Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 74 Use your cool brain to think of a solution!

"Before the high-speed knight sheds his skin on a large scale, destroy the core mirror first?" After calming down for a while, Lu Ziye immediately began to think actively.

But if you really say that, it is very likely that Odin will appear in advance, or even directly stop him, and there is a high probability that he will not be used when time comes.

Worse still, Kanzaki Shirou will even choose a new knight to besiege him. You know, Verde has not appeared yet, so there is a high probability that Kanzaki Shirou has these cartridges in his hands.

"If the core mirror idea doesn't work, how can we deal with Yui Kanzaki and force the time to come?"

As soon as the idea came up, Lu Ziye rejected it.

Although the method is feasible, it is too cruel for Kanzaki Yui, and he will not consider it until there is no other way.

"Hu Zao knew that the final mission was this, so he should have left the giant bull alone." Lu Ziye let out a long breath.

To deal with large-area mirror monsters, the heavy firepower of the giant bull is very useful, but no matter how sad it is now, there is no way to revive the giant bull.

At this moment, even Lu Ziye felt a sense of powerlessness. The plot line of Dragon Knight is really difficult. Unless Kanzaki Shirou figures it out by himself, it would be a dead end.

At this moment, a figure landed on the top floor, it was Xia You who came up: "Old Lu, why can't I understand the second phase of the mission?"

"To put it simply, it is the organizer's method. You can understand that the previous efforts were in vain and the game will be restarted."

Lu Ziye didn't have much time to explain, so he could only use the most direct words to explain.

"What the hell! The game is restarted? Then why don't we work hard and find a place to have fun and forget it!" Hearing this, Xia You even wanted to make a show of it on the spot.

"Once it reopens, we will be counted as entering reincarnation, let alone clearing the level!"

Seeing that Xia You was about to show off, Lu Ziye immediately greeted him with a slap in the face.


A slap on Xia You's shoulder immediately made her sober up.

".Then what should we do? Lao Lu, use your crazy brain to think of a solution!" Xia You faced the problem squarely. Although her mind was active, she couldn't think of any solution at all.

"I have an idea, I don't know if it works." After thinking for a short time, Lu Ziye came up with a plan to gamble.

"Tell me about it...?" Xia You suddenly became energetic after hearing this.

"That's it. I need all of them to abstain, leaving me alone." At this point, Lu Ziye stopped.

He paid attention to the glass around him. Shirou Kanzaki must have been watching what happened in the mirror world.

The complete plan must not be revealed here

"That's it?" Xia You was briefly confused after hearing this.

But I immediately understood that Lao Lu definitely had something else to say next, but it was just not convenient to say it.

"I support you. No matter what you think, just do it." Xia You hesitated for a moment, and then extended his fist to Lu Ziye.

Seeing this, Lu Ziye also stretched out his fist to collide with him.

"In addition, there should be other players left. If you can get them to give up, then give up. If not, they will be eliminated." Lu Ziye began to explain Xia You's actions, "When you finish it, you will give up and leave the knight battle, but there will definitely be mirror monsters. If I want to fight, don’t enter the mirror world. If you can’t transform, just find a room with absolutely no reflecting objects and wait for me.”

"Okay, I'll go now." Taking note of Lu Ziye's words, Xia You immediately left the mall.

After Xia You left, Lu Ziye set his sights on Shinji Kido and Ren Akiyama again.

Shinji Kido and Ren Akiyama watched the entire conversation between the two. Although they did not hear the entire content, they heard Lu Ziye's words that he was the only one left.

"Fight, I will not give up victory." Before Lu Ziye could get closer, Qiu Shanlian expressed his thoughts directly.

Shinji Kido next to "Len" was confused.

He had seen the previous battle between Lu Ziye and Kitaoka Shuichi. Kitaoka Shuichi was not killed, but was simply killed by the contract beast, and lost the power to continue participating in the knight battle. This result was actually acceptable to him.

After all, without a powerful knight, it would be difficult for the knight's battle to continue. But the only person who couldn't worry was Qiu Shanlian beside him.

"Shinji Kido, do you remember that 'the guy with the golden feather will appear behind you anyway'?"

Lu Ziye stopped a few steps away from the two of them and looked at Shinji Kido.

When he used the Falcon Magic Ring earlier, he noticed something strange about Shinji Kido.

The plot version of the story connects to the middle of the true ending. He needs Shinji Kido to remember what happened before!

"What are you talking about?" Shinji Kido was a little confused and had no idea what Lu Ziye was talking about.

"." Ren Akiyama glanced at Shinji Kido and said nothing.

As if he had made up his mind, he tightened his grip on the darkness summoning machine in his hand and stabbed towards Lu Ziye.

Seeing the darkness summoning machine coming, Lu Ziye immediately dodged sideways and fixed Qiu Shanlian with his hands to prevent him from continuing to move.

"Think carefully! What did the knight with golden feathers do?" Lu Ziye, who imprisoned Ren Akiyama, shouted softly at Shinji Kido.

The words "Knight with Golden Feathers" seemed to stimulate Shinji Kido, who squatted down holding his head.

"Shinji!" Seeing Shinji Kido's painful look, Ren Akiyama struggled violently, "What did you do to him!?"

".I remembered." Suddenly, Shinji Kido stood up.

"The knight with golden feathers used the Time Arrival Lotus. We have experienced several knight battles." Shinji Kido clenched his fists, and his whole aura was a little chaotic.

"Shinji. What are you talking about?" Akiyama Ren no longer struggled, but looked at Shinji Kido blankly.

"The knight with golden feathers said that he would make corrections and the person who survived in the end would fight that knight." Shinji Kido's memory gradually became clearer and he told what he knew in many reincarnations, "Len, we have failed a lot. This time, you and I both died."

"." Qiu Shanlian didn't speak again.

Even though he didn't admit it with his mouth, he regarded Shinji Kido as a friend in his heart.

At this moment, Lu Ziye suddenly took action and rushed out of the mirror world with Qiu Shanlian.

The moment he rushed out of the mirror world, Lu Ziye pulled out Qiu Shanlian's card box and turned around to enter the mirror world again.

All this happened so fast that Qiu Shanren couldn't even react.

Returning to the mirror world, Lu Ziye looked at Shinji Kido who was still standing there.

"Quit the knight battle, I will find a way to let everyone survive."

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