Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 76 Rabbit Rabbit! Super dangerous! Super fast!

Seeing the Fiery Survival Card in Longya's hand, Lu Ziye was not surprised at all.

Longya dared to show up here so brazenly, it should be because he had merged with Shiroto Shinji.

Shiroto Shinji had the Fiery Survival Card in his hand, and the two had merged into one, so it was normal for him to use the Fiery Survival Card.

"Okay, it's just a little trouble."

Lu Ziye stood up, the Crozier in his hand glowed, and the Build driver appeared at his waist.

But he put the Crozier in his hand away and took out the Shaking Rabbit Tank Bottle instead.

"It's better to use this to deal with you."

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Ziye shook the Shaking Rabbit Tank Bottle in his hand, and took out the Hazard Trigger with his other hand and pressed it.

"Max Hazard On!"

The Shaking Rabbit Tank Bottle in his hand flashed red light and made a strange sound effect of "diudiu".

Seeing this scene, Longya's hand holding the Fiery Survival Card paused.

But then, the black dragon summoner on Longya's right arm was wrapped in flames, and turned into a black dragon summoner II in the flames. Its appearance was similar to the dragon rider survival form dragon summoner II, and the only difference was the color.

The fire survival card was also put into the front port of the black dragon summoner II.


When the mouth of the black dragon summoner II merged, a dull sound sounded.

The surrounding flames immediately swept over Longya's whole body, and in the flames, the armor on his body was gradually changed. The upper part of the head was dyed with a layer of gold, and the two dragon whisker-like antennas on the forehead extended outward. The armor on the chest became more similar to the dragon. Each part of the armor was outlined with a golden edge. It can be said that the texture of the overall armor was improved by several levels.

On the other hand, Lu Ziye turned the shaking rabbit tank bottle under Longya's gaze.


Unlike Longya's low sound effect, Lu Ziye's sound effect was more exciting.

Then, the shaking rabbit tank bottle was pulled out, and then the two ends of the gold and silver collided and merged, emitting a little red light.

"Rabbit \u0026 Rabbit!"

The shaking rabbit tank bottle was put into the drive, and Lu Ziye immediately turned the drive joystick.

"Are You Ready?"


Two heavy iron doors extended from the drive and merged towards Lu Ziye in the middle.


"Over Flow!"

The heavy iron door opened, and the black mist gushed out, showing that Lu Ziye inside was still in the extremely black armor.

"I have seen this look before." Longya said, and immediately rushed towards Lu Ziye.

But the next moment, a rabbit-shaped component jumped out from nowhere and kicked Longya in the chest, instantly kicking him back to his original position.

"Young people will suffer if they are too impatient."

The rabbit-shaped component fell back in front of Lu Ziye, and he kicked it apart without hesitation.

"Red Speedy jumper! Rabbit Rabbit!"

The moment it was kicked apart, the rabbit-shaped component fell to Lu Ziye's limbs and chest. The limb armor had a spring-like posture, and the chest had Build's iconic emblem in the center of the crimson armor. The face armor that flipped down from the back had rabbit-like light red compound eyes.

Not only that, behind him, there was an acceleration scarf similar to rabbit ears!

"YABEII! HAEEI~! (Super dangerous! Super fast!)"

After the last sound effect fell, Lu Ziye's armor was completely new.

"Wow, this sense of power is more sufficient than the usual dangerous form!" Covered with the new armor, Lu Ziye's experience was completely different from the past.

".Nothing more." In Longya's opinion, Lu Ziye in a new state did not give him too much pressure.

It can even be said that there is not enough oppression as the previous all-black form.

Instantly, Lu Ziye took the lead and moved forward with deep red energy surrounding him.

The surrounding scenery was pulled instantly, and the distance between him and Longya, which was nearly ten meters, was shortened to the closest distance in the blink of an eye.

But Lu Ziye's body was pushed by this force, and he felt a little out of control, and fell directly on the wall beside Longya.


A loud noise suddenly resounded throughout the room, leaving only a human-shaped hole on the wall.

"Ahem. Let's do it again." Lu Ziye waved his hand to fan away the dust in front of him, and he was not embarrassed at all.

"." Longya took this scene in his eyes and felt embarrassed for Lu Ziye.

"Your power seems to be out of your control." Longya's voice fell, and the whole person ran towards Lu Ziye in an instant.

I saw that Longya's fist was very fast, and it was about to fall on Lu Ziye's face in the blink of an eye.

But Lu Ziye was covered by crimson energy, and when his fist was about to fall, he shook his body and left a trail of afterimages to avoid it.

"What?" Longya was briefly shocked. He couldn't even catch the complete movement of the strange action just now.

Before Longya could continue to be surprised, Lu Ziye's right fist had already been swung from the side.

When Long Ya saw this, he immediately took a step back, trying to avoid Lu Ziye's right fist.

However, Long Ya's retreat was still in progress, and Lu Ziye's right fist fell suddenly as if accelerating.

Bang - boom!

Lu Ziye's right fist landed on the side of Long Ya's face, sending him flying backwards on the spot.

The flying dragon's teeth hit the wall behind him, instantly shattering the wall and piercing it.

It wasn't until it flew dozens of meters away that the dragon's tooth landed on the roof of a building in the distance.

"What kind of power is that?" Long Ya quickly stood up, and he could clearly feel the pain on his face.

The key point is, how come the right fist suddenly accelerated, and the punch that obviously felt powerless hit him with unimaginable power!

Before he could think about this problem clearly, Lu Ziye's figure had already swept out of the opened hole, turning into a red shadow and landing not far away.

However, the moment Lu Ziye fell, he jumped forward twice as if he almost fell over before he regained his balance.

"It's so difficult to control." Lu Ziye couldn't help but complain as he stabilized his body.

Compared with the previous dangerous forms and Crozier, the body in the form of the twin rabbits seemed to be out of control. The scenery in front of him was pulled and deformed in an instant, without giving him a chance to react, and he fell into the position originally intended.

"How about using Tantan?" Lu Ziye couldn't stand the speed of the twin rabbits.

He was afraid that if he did it a few more times, he would start vomiting in the armor. In contrast, Tantan's heavy firepower stance output is more suitable for him!

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