Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 75 Brother, you know

Chapter 75 Brother, you know.

"Quit the knight battle, I will find a way to let everyone survive."

After hearing this, Shinji Kido still stood there without any intention of speaking.

"Can you really let everyone survive?" As if to confirm, Shinji Kido asked extremely seriously.

He doesn't care about the knight's battle, let alone the final victory. He just wants everyone he knows to live well.

"To be honest, I'm not completely sure." Lu Ziye didn't hesitate and told the truth directly, "You also know that golden knight. I don't think any knight can be sure of defeating him, right? But as long as there is a slight possibility, I also want to try have a look."

"That's it, I understand." Shinji Kido didn't expect Lu Ziye to be so sincere.

Based on what Lu Ziye did before, he was willing to believe it once. Even if he lost the bet, the worst he could do was to do it all over again!

"Do you want me to abstain?" Shinji Kido said after making up his mind.

"Well, in addition, I need you to take care of Kirishima Miho and Akiyama Ren. Kanzaki Shirou will definitely send mirror monsters to attack you." Among all people, Lu Ziye dared to say that Shinji Kido may not be the most reliable, but he is definitely the most trustworthy.

"I understand." Then the two of them confirmed and left the mirror world together.

After leaving the Mirror World, Shinji Kido handed the Dragon Knight card box to Lu Ziye.

"Pay attention to safety." After accepting the Dragon Rider card box, Lu Ziye watched Shinji Kido leave.

And he went to the nearby subway and headed to Room 401 of Qingmingyuan University.

That is where the Knight War begins, and where Kanzaki Shirou will definitely appear.

"It's simple and unpretentious. Maybe I'm the knight who takes the subway to participate in the final battle?" Sitting on the subway, Lu Ziye couldn't help but complain.

at the same time.

Kido Shinji met Akiyama Ren. After his explanation, Akiyama Ren still had a cold face.

Ren Akiyama participated in the Knight War to resurrect his girlfriend, and he did not want to give up even if there was only one chance in ten thousand. But now he was forced not to participate, which made him very unwilling.

"Len, I've called Kirishima Miho, and we'll meet you at the Hanaji restaurant later." After finishing his words, Shinji Kido looked at Ren Akiyama and said.

"Shinji, is it really okay to believe in people like that?" Akiyama Lian didn't have a good impression of Lu Ziye, and that despicable method couldn't make him any better at all.

"What he said is very true. I want to try to trust him." Shinji Kido said this but he didn't feel confident.

However, Lu Ziye said something before leaving, which he didn't quite understand.

He said that you have not changed anything, the number of sacrificed knights has doubled, and there will be no more new knights sacrificed.

During the conversation, the two of them had already arrived at the Huaji Restaurant.

Yui Kanzaki happened to walk out of it. After seeing Ren Akiyama and Shinji Kido, he walked directly towards them.

"Len, you were deceived by my brother." Kanzaki Yui said, preparing to tell the truth about the knight war. "Maybe my brother said that whoever wins will get a new life. In fact, that life is for me."

As soon as he said this, Qiu Shanlian had a dazed look on his face.

"As I said before, my life is what I got from the mirror world. But that life is about to disappear." Speaking of this, a sad look appeared on Yui Kanzaki's face, "So, brother wants to find it for me new life."

"Impossible! Then why is it related to the battle of knights?" Akiyama Ren couldn't accept this statement.

Even though he had guessed something from Shinji Kido's words before, and now it was confirmed again with Yui Kanzaki, he still couldn't accept it.

If it is true as the two said, then wouldn't his previous constant fighting be in vain? How can he save his unconscious girlfriend?

"Brother, you want to select the strongest life and give the strongest life to me." Yui Kanzaki already had a rough answer.

".Why Yui must die." Shinji Kido already knew it from his memory.

But every time, Yui died in front of him, and he had no choice at all.

"I believe in Kanzaki Shirou's promise." Ren Akiyama said suddenly, "I will definitely return to the battle of knights."

After saying this, Qiu Shanlian turned and left without entering the Huaji Restaurant.

"Len" looked at Ren Akiyama's leaving figure, Shinji Kido didn't stop him.

He knew that Akiyama Ren needed time to calm down, and before that, he only needed to wait a little.

Shinji Kido returned to Hanaji Restaurant, waiting for Ren Akiyama and Miho Kirishima.

Just as he sat down, he saw the Sunny Doll that Kanzaki Yui had made previously. Some images of the familiar Sunny Doll flashed through his mind.

At this moment, a look of astonishment appeared on Shinji Kido's face, and he remembered. When I was a child, I played with Yui and agreed to meet up again the next day.

However, he missed the appointment because of rain.

Yui, who did not wait for him, entered the mirror world and lost her life because of it, which led to the current knight war.

"It was me who harmed Yui and everyone." Thinking of everything, Shinji Kido fell to his knees, tears flowing uncontrollably.

"That's right, everything started because of you." The shadow reflected on the glass slowly walked out and came to Shinji Kido.

And he was the dragon tooth that Lu Ziye threw into other dimensions.

"Do you want to save Yui's life? Accept me, we will become the strongest knights and win the final victory. Yui will be saved by us!" Ryuga's voice was low and gentle in Shinji Kido's ear. Said slowly.

Shinji Kido seemed to hear only Yui being saved. At this moment, he nodded and made up his mind to save Yui.

Seeing Shinji Kido nodding, Ryuga showed a slight smile on his lips. But that smile was full of evil intentions and excitement.

"Shinji, here I come~" Kirishima Miho's voice sounded, and she immediately opened the door and entered.

But then his eyes were shrouded in white light. In the white light, he could vaguely see Shinji Kido entering another body.


As the soft ringing in his ears fell, Shinji Kido looked at Kirishima Miho with evil intentions on his face.

"Are you a rural fake?" Kirishima Miho was influenced by Lu Ziye and shouted.

"Shut up! My name is Ryuga! The knight from the mirror world!" Kirishima Miho said, almost letting Ryuga break through.

The next moment, as if to prove it, he took out the black dragon tooth card box from his pocket.

"Sure enough, it's you, Country Kaji! You were not eliminated." Kirishima Miho witnessed the battle between the two after leaving the mirror world.

"Don't call me Rural Assassin again!!" Longya shouted softly, but quickly calmed down, "You are no longer a knight, and there is no point in talking to you."

Then, Ryuga turned to face the mirror, transformed and walked into the mirror.

"Kanzaki Shirou, I'm so hot!" Lu Ziye shouted carelessly as he kicked open the door of Room 401.

However, after a while, there was no sound.

"Knock, you kid is trying to be aloof with me, aren't you?" Lu Ziye narrowed his eyes slightly and sat down on a chair nearby.

"Kanzaki Shirou, you don't want your sister to get hurt, right? I am a ruthless person who can do anything." After the words fell, there was still silence in the room.

"Why don't you come out?"

"Brother, you know, I haven't held a girl's hand since I was a child. I think I have."

Before Lu Ziye could finish his words, a figure suddenly appeared and stood in front of him.

"Don't attack Yui!" At this time, Kanzaki Shirou's eyes changed, and he locked onto Lu Ziye as if he was looking at an enemy.

"Sure enough, all the weaknesses of sister control are common." Seeing Shirou Kanzaki appearing, Lu Ziye took out Crozier Dragon, "I am the last knight."

But Kanzaki Shirou shook his head slightly: "No, there is still him."

As the words fell, ripples appeared in the mirror next to Kanzaki Shirou. Immediately afterwards, dragon teeth as black as ink stepped out.

"I'm back from hell, Lu Ziye!" Long Ya waved his right hand from the card box, holding an advent card between his fingers.

His fingers moved slightly, and the advent card suddenly turned over towards Lu Ziye, showing the advent card.

In an instant, the entire room was wrapped in flames, and the fire in the displayed advent card rose and rolled, reflecting the golden wings in the center with a golden glow.

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