Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 67 I was careless and didn’t dodge!

In Xia You's view, Shinji Kido is the only justice in this battle of knights. So he respected the knight.

"Of course it's for dinner." Xia You responded immediately.

"I see. By the way, can you listen to me?" When Shinji Kido was about to say something, a figure trotted closer.

"It's so slow, Shinji." After saying that, Kirishima Miho came to Shinji Kido's side and interrupted what he was about to say.

"So slow? Are you kidding me?" Shinji Kido still had a little temper left, "And what did you mean by the phone call just now?"

"It's not a big deal, is it? You are obviously very happy, right?" Although Kirishima Miho was talking to Shinji Kido, her eyes always fell on Lu Ziye and Xia You.

"Okay, okay, let's go in quickly. I'll tell you the details later." As if deliberately evading, Kirishima Miho forcibly pulled Kido Shinji away.

"Lao Lu, Lao Lu, why don't you live up to your expectations?" Xia You couldn't help but smacked her lips, "Fuck me if you like it. It's fine now, just be snatched away!"

Hearing this, Lu Ziye silently took out the dangerous trigger and pressed the switch on the spot.

"Max Hazard On!"

"Fuck!" Xia You was so frightened that she quickly held Lu Ziye's hand, "Father! It's not that bad! You're kidding!"

"Come on, let's eat something first." Lu Ziye withdrew the dangerous trigger.

"Okay!" Xia You's eyes lit up instantly after hearing this.

You know, on the day they were following Kirishima Miho, he didn't even eat well.

Not to mention that he is a foodie when it comes to Amazons, but he can’t hold it back.

Immediately, Lu Ziye and Xia You walked into the restaurant. And sat down not far from Kido Shinji and others.

"One copy of this page." As soon as he sat down, Xia You hurriedly ordered his meal.

"You're pretty good at it." Lu Ziye looked at the ordering page and saw a dozen dishes, which gave him a little shock.

"Stop talking, the kids have been starving for the past two days." As he said that, Xia You even turned his attention to other dishes on the menu.

"." Lu Ziye silently gave a thumbs up.

But then, his eyes drifted to where Shinji Kido was.

"Mr. Shinji really loves Miho, right?" Sitting opposite Shinji Kido and Miho Kirishima was the man whom Miho Kirishima was deceived into marrying before.

Under these words, Kido Shinji obviously would not lie to others. Just as he was about to explain, he was held down by Kirishima Miho.

"Of course, we are in love now!" Kirishima Miho said and hugged Shinji Kido directly.

"Miss Miho, please stop talking. I'm asking Mr. Shinji." The man seemed to see something, and then his eyes fell back on Shinji Kido.

"Let's do this." Shinji Kido just spoke, and there was a spicy taste in his mouth.

"It's so spicy! What did you feed me?" Shinji Kido covered his mouth, while Kirishima Miho next to him immediately put down the spoonful of chili fried rice.

"Ah, here's the water!" Kirishima Miho quickly handed over the water.

But Shinji Kido took the water and put it all into his mouth, and a large amount of water fell on his chest.

"What are you doing? It's all spilled. It's not a child anymore." Kirishima Miho quickly helped Kido Shinji wipe away the water stains.

The man who saw this scene smiled meaningfully, quietly got up and left.

"Lao Lu, your smile is so vulgar." The sudden words made Lu Ziye look away.

"If you can't speak, you don't have to say it. I'm so cute that I'm making my aunt laugh!" Lu Ziye couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Auntie, you are so funny, so you are just taking CP." Xia You glanced in the direction of Shinji Kido and instantly understood the reason.

"No, don't you think they are a good match?" Lu Ziye asked seriously.

To be fair, Shinji Kido finally had a hint of a relationship, but he was pressed down by Ryuga who just appeared.

Sometimes he wondered if this was the reason behind Shinji's violent beating of Ryuga.

"I don't judge. I don't have any idea about love, love, love or anything like that." Xia You said, digging at the rice in front of her.

"Damn it. You've already eaten three plates!" Lu Ziye reacted suddenly when he saw three empty plates.

Before Xia You could speak, he grabbed the glutinous rice in front of him.

"Damn it, I was careless!" Xia You immediately bared his teeth at Lu Ziye, looking threatening.

On the other side, Shinji Kido and Miho Kirishima came to the cashier to pay.

"The gentleman just paid the money and said he wished you both happiness." "Tsugami Shoichi" behind the cashier made a crazy assist.

Just as the two of them walked out of the restaurant, Lu Ziye and Xia You stopped at the same time.

A brief tinnitus flashed through their ears, causing them to look at the glass window of the restaurant at the same time.

As soon as Shinji Kido walked past, a strange ripple appeared on the glass.

When the ripples calmed down, Shinji Kido's figure appeared inexplicably on the glass. From the perspective of Lu Ziye and Xia You, they could even see Shinji Kido showing a strange smile on the glass.

But Shinji Kido's back was already far away, and there was no way he could appear in that window.

".I'll knock it, damn it!" Xia You even forgot to chew, and all the noodles fell out of her mouth.

Just as Xia You finished speaking, Shinji Kido's figure disappeared from the glass window.

"Have you targeted him so early?" Lu Ziye muttered to himself as he narrowed his eyes.

He knew that Shinji Kido who appeared on the glass window was Ryuga!

There are different opinions on the reasons for the appearance of dragon teeth. The explanation in the official novel Advent is that he is the twin brother of Shinji Kido, but his brother died long ago, so Ryuga is actually the dual personality of Shinji Kido.

But it is also said that it was the mirror world created by Kanzaki Shirou in order to speed up the knight's battle.

Lu Ziye prefers another theory. As the first person to come into contact with Yui Kanzaki, Shinji Kido has some special characteristics, which makes him, like the Kanzaki brothers and sisters, the opposite in the mirror world.

But no matter which way you say it, Ryuga's combat power is undoubtedly strong.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be a famous saying - Longqi talks about reason, and Longya talks about physics.

"The battle will begin soon." Lu Ziye breathed out lightly.

With a thought, the virtual screen popped up. The number of people in the first phase of the task stayed at ten, and two more people needed to be eliminated!

"What...? The battle is going to start soon? Then I have to hurry up and eat, otherwise I won't have enough energy!"

After hearing Lu Ziye's words, Xia You immediately speeded up the cooking in her hands.

Seeing Xia You's look like he was going to starve to death if it was any later, he couldn't help but sigh: "It's a good foodie. If you grow more meat, it won't hurt if you get beaten in the future."

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