Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 72 Try it and I’ll die!

Walking out of the basement, Lu Ziye suddenly stopped.

Turning to call out the virtual screen, his eyes also fell on the first stage of the mission.

[Complete the first stage of the mission: Eliminate the remaining Kamen Riders until there are eight people (the requirement for eight people has been met, waiting for settlement.)]

"The King Snake has been eliminated, and if you add Dragon Tooth, it should be the case." Lu Ziye glanced at the message, feeling a little relieved, and then dragged Xiao Mingyao towards the mall.

"After the dangerous triggers and strong emotions have been raised, I don't know how high the danger level has been."

Lu Ziye muttered and thought about himself. His expectation is that the danger level can reach 4.0.

Of course, this is just an expectation. After all, it is not that easy to increase the danger level.

Kiryu War Rabbit basically relies on props to increase the danger level. Wanzhang Ryuuga has both item and mood improvements, which are much faster than Kiryu Sento.

Even in the middle stage, it once exceeded the danger level of Kiryu Sento. The reason is that the vampire factor in Wan Zhang Long Ga also contributed a lot.

"I wonder if I can get the vampire factor." Thinking of this, Lu Ziye couldn't help but sigh.

If he wants to have combat power beyond common sense, the vampire factor is indispensable.

Unless you can get the 'Phantom Liquid', but that thing only appeared in the late-stage story of Build. Take it from the rewards of the game, who knows how long it will take!

"Maybe this is life." While sighing, Lu Ziye arrived not far from the previous shopping mall.


Before Lu Ziye could get close, a flame burst out from it and shattered all the glass outside the mall.

"Good guy, is there a gas leak inside?" After complaining, Lu Ziye still trotted towards the mall.

When he entered the mall, he saw a dilapidated scene. Even the center of the mall was extremely charred, as if it had been through a war!

At this moment, a familiar figure fell from above.


The figure landed directly in the center of the shopping mall, smashing the floor into pieces. The depression, which was several meters in diameter, was quite shocking.

Lu Ziye immediately stepped forward, swept away the rising dust with his hand, and looked at the person lying in the depression.

In the center of the depression, there lay a knight in silver armor. It was Xia You, whom Lu Ziye was most familiar with.

"Yu, what are you doing here?" Lu Ziye squatted down and poked Xia You who was lying down.

"What are you talking about! Am I going to jump off a building? It was that green knight who attacked me!" Xia You stood up and said through gritted teeth.

"You said Iron Soldier, then there's no need to worry about you." After hearing this, Lu Ziye stood up immediately.

He was telling the truth. Although the Iron Soldiers' final arrival was very powerful, it had not killed anyone, so there was no need to worry about Xia You's safety.

". Hearing you say that, I feel very sad. If you don't give me a prop, I might not be able to get up." After saying that, Xia You lay back in the depression again, and even crossed his hands on his chest, as if Peaceful look.

"Come on with me, right? That's just right. You lie down and I try the full-effect knight kick." After saying that, Lu Ziye took out the danger trigger, scissors memory, club jack awakening card and other props.

The next moment, Xia Youyou jumped up from the ground at a speed that was extremely fast.

"Hey, guess what? I suddenly felt better!" Xia You said while jumping up and down, showing off her good condition.

"That's a pity. I haven't tried the effects of using all the props." Lu Ziye sighed deliberately and took back the props.

".You didn't really think about it just now, did you?" At this moment, Xia You was sweating profusely.

"Your healing ability is so strong, you'll be fine if you try." Lu Ziye gave a thumbs up.

".Yeah, yeah, try it and I'll die."

As soon as Xia You finished speaking, another figure fell from above.

The figure is almost completely black, except for the armor on the chest that is silver with a blue edge, and the head is similar to a medieval knight's helmet. And he is the Knight (night rider) in Dragon Rider.

I saw this falling figure, the cloak behind it unfolded, turning into flying wings to slow down its speed, and finally landed lightly on the ground.

"I said, are you really not playing bungee jumping in a team?" Xia You first, followed by Ye Qi, Lu Ziye made a bold guess.

"The iron weapons on top of the hammer are so powerful that they can't get close at all." Xia You couldn't help but want to roll his eyes.

"Oh, let me go see what's going on!" After hearing this, Lu Ziye became excited instantly.

"Go on, go on, I'll wait for you below." Xia You was sure that Lu Ziye would be beaten down, so she simply waited where she was.

Immediately, Lu Ziye jumped towards the top of the shopping mall. Just as he was taking off, Ye Qi flew past him, making Lu Ziye feel envious.

"After bullying us honest people who can't fly, I'm going to make a flying prop." Lu Ziye, thinking to himself, jumped to the sixth floor and landed, then jumped from the sixth floor to the final tenth floor.


After landing at the highest point, Lu Ziye looked at the battle not far away.

There the dragon knights were entangled with the iron soldiers, while the night knights were looking for opportunities to attack behind the dragon knights.

"Stop fighting! There is no need for knights to kill each other!" Shinji Kido in the middle tried his best to persuade.

"Shinji, get out of the way!" Ren Akiyama from behind was pulling Shinji Kido.

"Kido, it's your business if you don't want to fight. Can you please stop messing with us?" Kitaoka Shuichi also shouted sharply.

Lu Ziye, who was witnessing this, touched his chin with his right hand: "It's strange. Shouldn't Kitaoka Shuichi retire from the competition at this time?"

In his impression, Kitaoka Shuichi withdrew from the Mirror World and abstained from the Knights' War after being stabbed by Kirishima Miho.

But now Kitaoka Shuichi looked full of fighting spirit, which really puzzled him.

Could it be said that Kitaoka Shuichi changed because of the joining of their players?

Or is it still not the time for Kitaoka Shuichi to abstain?

"No matter what, Kitaoka Shuichi, I want your contract beast!" In an instant, Lu Ziye ran towards the direction of the three of them.

"Ready go! Vortex Finish! Yeah! (Ready go! Vortex Finish! Yeah!)"

Lu Ziye, who was running away, turned the driver on the way, and a blue flame fireball suddenly condensed on his right hand on the side of the dragon.

The fireball was thrown directly by Lu Ziye and fell directly between the three of them.


As the fireball fell, there was an explosion in the position between the three people.

The exploding fireball swallowed up three people on the spot, but because Lu Ziye was slightly off the mark, Kitaoka Shuichi on the side was affected in a particularly large area.

I saw Kitaoka Shuichi flying upside down on the spot and hitting the wall behind him.

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