Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 69 It said, ready!

"Ready go! Dragonic Finish! (Ready go! Dragonic Finish!)"

The sound of sound effects echoed in the basement space, and the shadow of a blue dragon appeared behind Lu Ziye.

Wei Asakura, who had just stood up, immediately pulled out the advent card and put it into the poison summoning machine.

"Final Vent! (Final arrival)"

I saw a fluctuation in the ground behind Asakura Wei, and the metal horned rhinoceros rose from it.

At the same time, a rhinoceros horn-like weapon - a metal thorn horn - appeared in Asakura Wei's right hand.

In an instant, Asakura Wei jumped up, and the metal horned rhinoceros behind him immediately moved forward, putting his feet on his shoulders. The two instantly formed a heavy assault tank and attacked.


The air was torn apart with a roar, and the whole space was buzzing.

The charging speed was extremely fast, and he was in front of Lu Ziye in almost the blink of an eye. Lu Ziye only had time to throw out his right fist, but the metal thorn in Asakura Wei's hand hit his chest.

Boom! ! ! !

What followed was explosions and flames covering the area around Lu Zino.

Flames filled the area, turning a large area of ​​the basement into a sea of ​​flames, making it look like a scene from hell.

"It's really enjoyable to be a knight."

Asakura Wei stood up in the sea of ​​fire and enjoyed this moment very much.

"how so?"

A little further away, Kirishima Miho, who had witnessed everything, seemed to have lost all power and collapsed on the ground.

Could a knight as powerful as Lu Ziye not be able to defeat Asakura Wei?

At this moment, Kirishima Miho was gradually swallowed up by a sense of powerlessness.

"Fire! (Firefly)"

"Sparking Giraffe!"

Suddenly, an inexplicable sound effect echoed through the basement, surprising Asakura Wei and Kirishima Miho.

When the two of them looked towards the source of the sound, they saw Lu Ziye walking out from behind a structural pillar not far away.

"It's amazing. Just breaking my shadow can make you as happy as a child, Asakura."

When Lu Ziye walked out of the structural column, his fists were suddenly wrapped in flames, and arcs of electricity could even be seen flashing from time to time in the flames.

"Virtual shadow.?" Hearing this, Asakura Wei couldn't help but be startled, and then looked towards where Lu Ziye was.

Then he saw a gear-shifting chariot flying out of a sea of ​​fire, falling into Lu Ziye's hands on a winding track.

Even though Asakura Wei used the final arrival of the Metal Horn Rhinoceros, its output power still had a terrifying value of 250T.

He, Lu Ziye, was not stupid, so how could he try to pick it up? At this point, he really thought that two people would pick it up and end up being blown up on the spot.

".Hahahaha!" Asakura Wei suddenly laughed loudly.

But the laughter only lasted for a moment. When the laughter stopped suddenly, Asakura fiercely pulled out the new advent card. The pattern on the advent card was a magnet. It was the fusion advent of the exclusive king snake!

"Sure enough, I really want to kill you." As soon as he finished speaking, Asakura Wei put the advent in his hand into the poison summoning machine.

"Asakura, you have no chance." At the same time, Lu Ziye stuffed a full blue bottle into the card slot of the Sound Terminator.

"Gatack! Special Tune! Clock Up! (Gangdou! Special Tune! Time Up!)"

I saw a blue arc of electricity flashing on the Music Terminator, and the arc followed it and traveled all over Lu Ziye's body.

Everything around him slowed down when the electric arc reached the compound eye. In the flames that almost stopped, Asakura Wei was about to take a shot of the poison summoning machine.

"Wuhu. The familiar feeling is back."

While Lu Ziye missed him, he walked step by step towards Asakura Wei's place.

The moment Asakura's powerful hand came into contact with the poison summoning machine, Lu Ziye directly held his wrist.

"Clock Over!" The high-pitched sound effect sounded, and Lu Ziye deliberately ended the time-rising.

"Huh?" Lu Ziye suddenly appeared in front of him, and his hands that couldn't move made Asakura Wei briefly confused.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Ziye raised his knee and hit him with a knee.


Asakura Wei, whose wrist was grabbed, had no way to avoid it, and was instantly kneed in the lower abdomen.

Flames and electric arcs instantly enveloped his body, Asakura Wei suddenly curled up, and Lu Ziye also snatched the poison summoning machine away from his hands with his backhand.

"What the hell!" Wei Asakura covered his lower abdomen and squeezed out angry words from between his teeth.

But Lu Ziye didn't care. He raised his hand and threw the poison summoner behind him.

Seeing Asakura Wei struggling to get up, Lu Ziye immediately took a step forward, raised his foot and whipped out his whip leg.

Bang - boom! !

With a whip kick, Asakura Wei, who had just stood up, flew backwards and smashed directly into the wall.

The dual attribute power of flame and arc instantly filled Asakura Wei's body, completely engulfing him.

"Next, it's the contract beast."

After saying this, Lu Ziye turned around and walked behind him, and picked up the poison summoner.

Under Asakura Wei's gaze, he pressed the card slot of the summoning machine.

"Unite Vent! (Fusion Advent)"

The sound effect sounded, and the Viper King stood up first, followed by the Metal Horned Rhinoceros, and finally the Evil Diving Ray flew out.

With the metal horned rhinoceros as the center, the three contract beasts began to merge in the white light.

Lu Ziye threw away the poison summoner in his hand and turned the drive joystick.

".Damn it!" At this time, Asakura Wei, who was on the ground, stretched out his hand. He understood that Lu Ziye planned to kill his contracted beast. But even if he wanted to stop it, his body was completely paralyzed by the arc, and he couldn't even stand up.

But the lights on Lu Ziye's drive flickered, and a giant blue dragon appeared behind him.

"I want to fight!!!" At this moment, Asakura Wei tried his best to support his body.

"Ready Go! (Ready to go!)"

"It said it was ready." Lu Ziye turned his eyes to the side, and Asakura Wei walked toward him swaying.

The next moment, under Asakura Wei's gaze, he jumped up, and the blue dragon behind him spurted out dazzling flames, pushing towards the gene exterminator that had just completed the fusion.

Just for an instant, a blue shadow like a shooting star appeared.

Lu Ziye passed through the Gene Exterminator and landed lightly behind him.


The Gene Exterminator had just completed the fusion, and it exploded without even making a roar.

Countless fragments flew, even shattering the surrounding structural columns. The flames once again swept through the basement, and also swept through Asakura Wei not far away.

Under the impact of the flames, Asakura Wei rolled on the ground several times and then stopped. He lay on the ground and did not move for a long time.

"Then I'll leave him to you." Lu Ziye slowly came to stand in front of Kirishima Miho.

"Yes, thank you." Kirishima Miho witnessed everything. Although her mood was complicated, her goal of revenge for her sister was already in front of her.

Following that, Kirishima Miho held the snow-white summoning machine tightly and headed towards where Asakura Wei was lying.

"Asakura. I want to avenge my sister!!" Stopping two or three steps before Asakura Wei, Kirishima Miho raised the snow-white summoning machine.

"Come here!" Wei Asakura, who was lying on the ground, suddenly stood up and rushed straight towards Kirishima Miho.

In just two steps, Asakura Wei suddenly fell to his knees. The purple armor that originally represented the Viper King on his body dimmed, and he entered the blank state of a contractless beast.

"What's going on?" Looking at his hands, Asakura Wei had never experienced the state of a blank body.

Kirishima Miho would not let go of such an opportunity. The snow-white summoner in her hand stabbed directly at the card box in her abdomen.


The snow-white summoner hit, and the card box shattered like a mirror.

The kneeling Wei Asakura slowly fell to the ground, and the last blank armor on his body shattered and disappeared.

"Uncle, are you going to die? To be in a place like this. Hahahaha!" Wei Asakura, who was lying on the ground, muttered to himself, and finally burst into laughter.

When Kirishima Miho saw this, she turned around and left. She still had a promise to fulfill with Lu Ziye.

But there was a sudden sound of running behind her. Before Kirishima Miho could even turn around, she was pushed to the wall by a force.

"Fight, fight! Hahaha!" Wei Asakura pinched Kirishima Miho's neck, her mental state was completely crazy.

"Get out of the way!!" At this moment, a black shadow swept away and threw Asakura Wei directly out.

".Shinji?" Kirishima Miho was startled by the sudden appearance of a dark figure, but she relaxed a little after seeing the person.

What surprised her was that Shinji's armor seemed a little different in front of her. Was there so much black in Ryuki's armor?

"Yeah." The black shadow nodded and looked at the place where Asakura Wei was thrown out. It had completely disappeared.

At this time, Lu Ziye was leaning against the wall not far away. The moment he saw the black shadow, he stepped towards him.

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