu Ziye.

Lu Ziye, who had just landed on the ground and stood up, saw Asakura's power coming, and he could only raise his arms to block it for the first time.

Bang bang——!

The poison saber fell and slashed through Lu Ziye's arms. Sparks burst out and at the same time, Asakura Wei followed up and hit him with his knee, taking two steps back.

"In comparison, you are more interesting!" Wei Asakura rolled his neck, looking extremely excited.

"I will make you more excited." Lu Ziye flicked his hands, slightly relieving the numbness in his arms.

Then, under the watchful eyes of Wei Asakura, he pulled out Crozier.

"What are you doing?" Such an action made Asakura Wei very puzzled.

"Of course I have to beat you until you are convinced!" When pulling out the Longman bottle, Lu Ziye took out the Lockman bottle.

Now that we have locked full bottles, we must play a new wave of forms. Two full bottles were then inserted into the drive.

The most important thing is that a new form of strong three-point theorem has appeared for the first time.

"Dragon! Lock! Best Match! (Dragon! Lock! Best Match!)"

The sound effect sounded, and Lu Ziye immediately turned the joystick of the drive.

"Are you ready? Sealed Fantasy Star! KeyDragon! Yeah! (Are you ready? Sealed Fantasy Star! Key Dragon Form! Yeah!)"

Under the construction of the high-speed factory, Lu Ziye's armor was completely renewed.

The head has compound eyes in the shape of a dragon and a lock, two-color armor of dark blue and light gold, and the weapon "Key to Restraint Management" is equipped on the left arm.

The change in appearance attracted all the knights' attention. They had never seen such a scene before.

".Could it be the power of Survive?" Ren Akiyama's first reaction was the power of the survival card.

"It doesn't feel like it." Shinji Kido's intuition told him that it wasn't the case.

"No matter what you look like, just fight me!" Asakura Wei didn't care about that and rushed forward with the poison sword in hand.

The moment he stepped forward, Asakura Wei swung his poison saber and slashed towards Lu Ziye's chest.

But Lu Ziye raised his left arm and blocked it with the key of restraint and management. At the same time, his right hand turned into a claw and slapped Wei Asakura's chest.

When—bang! !

The moment the shot hit, there was first the sound of metal collision, followed by an explosion of blue energy, knocking Asakura Wei back a few steps.

"What kind of power is this?" Wei Asakura stopped and was puzzled.

He could clearly feel that Lu Ziye's current power was completely different from his previous power.

"Yeah, it feels a little weird."

On the other hand, Lu Ziye took back his right hand and stared at it.

In terms of impact, it is much better than Croziosaurus, but the burst of power is not quite there.

There is also an inexplicable feeling that he doesn't like the dragon lock state very much, and has a strange sense of resistance!

"Is it because the compatibility between me and the full bottle is bad?" After a brief thought, Lu Ziye had some guesses.

Seeing Lu Ziye in such a state, Asakura Wei unceremoniously pulled out the advent card.

"Unite Vent! (Fusion Advent)"

After the Advent Card was used, the huge Viper King appeared first. It looked like a King Cobra, but the difference was that its entire body was purple with dots of golden patterns on its body.

Followed by the Metal Horned Rhinoceros approaching from behind, when the two Contract Beasts arrived, the Evil Diving Ray flew out from above them.

The moment the three came together, an extremely dazzling light point flickered in the center of the three.


With a soft chirping sound, the three-body contract beasts completely merged together.

With the Metal Horned Rhinoceros as the body, the Viper King as the head, and the Evil Diving Ray behind it, this is the Chimera-type monster known as the 'Gene Exterminator'!

"Oh, this attitude!" Lu Ziye couldn't help but sigh when he saw the Gene Exterminator appearing.

To be honest, among all contracted beasts, the Gene Exterminator is indeed the most powerful.

But Lu Ziye will not sit still and wait for death. The key to releasing the restraint of his left arm is immediately there.

I saw the Key of Restraint and Management shooting out several silver chains, and the chains flew straight towards the Gene Exterminator.

The Genocider suddenly sprayed out a light bomb from his mouth, and the light bomb fell towards the place where Lu Ziye was.



The chains wrapped around the Gene Exterminator, and the moment he roared, he was completely restrained by the chains.

The light bomb also landed at Lu Ziye's feet, and a tyrannical force burst out, impacting the nearest Lu Ziye.

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