Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 65 It’s none of your business here!


The sound of the explosion was like thunder, and the place where Lu Ziye was was instantly enveloped in a sea of ​​fire.

Everywhere you look is a scene of burning flames and ruins.

"This is what makes me irritated." After saying this, Asakura put his poisonous sword on his shoulder and turned to look at the other knights.

"Asakura, let me enjoy it more."

As the words rang out, Lu Ziye slowly stood up from the flames and walked step by step in the direction of Asakura Wei.

"Huh?" Upon hearing the familiar words, Asakura Wei turned his head and looked at Lu Ziye.

The knight in front of me uses his moves and words everywhere. What is his purpose?

Whatever the purpose, he could feel his emotions rising.

But for Lu Ziye, the fun is to play in front of the owner.

"I won't pretend anymore, let's show off my cards. Danger, start it!" Lu Ziye touched his little hand, took out the Danger trigger and pressed the switch at the same time.

"Max Hazard On!"

The sound effect sounded, and the dangerous trigger was immediately inserted into the slot on the side of the Build drive.

"Are You Ready? (Are you ready?)"

"Uncontrol Switch! Black Hazard! YABEEI! (Uncontrolled switch! Black Hazard! Oops!)"

Two thick iron doors emerged, and at the moment they closed, thick black mist rose.

When the two thick iron doors opened, the dark knight once again returned to the mirror world.

But no one noticed that Lu Ziye was quietly wearing a dark red ring on his left middle finger.

"Interesting. Really interesting!" Wei Asakura put down the poison saber from his shoulder, and without any warning, his figure suddenly appeared.

Within a few steps, Asakura Wei arrived in front of Lu Ziye, and the poisonous sword in his hand was swept out.


The poison sword was swung out so fast that even Lu Ziye didn't make any movement.

"Falco! (Falco)"

The poisonous sword suddenly passed through Lu Ziye's body, and even his body turned into countless flying feathers.

Flying feathers surrounded Asakura Wei, and no matter how many times he waved the poison saber, he could not find Lu Ziye.

".It's really annoying." Wei Asakura stopped his movements and observed the situation around him.

But the moment he stopped, Lu Ziye's figure silently appeared beside him.

Asakura Wei also reacted very quickly, swinging the poisonous sword in his hand when Lu Ziye appeared.

Unfortunately, when Asakura Wei swung the poison sword, Lu Ziye had already thrown out his right hand first.

Bang-bang! !

"Potch Vent!" Lu Ziye voiced it himself.

He literally slapped Asakura Wei in the face, and with the power of the dangerous dragon lock, he turned around three and a half times and landed on the ground.

"This action also has feathers." Shinji Kido touched his head, as if a memory somewhere was being evoked.

But at this moment, for Wei Asakura, it made him extremely manic.

Asakura Wei stood up and threw the poisonous sword in his hand towards Lu Ziye.

Such an attack was too slow for Lu Ziye. He just moved his body to avoid the poisonous sword.

"Disappear." At this time, Asakura Wei pressed the poison summoning machine in his hand.

"Final Vent! (Final arrival)"


The chains on the Gene Exterminators behind Lu Ziye broke apart, and they were all sucked into the black hole in their abdomens.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, the one with the lowest success rate finally arrives."

As soon as Lu Ziye finished speaking, Asakura Wei opened his hands and jumped up after running a certain distance.

Asakura Wei twists his body in mid-air in order to increase the power of his kicks.

"Falco! (Falco)"

Just when Asakura Wei was about to kick, the inexplicable sound effect sounded again.

Among the flying feathers, Asakura Wei once again passed through Lu Ziye's body.

"It's none of your business here."

Asakura Wei watched helplessly as Lu Ziye raised his right hand, and then the slap gradually enlarged in his field of vision.

Bang-bang! !

As if a replay of the previous scene, the slap fell on Asakura Wei's face again.

It's just that this time Asakura Wei failed to fall, but fell towards his own contracted beast's black hole.

A little further away, Kitaoka Shuichi saw this scene and immediately rolled to avoid Akiyama Ren's slash.

"Asakura. You can only be defeated by me."

"Final Vent! (Final arrival)"

Finally, the Advent Card was put into the Colossal Summoner, and the Colossal Bull emerged from the ground. Even though Ren Akiyama was close to him, he did not stop putting the Colossal Summoner into the card slot.

Bang bang bang bang——!

The next moment, the giant bull spread out its weapons and unleashed its final arrival - End Of World!

The huge bull was launched with all the bombs, and all attacks fell behind the gene exterminator.

Boom! ! !

Unimaginable explosions and flames suddenly filled the space where everyone was.

".That's why I said I hate green." When the final warning came, Lu Ziye pulled out the dangerous trigger on the drive.

At the same time in the church.

Xia You had already wandered around in it for several times. After waiting around, he finally made up his mind.

"Sure enough, I still can't worry about Lao Lu. I'm going to go this time."

Then, Xia You stood in front of the nearest mirror, and the Amazon drive was quickly reflected in the mirror.


After drinking it lightly, Xia You turned the driver's handle and took a few steps back. A wave of purple flames suddenly exploded.

"Okay, let me think about it, how to say it." Xia You completed his transformation and came back to the mirror, "Yes, yes, Brother You, here to take someone in!"

After saying that, Xia You stepped directly into the mirror.

"Fuck! What the hell is this."

As soon as he entered the mirror world, Xia You saw flames and explosions coming at extremely fast speeds.

Without even giving him time to react, the explosion and flames instantly engulfed him.

Under the impact of the violent explosion, Xia You was directly submerged into the mirror behind her. The time from entry to exit should not exceed three seconds.

Bang bang bang——!

Xia You flew out of the mirror and hit a bench in the church.

The benches and various debris in the church were instantly swept away by Xia You who flew out.

It wasn't until he hit the last wall that he came to a complete stop, and the armor on his body was covered with a layer of dust.

"Hey, this isn't meant to attract people, it's obviously embarrassing." Xia You hugged her legs and huddled against the wall.

But immediately after, figures fell out of the mirror one after another.

Shinji Kido and Miho Kirishima flew out first, followed by Ren Akiyama.

However, not everyone returned to the church. Kitaoka Shuichi and Asakura Wei did not return to the church.

Compared to the others, Lu Ziye was the last to fly out of the mirror, but he twisted his body in mid-air and landed on one knee beautifully.

"Hoo Baihun!" Standing up, Lu Ziye gave full marks to his landing posture.

"what happened.?"

Soon, Lu Ziye discovered the emptiness of the church, and then found Xia You by the wall.

"I'm fine, I just feel a little uncomfortable." Xia You turned around and faced the wall.

"So you cleaned the church because you felt uncomfortable? I didn't realize it, but you love to be clean." Lu Ziye didn't know what happened, thinking that Xia You cleaned the church when he was bored.

"." This time, Xia You became even more silent, and her shoulders even twitched a little.

"It's okay. Just cry when you feel uncomfortable. Brother will be with you." Lu Ziye released his transformation and sat down next to Xia You.

On the other side of the church, Shinji Kido and others were leaning against the wall.

All of them were more or less injured, especially Kirishima Miho, who could be said to be the most seriously injured.

boom! !

Kirishima Miho's expression was full of unwillingness, and finally she turned her unwillingness into actions and kicked the chair in front of her.

"My strength alone cannot defeat Asakura Wei!" Kirishima Miho felt so uncomfortable that she shrank into a ball.

"Do you have any grudges with Asakura Wei?" Akiyama Ren asked.

Kirishima Miho is very targeted towards Asakura Wei, and it is absolutely impossible to say that there is no grudge.

"He killed my sister. There was no reason. He just thought it was fun." Kirishima Miho's eyes fell into memories, "And him, Kitaoka Shuichi is not a good person either. He defended Asakura Wei. "

For a moment, the only voice left in the church was Kirishima Miho's voice.

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