Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 68 Instead of turning around and running away, did you choose to attack me?

The light of the setting sun shone into the restaurant, but a group of people gathered around the dining table. No one cared about the time.

"I've never seen anything so delicious."

"Good guy, he will definitely become a great big eater."

"Hurry, hurry, it's already the twenty-fourth game!"

Surrounded in the center was the dining table where Lu Ziye and Xia You were sitting. Among them, Xia You ate even more fiercely without paying any attention to the people watching.


Sharp white noise suddenly sounded, causing Lu Ziye and Xia You to look at each other.

"Look what I'm doing, eating." Lu Ziye said and stood up.

"Oh." Unexpectedly, Xia You immersed himself in preparing to cook after hearing this.

"You really eat it, meow!?" Lu Ziye was stunned by such a performance.

Why don't you see this guy being so obedient usually?

"I thought we didn't care." Xia You muttered and took two more bites of meat.

"." It was the last time Lu Ziye was so speechless.

Then, he squeezed out of the crowd and walked out of the restaurant.

"Wait for me, Lao Lu!" Xia You was a little reluctant to part with the last plate, so she just squeezed out of the crowd with it.

After squeezing out of the crowd, Xia You kept accelerating to catch up with Lu Ziye in front.

"It's really not that serious. If you're really hungry, we'll come back!" Looking at Xia You who was running and eating next to him, Lu Ziye felt that his temples were bulging.

If others saw this, they would think they couldn't afford meat.

"Don't waste your fat. The last one is pinched." Xia You said vaguely with a mouth full of meat.

"We're here." Following the white noise, Lu Ziye and Xia You arrived at a shopping mall.

Through the glass outside the shopping mall, you can already see the reflection of the battle inside.

The four knights, Dragon Cavalry, Iron Soldier, King Snake and Night Cavalry, have already started fighting the Sword-faced Ghost.

"I'm telling you, don't explode around me!" Lu Ziye said while coming to the glass and taking out the Crozier.

"Then you go first." There were several pieces of beef on the plate that Xia You was holding, and he planned to finish it before eating.

Immediately, the Build drive was reflected on the mirror, and the moment the transformation was completed, Lu Ziye touched the glass and entered the mirror world.


Different-dimensional space flew past Lu Ziye's field of vision.

While resisting the mirror world, they saw Kirishima Miho falling lightly from mid-air.

"Asakura!!!" After lightly shouting, Kirishima Miho headed straight for Asakura.

Lu Ziye first took a look at the situation in the mall. There were not many sword-faced ghosts, but many of them fell to the ground after being knocked down.

There was a squirming movement behind the prostrate sword-faced ghost, and it peeled off its shell like an insect shedding its skin, revealing its complete appearance.

The whole body is mainly dark blue, the head looks similar to a spider at first glance, and the body has the characteristics of an arthropod.

[Raydragoon (Thunder Knight), Mirror Monster]

[Grade judgment: F+ grade]

[The dragonfly-shaped bipedal walking mirror monster is the growth form that appears after the Sword-faced Ghost sheds its skin. Able to fly at high altitudes and prey on humans, using the blades on the wrists of both hands as weapons]

[There are many, and they will hunt individually, but they will still attack in groups]

"Hey." Lu Ziye scanned the information in his eyes.

The thought of this thing being able to shed its skin again made him feel a little numb.

The number and attack power of its final adult form, the high-speed knight, gave him a headache.

Fortunately, the situation is not bad now. With Shinji Kido and Ren Akiyama here, it will definitely be no problem to deal with these mirror monsters.

Therefore, Lu Ziye decisively walked to the other side, heading towards the battlefield between Kirishima Miho and Asakura Wei.

When he arrived at the basement where the two of them were, they were already fighting.

"Guard Vent! (Guard Vent)"

As soon as the sound effect fell, a white wing shield appeared in Kirishima Miho's hand.

Immediately afterwards, the cloak behind Kirishima Miho unfolded like wings, and countless white feathers flew out from it.

But Asakura Wei didn't care about these goose feathers, and went straight towards Kirishima Miho with the poison saber in hand.

When the poisonous sword fell towards Kirishima Miho, under the sound of swans, Kirishima Miho's body suddenly fell into a piece of goose feathers and disappeared into the flying goose feathers.

"It's this damn feather again!" Wei Asakura was quite unhappy, and he swung the poisonous sword in his hand around randomly.

Obviously, the flying feathers reminded him of the previous battle.

"Asakura!!" Kirishima Miho suddenly rushed out from the side, stabbing Wei Asakura with the snow-white summoning machine in her hand.

However, Asakura Wei was already on guard, and the moment it appeared, he twisted his body to avoid the stabbing attack.

Not only was he experienced, but Kirishima Miho was too slow, making it easy for him to dodge.

Asakura Wei dodged and immediately put the advent card into the poison summoning machine.

"Advent! (The contract beast arrives)"

The next moment, the Viper King twisted his body and appeared behind Asakura Wei, and even opened his mouth to spit out venom, shooting it at Kirishima Miho below.

Seeing this, Kirishima Miho quickly raised the wing shield in her hand to resist.

But the wing shield instantly dissolved and disappeared when hit by the venom.

"Asakura. Why are you enjoying yourself?"

Lu Ziye's words echoed throughout the basement, causing Asakura Wei's movements to stop.

Following, Lu Ziye walked down from the entrance step by step until he finally stood in front of Kirishima Miho.

"Have you joined forces with that woman?" Asakura Wei's eyes swept over the two of them, "I don't care, as long as I can fight."

The moment he finished speaking, Asakura Wei threw away the poisonous sword in his hand and ran directly towards Lu Ziye, as if he didn't care about the loss in the last battle.


Asakura Wei's fist was held in Lu Ziye's hand.

"Oh, when you saw it was me, did you choose to attack me instead of turning around and running away?" Asakura Wei's actions did not surprise Lu Ziye.

Wei Asakura is such a person. Even if he has been defeated before, he will definitely find a way to regain his position.

"I will kill you this time." Asakura Wei said bluntly.

"Then you can give it a try." As he finished speaking, Lu Ziye suddenly exerted force on his hand and twisted Asakura's powerful fist down.

Suddenly, Asakura Wei's body spun and landed on the ground as his arms twisted.

The moment it landed, Lu Ziye raised his foot and stepped on it!


Asakura Wei rolled his body and managed to avoid it, but the ground was sunken by Lu Ziye's kick.

"Hiss!" Seeing that Asakura Wei was in a bad situation, the Viper King from behind immediately twisted his body forward and swung his tail towards Lu Ziye.

Lu Ziye dodged sideways, and the high-speed factory pipe emerged from the drive, calling out the sound terminator.

"Hippare! Hippare! (Pull)"

After pulling the lower part twice quickly, press the trigger.

"Million Hit! (Million Impact)"

The Sound Terminator immediately swung out, and a sound wave slash fell directly towards the Viper King.

Bang - bang bang bang!

The Sound Wave Slash landed on the Venomous Snake King's abdomen, sparks flying and several bombardments erupting.

Even the huge body of the Venomous Snake King was defeated continuously under the attack of this sound wave.

"Asakura, it's time to end this."

After saying this, Lu Ziye directly turned the joystick of the drive.

And at the same time. At the entrance of the basement, a dark figure was approaching everyone step by step

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