Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 73 Then I’m going to cheat!


With the rumble of the impact, Kitaoka Hide's entire body was about to sink into the wall.

Shinji Kido and Ren Akiyama were much better, but they were affected by the impact of the explosion and were thrown away.

"Are you calling me Iron Soldier?" Lu Ziye just finished speaking.

Kitaoka Shuichi pulled himself out of the wall, pointed the huge summoner in his hand at Lu Ziye and pulled the trigger.

Bang bang bang bang!

The huge summoning machine spurted out tongues of fire, and countless bullets instantly poured into Lu Ziye.

Lu Ziye reacted very quickly and immediately turned around and hid behind the column beside him.

Even though Lu Ziye found a bunker, Kitaoka Shuichi's movements showed no intention of stopping, and countless bullets continued to hit the column.

"You also want to win the knight's battle, right? Then we are the same."

"Shoot Vent!"

Along with Kitaoka Hideichi's words, there were also sound effects.

When he heard the sound effect, Lu Ziye's body began to move. He didn't think that the column behind him could block the bombardment of shooting.

Just as Lu Ziye thought, the moment he saved the column, the huge launcher in Kitaoka Shuichi's hand fired an energy cannonball.


The previously hidden column was shattered in an instant, and even after penetrating the column, the energy bomb shattered several columns and flew out of the mall.

"Fortunately, I hid quickly." Lu Ziye couldn't help but muttered after seeing this scene.

In terms of settings, the high-pressure energy bombs fired from the huge launchers are extremely powerful and can destroy a tall building with one hit.

"You're out." Kitaoka Shuichi turned the huge launcher, obviously preparing to fire another shot at Lu Ziye.

"You're still here...? Then I'm going to cheat!" Seeing this, Lu Ziye immediately took out the steel bucket full bottle and replaced the long full bottle in the drive.

"Gatack! Clock Up! (Gateck! Time Up!)"

Under the rotation of the driver, tachyon particles instantly flowed through Lu Ziye's body, and the original compound eyes on the side of the dragon changed into the shape of a catalpa-shaped insect.

At this moment, everything around him slowed down, and only Lu Ziye's body maintained its original speed.

Lu Ziye was seen running, arriving in front of Kitaoka Shuichi as quickly as possible, and kicked the huge launcher away from him with one kick.

Another punch was thrown out, hitting Kitaoka Shuichi on the lower abdomen. While letting his body hang in the air, he reached out and pulled out the advent card from the card box.

"Oh, you're lucky." The advent card Lu Ziye pulled out from the card box was the card for the advent of the contracted beast.

Seeing that he had drawn out the card he wanted, he first took off the huge summoning machine from Kitaoka Shuichi's waist, then added a kick and sent it to the nearest glass.

"Clock Over! (End of rising time)"

The sound effect sounded, and the surrounding area suddenly returned to its original state, with only Kitaoka Shuichi flying straight into the distance.

"Advent! (The contract beast arrives)"

Lu Ziye closed the giant summoning machine in his hand and used the contracted beast's advent card.

But when the sound effect fell, Kitaoka Shuichi also landed on the glass mirror, and left the mirror world with a ripple of water.

The huge summoning machine disappeared in Lu Ziye's hands, but in front of him, the huge bull slowly rose from the ground.

"Beigang, just give up when you get out." With that said, Lu Ziye replaced the Longman bottle and turned the drive rocker.

The rising giant bull immediately noticed that Kitaoka Shuichi did not exist, and all the weapons on his body were activated in an instant.

"Ready go! Vortex Finish! Yeah! (Ready go! Vortex Finish! Yeah!)"

On the other hand, Lu Ziye was one step faster than the giant bull. A blue fireball quickly condensed in his right hand, and fell directly on the giant bull as he swung it out.


Unlike before, this time the blue fireball actually landed on the giant bull.

Immediately, it overturned the huge bull to the ground, and even slid on the ground for several meters before stopping.


Along with the sound of the machine, the huge bull moved on the ground and tried to get up.

It's just that it's set up so it can't act on its own, so naturally there's no way to stand up again.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that the giant bull was still moving, Lu Ziye could only take out the Musical Terminator.

It's okay to take one round of vortex ending. Naturally, he won't do it again. It's a waste of time and will only make Kitaoka Shuichi return.

"Scissors! (Scissors)"

"Fusion! (Elephant)"

"Sparking Giraffe!"

Lu Ziye did not hesitate to use three enhancements. He wanted to kill the giant bull with one blow.

The blade of the Sound Terminator was suddenly covered with extra energy, and the three additional layers of enhancement made the blade look extremely gorgeous.

Standing at the waist of the giant bull, Lu Ziye raised the Music Terminator in his hand.

At this moment, Kitaoka Shuichi stood back in the mirror world, standing not far away.

"Maybe it's not bad to enjoy the rest of your life." Kitaoka Shuichi didn't stop him, muttering to himself as if to persuade himself.


At this time, the musical terminator in Lu Ziye's hand fell, and it easily cut into the body of the giant bull.

The energy on the blade was released instantly, and the electric arc covered the body of the giant bull. With the slashing function of the scissors, the body of the giant bull was cut into two pieces. Even the ground that it accidentally touched was easily destroyed. The penetration left a slash mark.

Boom! ! !

The gigantic bull failed to survive the blow and was turned into fragments in the explosion flames.

Not far away, Kitaoka Shuichi's armor gradually faded away, and the originally huge bull crest on the card box also disappeared.

"Then, let's make another date with Miss Reiko." Kitaoka Shuichi muttered, turned around and disappeared into the glass beside him.

The flames caused by the explosion gradually subsided, and Lu Ziye's eyes fell on Shinji Kido and Ren Akiyama in the distance.

He had a bold idea in his mind, but he didn't know if it could be implemented.

Immediately, Lu Ziye walked towards Shinji Kido and Ren Akiyama.

When the two saw Lu Ziye coming towards them, they both assumed fighting postures. They saw the giant bull being killed, and in addition to the overwhelming situation they faced against Asakura Wei before, the fighting ability of the person in front of them had to make them wary.

Just as Lu Ziye approached the two of them, the virtual screen suddenly popped up.

[Congratulations to the players for completing the first phase of the mission and starting to grade the first phase of the mission]

[The rating is completed, the rating result is - S level]

[Because we are currently challenging the realm of knights, players will be rewarded for their unique characteristics]

[FullFull RabbitTank Bottle (Shake the Rabbit Tank Bottle): A prop developed for the purpose of controlling dangerous forms, a dual-form prop with rabbit and tank]

"Can I play God of War Tank?" The moment he saw the reward, Lu Ziye grinned from ear to ear.

Immediately he accepted the reward, and the long bottle appeared in his hand.

However, his power naturally activated, showing its complete information.

[FullFull RabbitTank Bottle (Shake the Rabbit Tank Bottle): A prop developed for the purpose of controlling dangerous forms. It has a dual form prop of rabbit and tank. This bottle can keep the transformer in a dangerous trigger-filled state for a long time, so the technical skills and operation requirements are extremely high]

"Ah, are you going to do some manipulation?"

Lu Ziye was stunned for a moment, and then thought that when Katsuragi came to his senses, he really couldn't keep up with the latest Build technology.

After that, I was able to make good use of the power of the rabbit form by adjusting the bottle.

Thinking of this, Lu Ziye wasn't too worried. If he couldn't control it, then spend more time getting used to it!

[The first phase of task rating has been fully completed, and the second phase of tasks is now announced]

[Second phase mission: Survive until time comes to start]

【Wish you a happy game】

Looking at the virtual screen that popped up again, Lu Ziye's face turned dark under the mask.

What's special is another survival mission. You have to survive until time comes to activate. Think about the sky full of high-speed knights before the ending. How can they live with their heads? !

Have fun playing the game, this dog game is not fun at all.!

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