Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 71 Longya: I never provoked you!

Just when the white-winged swan disappeared completely, the virtual screen suddenly popped up in front of Lu Ziye.

[The player triggers the hidden challenge mission—Contract Beast Killer]

[This challenge side task will be settled after completing the challenge in Knight’s Realm]

[Kill four Knight Contract Beasts - Level A (Completed)]

[Kill five Knight Contract Beasts-S-level (unfinished)]

[Kill six Knight Contract Beasts - S level (unfinished)]

[Kill eight Knight Contract Beasts - S+ level (unfinished)]

"Hey, I'm a good boy, you're starting at level A!" After scanning the information on the virtual screen, even Lu Ziye couldn't help but sigh.

His eyes immediately fell on the last item, killing eight knight contract beasts.

In other words, all existing knight contract beasts must be killed by him to complete this mission!

"Isn't this embarrassing?" The thought passed briefly, and Lu Ziye shook his head slightly.

He can think of ways to deal with other contracted beasts, but the dragon knights and night knights in survival form are difficult to deal with!

"Sword Vent! (Sword is coming)"

The sound of sound effects echoing through the basement immediately brought Lu Ziye back from his thoughts.

Following that, he saw Long Ya walking towards this side holding a dragon saber in his hand. Its bright compound eyes are extremely eye-catching in the dark basement!

"By the way, to increase the danger level, think about what makes you angry first."

Seeing the dragon's teeth gradually approaching, Lu Ziye began to activate his thoughts crazily.

When Kudo Rinne was kidnapped, Aoife Enoch kissed with a disaster smile and a sensitive ghost mystery operation.

".Bleach! I can't stand it anymore!" Lu ZiZhi's anger was rising sharply.

Even the armor on his body began to rise with thick purple-black mist. Surrounded by the purple-black mist, Lu Ziye's figure swayed and instantly swept towards the dragon's teeth in front of him.

Upon seeing this, Ryuga immediately pulled out an Advent Card and put it into the Jet Black Dragon Summoning Machine.

"Max Hazard On!"

"Ready Go! Over Flow! (Ready! Overflow state!)"

Before Long Ya could pull back the jet black dragon summoner, his hand was held by Lu Ziye who was bullying him.

Ryuga reacted very quickly, and almost the moment he was pulled, he swung down the dragon saber in his hand.

The dragon saber was swung by, and Lu Ziye reached out to catch the blade!


The collision between the blade and the gauntlet immediately sparked a burst of sparks.

But as if Lu Ziye didn't feel anything, he raised his foot and kicked Long Ya in the side.

Long Ya immediately counterattacked, raising his feet to touch his knees, hoping to interrupt Lu Ziye's movements.

It's just that Long Ya's thoughts were too normal, and Lu Ziye, whose anger level was approaching full, had no intention of stopping.

Bang-bang! !

With two muffled sounds, Long Ya's body tilted and hit the structural pillar on the side.

Lu Ziye's figure did not move at all. Instead, he walked directly towards Long Ya who was about to get up.

As Long Ya stood up and was about to close the jet black dragon summoner, Lu Ziye grabbed him by the collar and pulled him up against the structural pillar.

The fist condensed with purple-black mist then landed on Longya's face!


A dull sound immediately echoed in the basement.

But Lu Ziye had no intention of stopping, and the hand on his collar suddenly let go.

Just as the dragon's teeth were about to fall, scorching flames suddenly rose from his fists.

"Fire! (Firefly)"

The power of the Six of Diamonds Awakening Card was activated, and his fists fell back and forth towards Ryuga's chest.

Bang bang bang bang bang.!

The entire basement space was filled with the muffled sound of falling fists, with almost no gaps.

"Tell me. Why do you do those dirty tricks!"

Every time he pumped his fist, Lu Ziye kept mumbling.

Longya:? ? ?

But he could clearly feel in his body that the other party's power was constantly increasing. It seemed like he was really angry at him.

It's just that he didn't understand that it was the first time he met the knight in front of him, and he had never provoked him before.

The next moment, a punch with the thickest purple-black mist was blasted out!


The sound of this punch echoed in the air of the basement for a long time.

The structural pillar behind Ryuga could no longer bear it. It was completely penetrated by one punch, and Ryuga's body flew backwards from it.

"As long as I win this battle, I can live in the real world."

Ryuga, who was lying on the ground, slowly stood up and finally closed the long-opened black dragon summoning machine.

"Strike Vent! (Strike Vent)"

I saw Ryuga raising his right hand, and a dragon-head-shaped weapon fell from his right hand.

"Scissors! (Scissors)"

"Beat Closer! (Music Terminator)"

Amidst the two sound effects, Lu Ziye held the Sound Terminator in his hand, and the sword was wrapped with strange blue energy.

The next moment, Long Ya suddenly swung his right fist, and a blue-black fireball suddenly erupted from it, falling straight to where Lu Ziye was.

As the blue-black fireball was about to approach, the Musical Terminator in Lu Ziye's hand suddenly swung towards the fireball.


The blue-black fireball was split into two on the spot, and the two halves of the fireball fell behind Lu Ziye.


Explosions and flames filled the area instantly, but Lu Ziye was already running towards Longya.

Seeing this, Ryuga drew a new Advent Card again and put it into the Black Dragon Summoning Machine. But this time, his movements were much faster, for fear that he would be interrupted if he moved slower.

"Final Vent! (Final arrival)"

Immediately afterwards, a jet-black dragon flew out from the side and surrounded Long Ya.

Ryuga was also surrounded by the jet-black peerless dragons. Ryuga's body slowly floated into the air. When he raised his left foot, the jet-black peerless dragon behind him suddenly spurted out purple-black flames.

At the same moment, the jet-black peerless dragon sprayed out a ball of flames, locking the approaching Lu Ziye's feet in place.

With his feet fixed in place, Lu Ziye couldn't move even if he wanted to dodge.

"My time of victory has come!"

Long Ya, who was drinking lightly, suddenly kicked off his left foot, and his speed suddenly increased again.

"I've been waiting for you to finally arrive for a long time," Lu Ziye, who was standing there, suddenly said.

Even if Ryuga senses something is wrong, the final coming that is released cannot be stopped.

In an instant, the Music Terminator in Lu Ziye's hand suddenly swung out into the air in front of him. When it was swung down, it left a slash mark in the air. The slash mark sank crazily into the air, and began to collapse and submerge until a ferocious crack was torn out!

".What is that?" The unexpected situation happened, even Longya was frightened.

The crack appeared right in front of Lu Ziye, and Long Ya was unavoidable.


I saw Longya covered with blue and black flames, and his whole body submerged into the crack.

"Little brother, you've been fooled!" The restraint under Lu Ziye's feet disappeared, the energy on the Sound Terminator disappeared, and the cracks began to slowly heal.

"I want to win." Dragon Fang's deep voice came from the crack, but it soon disappeared as the crack healed.

"Next is you." After handling the dragon's teeth, Lu Ziye's eyes naturally fell on the jet-black peerless dragon.

But the next moment, the jet-black Wushuang Dragon swung its tail and hit the ground.

Just the moment it touched the ground, the ground rippled like water, and the jet-black Wushuang Dragon also disappeared into it.

"Huh? Escaped...?" Lu Ziye was slightly startled by the action of the jet-black peerless dragon.

"Dragon Ya... shouldn't be able to get out of this kind of space." Under the mask, Lu Ziye frowned slightly.

The thought passed by so quickly that it was useless just to think about it, so I simply stopped thinking about it.

"Hey, but the time of the dangerous form seems to have been extended." Lu Ziye looked at his hands, his mind was very active.

But the next second, there was a sense of trance in my mind. This sense of trance was a sign before losing control.

"I don't need to say this anymore, right?" Lu Ziye quickly pulled out the dangerous trigger on the drive and let out a long breath.

After looking at the dilapidated basement, he turned around and headed towards the previous shopping mall without stopping.

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