Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 70 I’ve got you, I said so!

Lu Ziye stared at the black shadow and gradually approached Kirishima Miho and the black shadow.

At the same time, all the information about the black shadow appeared in his eyes.

[Shinji Kido (Mirror World), Mirror World Aboriginal]

[Grade judgment: D+ grade]

[Knight System: Ryuga (Dragon Teeth)-Ryuki Series (Dragon Rider)]

[It has a very similar posture to the Dragon Rider, and the number of equipment and cards is also the same as the Dragon Rider. However, the body color is black and the compound eyes are almost invisible. The coat of arms also adds a floating ominous atmosphere based on the dragon knight. The equipment is also different in color from the corresponding equipment of the Dragon Rider, but the AP of the advent card is one thousand higher]

[He has a strong fighting spirit and a bellicose personality. He has overwhelming strength even when facing the King Snake. He is good at attacking blindly with his natural fighting skills and weapons. His fighting acumen is extremely high and he is good at using tactics beyond common sense]

Lu Ziye stood still until he was three or four steps away from Long Ya.

"Dragon Tooth." Lu Ziye called out the black shadow's true name.

When Long Ya heard his name, he subconsciously turned his head and looked in Lu Ziye's direction.

"Ryuga...?" Kirishima Miho was confused for a moment, then looked at Lu Ziye and said, "What are you talking about? He is Shinji."

Lu Ziye first glanced at Kirishima Miho, coughed slightly and cleared his throat, and finally his eyes fell on Ryuga.

"Shinji Kido!"

"Why do you have a similar appearance to Dragon Rider?"

"Why is your armor pitch black?"

"Why did you save Kirishima Miho?"

"Could it be that he is?" Kirishima Miho looked at Ryuga, seeming to notice something was wrong.

"There is only one answer -!"

"Country Kaji! Because you are the reflection of Shinji Kido in the mirror world, and you are an aboriginal in the mirror world! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha-ahem!"

Lu Ziye couldn't smile and started coughing on the spot.

I couldn't help but respect Tan Lidou's good voice, and the maniacal laughter behind him really tested the skill of his voice.

"He is a native of the Mirror World. He is a liar, right?" Kirishima Miho looked at Ryuga in disbelief, and kept retreating away from Ryuga.

"How did you find out?" Long Ya's voice was very deep.

"I'm not blind." Under the mask, Lu Ziye couldn't help but roll his eyes.

Only Kirishima Miho and Akiyama Ren were relatively close people who could easily be deceived.


In an instant, Longya's compound eyes hidden under the horizontal grid lit up, revealing the most different thing from Dragonrider.

The compound eyes of Dragon Knight are downward and slightly protruding, but the compound eyes of Dragon Ya are completely hidden under the horizontal grid, and the direction of the compound eyes is also upward.

"Oh, you are full of fighting spirit!" Longya's compound eyes lit up, and Lu Ziye certainly knew the reason.

Only when the fighting spirit is high, Ryuga's compound eyes will emit red light.

"Miho, summon your contracted beast, and then leave the mirror world and give up." Although the words were addressed to Kirishima Miho, Lu Zino's eyes were fixed on Ryuga.

".I understand." Kirishima Miho slowly retreated to Lu Zino's side before pulling out the advent card from the card box.

"Advent! (The contract beast arrives)"

Under the sound effect, a loud swan call sounded, and the white-winged swan emerged from the ceiling and fell.

Although Kirishima Miho didn't want to give up, she knew very well that she alone would not be able to win until the last person standing.

Abstaining may be for the best, at least she can survive.

As for the contracted beast, if she is not killed, the contracted beast will continue to hunt her down.

It is precisely because of this that Lu Ziye asked Kirishima Miho to summon the contract beast.

"." After a brief silence, Kirishima Miho turned towards the car mirror not far from the basement.

As for Lu Ziye and Long Ya, they were fighting against each other, and neither of them had the intention to strike first.

It wasn't until Kirishima Miho's figure disappeared from the mirror that Lu Ziye took out the dangerous trigger from behind.

Ryuga has D+ level strength, which cannot be dealt with by him using Crozier Dragon. The power of Danger Trigger is necessary.

Not only that, he also took out two full bottles of Dragon Lock.

The power in the dangerous dragon lock state is unstable and will be forcibly ejected within a period of time. This is what Xia You told him.

So it's perfect to use it now, after all, he doesn't want to go on a rampage.

"Max Hazard On!"

First activate the danger trigger and install the driver, then remove the Crozier.

But this time, Lu Ziye made sure that Croziosaurus was in the bag.

"Dragon! Lock! Super Best Match! (Dragon! Lock! Super Best Match!)"

"Are You Ready? (Are you ready?)"

"I'm done with you, even Jesus can't keep you, I said so!"

After finishing his words, Lu Ziye raised his right index finger and tickled Long Ya.

Under such a provocative action, Longya moved instantly and ran straight towards Lu Ziye.

At the same time, two thick iron doors unfolded and merged towards Lu Ziye in the middle.

"Uncontrol Switch! Black Hazard! YABEEI! (Uncontrolled switch! Black Hazard! Oops!)"

As the black mist rose, Long Ya's compound eyes flashed in with a hint of red, and he swung his right fist directly at Lu Ziye among them.


Before Long Ya's right fist came close, Lu Ziye caught it in his hand.

"Why, didn't you eat when you came out!?" The moment he finished speaking, Lu Ziye's hand exploded with all his strength.

The clenched fist was twisted downwards, and Lu Ziye was followed by a knee strike and an upward thrust.


The movement came too fast, far exceeding Ryuga's reaction speed, and directly caused Ryuga's body to float into the air.

The dragon's tooth briefly floated in the air for a short period of time, which was enough for Lu Ziye to press the dangerous trigger and turn the driver.

"Max Hazard On!"

"Ready Go! Over Flow YABEEI! (Ready! Overflow state! Super dangerous!)"

Immediately afterwards, Lu Ziye released an arc of electricity on his right hand, and then punched Long Ya on the lower abdomen.

The dragon's tooth that had just fallen was hit in the lower abdomen by this punch, and floated upward again, but this time it floated much higher than the last time, and hit the basement ceiling on the spot.

When the dragon's teeth fell, Lu Ziye had already assumed a kicking posture.

The moment the dragon's tooth fell in front of him, his right foot swept out like lightning.


The sweep hit Ryuga, but Ryuga flew backwards with his arms in front of him, which obviously gave him time to block when he fell.

However, Lu Ziye ignored the flying dragon teeth and turned to look at the white-winged swan beside him.

Before leaving, Kirishima Miho gave the order for the White-Winged Swan to stay put.

"Ready go! Hazard Finish! (Ready go! Hazard Finish!)"

As the sound effect fell, Lu Ziye's right foot also fell together.

Bang - boom!

His right foot landed on the white-winged swan and was immediately shattered into pieces in an explosion of flames.

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